Sunday, December 2, 2007

Isaac started on a 22 calorie diet instead of a 20 calorie diet today at 3pm. We're hoping his gut can handle the extra processing it needs to do with the increase in calories. He is not eating enough to gain weight, right now, and it's important for him to be able to grow when he goes home--this is what the extra calories can do for him. He did not start eating much more after his TPN was taken away so these extra calories will have to do until he decided he wants to eat more. We're still hoping for a Tuesday discharge. His nurse just said his blood sugar this evening was 50--the lowest it's allowed to be. He also has a new doctor who has never met him before which complicates matters a bit. Please pray he continues to do well and meets his marks so Tuesday can be the start of our life together as a family.

Next, thank you to all of you who have given me suggestions about where to find financial support. I am very familiar with WIC as we utilized their program for Hannah and Moriah. The first step, however, is to get Medicaid, which makes you automatically eligible for WIC (how adoptive families receive this benefit). As soon as we can, we will be applying for Medicaid in Michigan. This is all part of a very complicated scenario involving two states, two adoption agencies and the differences between how everyone operates. There is also another program, Children's Special Health Care Services (in MI), who I've chatted with several times, that will help organize things such as OT and PT, among other things. Rest assured, as soon as I possibly can, I will be utilizing all the support systems available to adoptive families and families with special needs children.

Less than 48 hours away from going home, every potential setback is overwhelming. I'm trying not to think worse case scenario, but I don't want to be blind-sided. I sent most of our things home with Jason to make sure we have room for the four of us and our essentials on Tuesday. I feel like we're living on the edge of two lives...and it's difficult to say goodbye to my friends, here, because we're going home and they're not. It's all very sad.

I look forward to blogging from home on Wednesday. I'm not losing hope, yet, for Tuesday, but my anxiety level will probably be off the charts until we actually pull into our driveway.


Anonymous said...

Hey there "girl" cool your jets!! There is nothing you can do or anyone else other than Christ!! He is going to be in charge and guess what, the best is going to happen!! I "know" it is easier said than done as I have said several times before but we are all out here praying for God's will in all of this. We are not in your shoes and do not want to be but there are so many out there that have been. Tiff, TRY and believe it will all work out! And guess who will get all of the Glory?? Christ Himself!! You & Jason will be the first ones to do it as you will know before the rest of us and then we can "ALL" Praise The Lord over and over again.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

Hey me again, I do not mean to suggest that you are wrong in being apprehensive about all of this. It is "NORMAL". "I" am to just wondering what is going on.

Papa is wondering where I am at as we are watching a Christmas show. Life Time has been having a lot of them on. Those of you out there with family's might want to check it out.

Love ya, Gram

Family Brooks said...

Wow, congratulations. We heard the great news at church tonight and we are so excited for Isaac to be joining the Greenhouse family! We continue to pray for strength as you bring this precious little gift home! May God continue to bless you as your journey continues!

Jane said...

praying, praying, praying for you guys!!!

and love gram & papa's post. God's timing while in the storm appears to be flawed, but once through the storm, we ALWAYS see how He was protecting us and taking care of EVERY need that we did not even know about. Breath and pray....He WILL take you home, all four of you together, in His time.

I know, easy for me to say...I've never been in your shoes. True. But I have been in storms none the less.

Praying in SC

Katie said...

I really hope tomorrow is the day for you! I'm not sure if MI has it but BCMH (Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps)might be able to help with formula costs too. Isaac would automatically qualify because he's a preemie. I think you can apply for it thru the WIC office. The hospital might be able to help you apply before Isaac is discharged too. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to see Isaac's little eyes. He looks great and Hannah always looks like such a little sweetie. I will be praying that all goes well today and that you will be on your way home tomorrow. Love in Christ, Carol

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

In Ohio, we didn't have to have medicaid to get WIC... much easier here than in MI. Bummer. We just showed the WIC office a copy of our placement agreement/custody papers and told them our boys weren't adopted yet and they signed us right up as long as we didn't recieve any child support of any kind (snarky comment: if they knew my boys' birthfather... they'd laugh at the idea of child support at all... snarky comment over now).

Isaac is such a cute boy! You will have a tough time keeping him from getting kisses! (probably for the next 30 years!!!) I wonder if once he gets HOME and realizes he can move his arms and legs without tubes, if he'll actually work himself up some sort of appetite. Hannah will be his best resource for therapy; her smile and energy looks contagious!

We're praying! Can't wait to see that little man eating you out of house and home... ribs, hotdogs, fries, chicken nuggets... it won't be long.

Heather said...

Hello! I thought I'd drop a line instead of just reading! It is so exciting to see the progress your little boy has made. I've been reading your blog since you started amazed that a child born at that age could live!!! What a handsome little guy he has become!! And what a MIRACLE!! I'll continue to keep your family in my prayers... Especially for you for Tuesday's discharge!

Anonymous said...

I am anxious to hear what Isaac's blood sugar is today and that it is Home Tomorrow!!

Love ya, Gram

Anonymous said...

You are on your way, just keep praying. Love Mom