Monday, September 24, 2007

34 Weeks and 1 Day

We never thought Isaac would actually begin bottle feeding "on time"--34 weeks--but he did! He was one day late but that doesn't count in Mommy's mind! When I arrived this morning, his nurse told me the occupational therapist had been in and fed him 3ml of formula by bottle. I was soooo excited. Keep in mind this is less than one teaspoon, but, it is something, folks! And then, tonight when I went in to see him for just an hour, he got a big boy bed (a crib). We're hoping he can continue to hold his own temperature so he can stay in it. These are two HUGE advances that bring him closer to coming home. I am so proud of my little buddy. It is difficult to be too hopeful as many things can still happen, but tonight I am pleased with his progress.

Hannah and some of the other kids at the RMDH were photographed today for marketing purposes. The guy told us he would give each of us a CD of the photos. I think there will be some pretty good pics--I'll share some when I get them.

Jason is supposed to come this weekend and I am SOOOO excited. He hasn't been to the RMDH, yet, and won't have seen Isaac in almost a month. I can't wait for him to see his bigger little boy. Michigan's economy is in the toilet and the government can't seem to balance the budget--stupid politics. Jason is in the direct line of fire and may face a job loss. This has been in the making for quite some time and we don't have an answer yet, but, that's fine. I know God is in control and I think it would be a great opportunity for Jason to have some new choices. We'll see. At the very least, he has some unpaid time off coming due to budget problems. Let's see, baby in the NICU that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, job on the line, bills to pay...let go and let God....isn't that what I've been saying to myself all along?! I'm excited to see what God has up His sleeve.

On a very sad note, one of the little boys (I think he was 4) who was was staying here passed away on Sunday. It is a reality to check to me that not all of our kids survive. Just last week Hannah was playing with him. My heart and prayers go out to his mom and family. Please petition God on his moms behalf that He would cover her with peace in this time of mourning.

Hug and kiss your family tonight and tell them you love them.


Anonymous said...

Hey there, Is Isaac yawning in the one picture it sure looks like it. What is that first picture of Hannah, she looks scarey!!! I take it it was taken in the car??

Praise The Lord for the graduation to the crib. That is such a positive thing to "me". It means what we are praying for is happening and he is getting caught up to what he should be doing. I know it is a little to early to tell but I will keep praying that he will be a normal boy when all of this is over and able to come home to "Your home" by his due date of Nov 3rd.

I am so glad that he is taking a bottle a little bit at a time that is another positive thing!!! WOW!!!
What good news!!!!

"I" am smiling!!! at all of this!!!

Christ's Love and Ours, Gram and Papa.


Anonymous said...

Hi, You don't know me, I found your BLOG one night while surfing the internet. I have been praying for your family ever since. I've had 2 preemies. The last one was in a hospital 4.5 hours from home. It was so hard to have a baby in NICU with the rest of my family so far away. The milestones you've mentioned that Isaac made tonight are HUGE. I remember those feelings of forward movement. They were so encouraging.

I also know what it's like to have a husband's job on the line. My hubby was fired the day after we brought our last preemie home from the hospital. It was a nightmare, but God was so faithful to us, and we grew so much. Looking back we are grateful for what we learned, but we would NEVER have chosen that path. Often we wonder how did we pay our bills and meet all our needs during 15 months of unemployment. We didn't, God did.

Hang in there. Keep leaning on the Lord and remember: "Don't doubt in the dark what you know to be true in the light".

I will continue to pray for you,

A mom in Kansas

Jane said...

ditto to everything Gram a and Papa said!

Praising God for all the great milestones reached, and pleading for more!

The family of the little boy is in my prayers.
