Wednesday, August 1, 2007

One Week and One Day

Isn't the title of my post brilliant?

Another day of instability for little Isaac. They'll be doing his next echocardiogram on Saturday so we'll know then if the medicine has done it's job. Aside from that complication, they also think he may have some kind of infection. We're still waiting for all of the results. He also received his third blood transfusion today. (Deep sigh). Truthfully, I try not to think about any of this. I'm staying away from the informational booklets at the hospital and the vast research on the internet. This is completely out of character for me--I'm usually scouring the net for answers. All the research and knowledge in the world have absolutely zero impact on Isaac's outcome. Don't get me wrong, I am forever indebted to the staff at Aultman Hospital for giving my son phenominal care. And, if not for medical advancements, he would have no chance at all. What I am saying is God is in control of Isaac's life. I have NO control. My time is much better spent praying and spending time with Hannah. So this is what I'm doing.

Hannah and I stopped in to visit Isaac this morning and this evening. I chatted with his nurses and Hannah took her shorts and shoes off. We went to the mall and to Target...anything indoors because it was super hot here again today. We also spent some time at the home of one of the staff from the NICU. She was very kind to let us come over and let Hannah play with her kids. It was a nice break for both of us. Tonight Hannah took a bath with bath crayons that a friend sent to us in a care package. She'd never used them before and she loved it. Drawing on the much better can life be for a 2-year old?!

Since Isaac is in no condition to be transferred, we are anticipating being here 2-4 more weeks. We're trying to figure out what's next. Right now, it's costing us about $140/day for the hotel and food. Once Isaac is cleared to be transferred, we estimate the cost of the flight to be around $7,000. Unfortunately, since his transfer would not be medically necessary, just for convenience sake to get him to Grand Rapids, insurance will not cover the transfer. What we anticipated to be about a $10,000 adoption is now in the realm of $21,000-$23,000. How ironic that one of the reasons we stayed away from international adoption was the cost. God is laughing, I just know it.

We have some friends facing some significant life changes, as well. They lost their 3-month old daughter 2 years ago today. Then, this past January, Josh, a 30 year old husband and father, was paralyzed in a swimming accident. (You can follow their blog at

When I think about the life events and losses we all face, I think about Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

No matter what obstacles we face, God has no intention of hurting us, rather, he has plans that are far greater than we could have ever imagined. I don't know what God has in store for Josh and Shelly, but I can guess it's far better than they could have ever imagined. I look forward to the day when God reveals to them his true intentions.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany and Hannah!!
Your Kelsey neighbors are loving your posts, as right now that is the only way we can keep in touch...I can't wait until all of you come home :) Isaac is so cute, and Hannah is adorable as usual. Keep your spirits up Tiff and Jason, you both are doing an amazing thing...hmmm...too bad there isn't any Beaners you all!!

Allison said...
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Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that were thinking about you and praying for you.

Dave B.

Anonymous said...

A new day, the heat should be breaking, and Jason will be on his way; hang in there and find the joy in every gift. Hannah looks like she is hanging in well. What a blessing to have her smiles to help you through each day.

Sarah said...

I follow Josh and Shelly's blog occasionally but do not know them and had to follow the link to check this one out. My biological son (we have 3 boys, 2 were adopted) was born at 24 weeks, 2 days. After a very rough start, Owen is now a "normal" 4 year old. Prayer and God will get you through. I know how stressful the NICU is and I know how difficult the adoption process can be, I can't imagine how strong you must be to be dealing with both at the same time. God Bless!!!

Deanna said...

Hi! I found your blog through Josh and Shelly's (even though I don't know them either!) Know that I'm sending up prayers on your behalf and for your precious Isaac. We have an Isaac at our house, too (age 1). After three miscarriages and lots of trips to specialists.... he is TRULY our miracle and brings MANY LAUGHS! Praying in faith for the days ahead when your Isaac is running around and giggling, too!!!! Blessings to you today!!!

m.e. said...

Hi Tiffany, Jason, Hannah and Issac. Praying for strength for you as Isaac is taken care of in OH. I haven't been at Greenhouse in a few weeks due to illness and just found out about everything from Shelly's blog. I'll bookmark and keep up with you guys now too so that I can pray for your specific needs. For now I will pray for Isaac's lungs and that Dr's are able to control any type of infection putting him in danger. I will also pray for your family's stability as Jason is apart from you. May the weekend bring you together so your team is "whole" again. BTW, bath crayons sound so cool. Why didn't I have those when I was 2?!?!?! What a gip :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Tiffany,

I am sorry I couldn't reply any sooner.

I really think you do well. Coping with everything. I just know that you can do it. You are such a strong and loving woman. And I also know that in whatever way this whole situation works out, GOD knows what HE's doing. Even though we don't understand it at this time, things may look absolutely weird and make no sense at all, someday you can turn back and say "Ah, I know why this or that happened!".

Both your shorties will have the best mom they could ever get. And the best dad of course :)

Much love,

Anonymous said...

What a great picture of Hannah, I can tell that Mom is doing a great job with her 2 year-old. We all know that it is a time of testing the waters. I love you and leave you with this regarding Isaac's unfolding situation, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." Psalm 34:24. Give Jason my love when you talk with him and give Hannah a hug and kiss from Nana

Anonymous said...

My name is Pam Souter. I just went through a VERY similar situation. My little Isaac (I'm not kidding!) was born just over 8 weeks early, but was only 2 pounds. I went through the NICU thing too. Reading your blog brings back such vivid not-too-long-ago memories.

My Isaac had a neighbor in NICU who was only 15 oz, and she did very well. Went home shortly after Isaac did. Our GOd is an awesome God and can do all things.

A very shortened version of my story...just to witness to you God's as follows.

Fertility issues - miscarriages, ect. We got pregnant with twins (with help of fertility drugs). My little Faith Nicole didn't survive. Baby Isaac's outcome was uncertian and they took him by emergency c-section when he, too, stopped growing.

Yada yada, NICU for a long time, ect. About one month after Isaac came home (at 4 pounds), I developed blood clots in my lungs, a collapsed lung, pleural effusion, and cardiomyopathy (heart failure). I was told my outlook was not good. Through much prayer, God fixed I'm back to running again, and my little Isaac is almost 18 pounds.

My main reason for telling you all this is that I want you...

1.To know that miracles still happen - just stay strong in your faith.

2. Most people can only imagine what you're going through. I've been there and TOTALLY understand how NICU can be...not knowing what condition you'll find your son in, not knowing if you should be making nursery decorations or funeral arrangements.
I was lucky enough to have a person who had been there force herself into my life to help me through. I'd like to offer the same to you. SOmetimes it helps just to talk to someone who knows exactly how you feel.

Please, please, write to me at We can exchange phone numbers....?
Also, our blogspot is
(keyword: babyIsaacTomas)
It may help you to read about our journey - starting Sept 06.

God's blessings to you and your Isaac. My Isaac and I will add you to our prayer list nightly!

Anonymous said...

Hi all of you, This gram has not figured out how to do this "blog" thing but hopefully this one will come through. Tiff you have not mentioned Isaac's weight. Has he gained a "little" or not or did he drop a couple of ounces after the birth. Is he still taking the 2 ozs of formula and tolerating it? PaPa had his first eye done today and did good.

Keep the faith and of course, Praise The Lord for his goodness and mercy.

Lots of Love to ya all, Gram and PaPa.