Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Another Day in Paradise

Ok, well, maybe it would've been paradise if we were on a tropical island enjoying a little R&R instead of in the Midwest heat wave but we're trying to look on the bright side, right?

Last week, I noticed a day care center for the hospital and inquired in the NICU. They said it was for employees. There's been a lady at the hospital helping to meet my needs in the area so I called her and if she could hook us up--she did! Hannah spent a couple hours there today while I went up to the hospital to see Isaac. I even had a quick lunch all to myself. It was really nice. I'm planning to utilize the daycare a few times a week. She seemed to like it. I asked her tonight at bedtime if she wanted to go to "school" again tomorrow and she asked if there would be lunch again...I said yes. She was excited!

Tonight, the NICU hosted a Preemie Parent Meeting so Hannah and I went together. We got to make name tags with different colored ribbons. Every color represented a preemie complication: from PDA's to feeding issues. We had to use the ribbons that represented Isaac's complications. I wasn't sure if I should be proud or not, but Hannah and I had six different colored ribbons! It was nice to talk with other families who are/were experiencing the same things as we are. I had one major takeaway from the meeting: this is going to be a long road. Seriously.

Do you like the diaper picture? The small one is Isaac's diaper and the big one is Hannah's--she wears a size 4. Crazy amazing, huh?

The nurses were going to try feeding Isaac again tonight. I will find out if he tolerated his feedings in the morning. My gram asked again about his weight...I forget what he's at. He's fluctuating because he's not tolerating his feedings and because he was just treated with a diuretic....he's 2 pounds something. Sorry. He's on antibiotics for the pneumonia for 10 days. After that, they'll test him again to see if it's gone....

We're talking about an opportunity for Hannah and I to come home for a couple days. We have to talk to the doctor after this weekend to see if he's stable enough. Meaning, we don't want him to die when no one is here. Him being on the oscillator is pretty serious. Normal for his age, but still serious. So, we'll see. It's difficult to know where the priority lies. (Did I spell that right?)

All right, enough for tonight. I'm gonna hit the hay. Thanks for following along. Please continue to pass our blog's always fun to see how connections are made!

Until tomorrow...


Hummel Family said...

Oh those teeny tiny diapers! You want to keep one of those for Issac to see someday. I kept Maylee and Jakobi's!

Thank you for posting. I am glad to hear you found a place for your daughter to run around. I am alos glad you made it to the Parent meetings. We'd be at those meetings too if life wasn't so crazy busy right now!

Hope you are sleeping good tonight. I pray that Issac will get better soon!!

I hope you do not mind that I added Issac to our Prayer List on our blog and even wrote about him. The way I think about it is, "the more prayer warriors, THE BETTER".

Anonymous said...

Hurray for little bits of normalcy. Honestly, if I was told the day care was for employees I would be disappointed and drop it. But not you. Your advocacy and resources are exactly the kind of thing that make you the right person for God to have put in Isaac's life. He will need that strength in the days and years to come.

Meghan said...


My name is Meghan and I found your blog through JoEllen Hummel. I'm so thrilled to have the opportunity to follow this journey God is taking your family on.

I am a NICU nurse and about 2 years ago, I adopted a little boy right out of our unit! He was a 32 weeker... but had lots of issues stemming from his birth mom's drug use. I was blessed beyond words to be Ricky's mommy for the short year that he lived. And while I would have given anything for that time to have been longer... the time that we had was absolutely priceless and changed me forever.

As a NICU nurse I am all too familiar with the roller coaster ride a 24 weeker will take you on. And while there will be constant questions and concerns... the unwavering promise is that your family and Isaac will be blessed because you walked into his life.

I truly believe that it is our Christian duty to step in and care for the children who cannot be cared for... and I have to thank you on behalf of all of us... for answering the call to be the mommy this little man needs.

God bless you all... When you have a moment (year, right?!)... you can read about Ricky at

I will be praying! Meghan Johnson

Katie said...

It was great to have you and Hannah at our meeting last night. I hope Isaac is stable enough by the end of the weekend that you can go home for a few days to rest and recuperate. I'm praying that the pneumonia will clear up quickly and they'll be able to wean him from the oscillator. If you need anything let me know.


Anonymous said...

It was really nice to see you & Hannah last night at the meeting. I hope seeing Abbie gave you at least a bit of hope. I wanted to be the one to tell you that I completly understand the irritation & anger you can get at times due to the situation & everyones comments. Eventhough they mean well... alot of time you really just dont want to hear them. Compairing preemies is like comparing Canton to New York... it just isnt on the same scale. The only common factor I have found between us with other preemies & parents are the emotions than you feel on a daily basis. Ive learned to listin to what other moms have to say & keep in mind that my child will more than likely have a completley different ride. Its hard to belive you can be so grateful & yet so angrey at the same time. I truely think there was a reason why you were unaware of Issacs condition before you seen him... I belive God wanted to feel the same emotions that any mother feels when they unexpectedly have a preemie that is very very sick. None of us knew what we were getting ourself into when we gave birth, just like you had no clue when you came to Canton. There is no stronger bond then the one you have to a child that is fighting for their life... Hope to see you soon. Please stop in if you see us in Abbies room you are always welcome!


Anonymous said...

I also want you to see Abbies myspace page... it shows her from the begining up to last week...

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Have you been told how much Hannahour's smile is just like your own? Isn't fun when our children, gifted by adoption, start to look and/or act like us? Our boys are brown as berries but they have their Daddy's hair cut... so we get lots of comments, LOL. They all act more and more like their Dad every day (that's a good thing :-) )
Still thinking of you...

Katie and three silly boys
Dalton, OH (west of you about 15 minutes)

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff,

today I went out with some of the girls. And I had this really interesting Feeling/thought-thingy. I kind of just knew that Isaac will make it through. I cannot say how I know but...Well, you get the idea I tihnk :) I am really looking forward to seeing you whenever I am done with my studies...Or you find the time to come over here :P

Much love and hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

awe, the diapers are adorable Tiff...he must be sooo tiny! we are continually lifting you up in prayer!

Nancy said...

Hi All,
I was so glad to hear that you went home for a much needed break. I know it must have been hard to leave Issac, but he is in the best hands of all--God's.
I continue to keep you all in my prayers.
PS--Carley's wedding plans are coming along well and we will miss you very much...
Aunt Nancy