Monday, December 10, 2007

Well, Isaac continues to think he needs a pacifier. He'll suck like crazy for a few seconds on his hand, realize it's not what he wants, and howl away. He's turning out to be a little fussy. I keep reminding him of his alien abduction like life up to last week and it doesn't seem to remind him how lucky he is to be out of the hospital and in the loving arms of Mom and Dad.

Hannah loves Isaac the most when we're not holding him. She continues to feel left out and second, although we're very diligent in reminding her of our love for her.

These continue to be our two biggest battles.

I made a nice Beef Roast for dinner last night and had Beef Stew for dinner tonight. Yummy!

Isaac had an appointment with the eye doctor today and it went well. The doc feels his eyes are doing well. His visiting nurse came today and he weighs 7 pounds 11 ounces. He sure is packing it on! No worries about weight gain here, folks!

Jason and I are settling in; learning how to live together again. After being apart for so long, it takes some time to adjust to life together again, plus one.

Overall, I think we're feeling good. Tired, of course, but adjusting.

I'll try to get some pics of the kiddos for tomorrow's post. In the craziness, it's difficult to remember to take pics, too!

Love to all.


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

When we picked up Nolan from Cradle Care in TN, he was already addicted to the binkie. I had always said I would NEVER have a child on a binkie... famous last words. He's 40 inches tall, 45 pounds, 2 years old and still taking a binkie. sigh. He's pretty good about giving it up when we ask him (like out in public where people say "why is that 5 year old (b/c he's so big) having a binkie") but at home, he's a suck-a-holic.

On the plus side... it keeps him quiet and it soothed him as a baby. Our last baby is also addicted because we got them so close together that we just plugged them both.

Ozzie has a different comfort item. He has shards of a blanket he carries with him everywhere to rub on his nose. It's smaller but it's still goofy-looking.

Good luck with the binkie thing. If Isaac won't take another comfort item, there are worse things than a binkie.

Give the kiddos hugs from their Ohio e-friends.

Katie in Dalton (pics of my boys on new blog)

Anonymous said...

You know...if he should stop putting on weight he's more than welcome to have a couple of my pounds-too-many :P

So you're settling in? That's good. I am glad you do. And I am glad you're getting used to being at home again.

Love, Maxi

Jane said...

i'm with Maxi....I have some pounds I can donate to Isaac!

Sounds like you are living a normal life! So glad to hear that!

still praying in sc

Anonymous said...

Well it sounds like life is "normal" at the Evans house that is great.

He sure is gaining! It sounds unreal to me but it has been a long time since we have been around newborns. At this rate he will play catch up sooner than expected. PTL!!

Everything going along okay here. We are staying in here because of the weather. It looked like you were getting a mess there in the Grand Rapids area.

Lots of Love, Gram & Papa

Janet said...

Miss you! :O) Glad to hear things are getting back to "normal"! Don't sweat the pacifier too much - there will be bigger battles! (Although I'm totally feeling ya on that one!) Lots of Love to you all!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes babies just have the overwhelming urge to be sucking on something. Don't know why it is calming to them. I have 5 kids and every one has had a pacifier. At the age of 1 we started "weening" them and only let them have it in bed. Katie is right, there are way worse things! While YOU may not want him to have one, it sounds like that's what HE wants, and if it helps him to not cry, why not let him have it?(not being negative, just a seasoned moms advice to staying sane!)

Anonymous said...

I am a pediatric occupational therapist who works with premie babies. Pacifiers can be a very good thing. They help to strengthen the suck, stimulate the mouth, and soothe the baby. They are easier to take away than a thumb and cause less dental problems! I usually recommend taking them away at 9 months adjusted. At this age they are able to self soothe and attatch themselves to something else... like a blanket. He is precious and I am so glad to see him doing so well. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

If you google breaking the pacifier habit you will find many sites with suggestions. One thing I did learn by reading some of them was that they have found that pacifiers can help prevent SIDS and that they are very often given to premies they found that they even help premies gain weight faster. Go figure there are good things about pacifier use.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes babies are really good at "telling" us what they need,we just don't hear them. My daughter was also a preemie hooked on a pacifier when she came home. After walking, swinging, swaying, shhhing in her ear, music, car rides, rides on the DRYER in her carseat, patting her back/bottom...nothing worked,I finally gave up. She is now a happy, good natured, 9 month old baby who only takes her pacifier when she is sleeping. I also heard/read the information on preemies and pacifiers and it helped me feel better about giving up.

Anonymous said...

Let him have a pacifier. What is so wrong with them? They are meant for babies. Make your life easier. There will be bigger battles:-)

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Goodness, Girl. Don't worry too much!! Hang in there and don't sweat the small stuff!! Pacifiers will make life easy until he transitions to a blankie or something else! Pacifiers and preemies seem to go hand in hand. Why break him 'cold turkey' when he has had it as his continual comfort since birth in the Neonatal unit? Gradually he'll be comforted by you guys....for now, hang in there and know that you are surrounded by prayers...You're doing a great job. Remember that...

Anonymous said...

Hey there Tiff, I know that you are getting a lot of different stuff as far as the pacifier is concerned. BUT!! Apparently Isaac does not know how to "continue" to suck so he has to have someone "stand" over him and continue to put the "plug" in. I know that you have nothing against pacifiers as you had them with Hannah for a while to. BUT!! If I hear you right he does not know "yet" how to keep it in his mouth so I can understand where you are coming from. He and you have to learn what is important and at this point in time you also need down time and sleep. So weaning him off the pacifier is your way of keeping your sanity DO it!! We all have to do what we have to do to make things "great" in our lives. You, Jason keep doing what you think is right. If it is wrong you will eventually learn that also and know not to repeat it. RIGHT! We all learn as we go along raising children. I can say that as of today "our" children have issues as to how we raised them, what was going on in our lives 30-40 years ago. Needless to say in the face of GOD himself we did the best we could and it continues today!! They are adults, we have grandchildren and now those beautiful "greats" and life will continue to go on for them. We will continue to wonder and be interested in all of their lives. I can say this for all of the grandparents, great grandparents and of course Mom's in the world today. If I left you out forgive me but we all have one interest in life, We "Love" our family and would do anything for them.

Well as you might expect this is from (?) Gram!!!!!!!!!!