Thursday, August 30, 2007

Isaac's Current Diagnosis

We learned today that Isaac has Necrotizing Entercolitis (NEC).

What Is Necrotizing Enterocolitis? (
A gastrointestinal disease that mostly affects premature infants, NEC involves infection and inflammation that causes destruction of the bowel (intestine) or part of the bowel. Although it affects only one in 2,000 to 4,000 births, or between 1% and 5% of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions, NEC is the most common and serious gastrointestinal disorder among hospitalized preterm infants.

He has his own nurse tonight in case he needs transport to another hospital for emergency surgery. Right now, he's stable. But as you can see, things can change very quickly. We believe another baby in the NICU died from NEC a few weeks ago.

Jason is here and we're headed to Akron tomorrow to sign our temporary placement paperwork and to pay the adoption agency. There are a few things going on around here this weekend to keep us busy and Hannah happy.

We appreciate your prayers for our son and our family


Amy Noel said...

Oh Tiffany, know that we love you and are praying for you! We'll be praying for Isaac and the situation. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I will be praying hard for Isaac tonight! NEC is what our son Callen had...he is doing amazing today. It was a very tough road for him, but miracles can and do happen and he is perfectly healthy today...despite all the grim statistics. If there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate.

Warm Regards
Jessica, OR.

Christy said...

Hi Evans Family,
I found your blog through my dear friend Jessica. Wanted to share with you that prayers are being said for Isaac and your family in Oregon. Our Heavenly Father is a man of miracles and we pray Isaac will show the world how true that is! God bless you all,

Anonymous said...

Tiffany (and family of course)
I wanted to introduce myself and let you know I have been following your amazing and at times heart breaking story.
I "met" you through my good friend Val Turner. She told me briefly of your story and I have been checking in everyday to see the updates.
I want you to know our family sends huge hugs and many, many prayers for you, Jason, Hannah, and Isaac.
My girls (4 & 10) have been reading your blogs with me and adore Hannah (just from reading and looking at her pictures) They would love to send her a care package. They have started collecting things they think she would enjoy and might help pass the time while you are away from "home".
Please know you and the family are in our prayers daily. I hope the current condition of Isaac is corrected and we get to hear more of the great news you were getting just before your return trip. I could hear you smiling in your blog about how "well" he was doing. This too shall pass. :)
Anyway, just wanted to say hello and let you know there is someone here in Washington praying for Isaac and your family.

Jodi McCulloch and family

Anonymous said...

Praise The Lord the doctors and nurses know what they are dealing with now and know what to do for Isaac. Now we can pray that Isaac will heal and get through this crisis without any lasting effects.
I wish that we were there just so we could give you all a big "hug".
Enjoy what you can of the weekend.Everyone staying as busy as you can does help as you well know.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa "V"

Amy L said...

Jason, Tiffany, Hannah, and Isaac:

Still praying for all of you. I am glad Jason is able to be with the rest of the family during this time. I pray that God's will be done in all of your lives.

Stay strong and find comfort knowing that there are people all over this country praying for you that have never even meet you. I jump on this computer every morning before getting ready for work to check on the latest update on Isaac and your family so I know how to pray best.

God Bless all of you,
Amy in Indiana

Katie said...

Prayers going out to you and Isaac.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany,yes there are prayers going out for Issac & your entire family from all over.May God place his healing hand on Issac & bring him through this.Stay strong!
Love Bonnie Meyer
Washington, Mo.

Anonymous said...

We are praying Isaac will make it through every crisis he faces until he comes home. He has a big prayer group and God hears. -Sherry

Anonymous said...

Tiffany and family...
Know that there are prayers going up for you all from Virginia.
Deuteronomy 31:6...
~I am strong, courageous, and firm; I fear not and am not in terror, for it is the Lord my God Who goes with me; He will not fail me or forsake me.

I pray for strength and healing in Isaacs body. I pray that you, Hannah and Jason are filled with the knowledge that God's Word promises and directs us in all that we face. May the Lord be with you all and also the physicians & nurses that are caring for Isaac. I pray for the peace that only He can give. Trust in Him always.
You are a precious family:)
God Bless,

Joy said...

Tiff and Jason,
Sorry to hear about little Isaac. No parent wants their child to struggle! Hopefully things are going well with signing paperwork today. Give me an update when you have time. Joy.

Anonymous said...

Hi kids and Hannah, I am glad that the Doc's were able to make a diagnosis as quickly as they did. Hopefully by figuring it out early their interventiion (whatever it has to be) can be swift and successful. Let's pray that surgery will not be necessary. The setbacks though dismal are somewhat expected for our little buddy, but hopefully they will continue to be less and less as his tiny matures. I so wish I could meet my Grandson and hold him and tell him how much he is loved already, but I beleive that he already knows. I beleive that his Angels keep him "informed" Carley and Dave's wedding was beautiful. We are at Mark and Nancy's hanging out with the family until the reception starts.Our love and prayers for babay Isaac and all of you Love Mom.

Anonymous said...

I am glad they finally figured out what he has. And, Tiff, you are strong. You can stand through all of this. And you will be so happy with Isaac. And, Jason, I know this isn't easy for your either. But together the two of you stand so firm that nothing can shake your ground. Just remember that there ALWAYS is a bigger plan.

Much love, Maxi

Anonymous said...

Just checking but know it is early.

Will check again in the early morning and hopefully go back to sleep. I do a "Aunt Wilma" get up and check and try to go back to sleep!! She does this to!!!!!

Love, ME