Sunday, September 30, 2007


Another routine day for the Evans Family. Well, routine as in living in the Ronald McDonald House with a baby in the hospital. It's strange how life changes, isn't it?! This is our new normal. We really do have a lot of laughs about all of this. I think I'd go crazy if we didn't.

Someone provided a great buffet for dinner tonight: goulash (which I did not eat), sauerkraut and sausage, cheesy potatoes, chicken strips, green bean casserole, salad and tons of desserts. Of course, Hannah wanted the cupcakes, but I managed to get her to eat some dinner, first.

Bath time tonight. Isn't she the sweetest thing you've ever seen?! She lights up my life, for sure.

We had to get a few things for Isaac today. Once he's finished with this NEC infection, he'll be ready for some clothes so I got him some tshirts and socks. I haven't bought him anything but an MSU outfit for basketball season so it was fun for me to buy my little boy some clothes. We also got a few groceries for the week: yogurt, apples, creamer for my coffee, ice cream know, the staples!

Isaac had a good day. He's still on his cannula for breathing, but it's slowly being turned down--that's the easiest way to explain it. I held him this morning and was going to go back tonight but bath time was running late and I wanted to stay with Jason and spend some time with him. We'll be back in the morning to visit with Isaac before Jason heads back to MI.

Hannah is singing in her pack and play and Jason and I are sitting here in the dark waiting for her to fall asleep so we can turn the lights on. It's all very silly, but whatever works, right?

I'll get some more pics of Isaac tomorrow. Much love!


Anonymous said...

Hey there this is Gram of course just checking in and guess what a new up date with our "favorite' Great Granddaughter Hannah!! Of course we love the pictures as we are not able to see her in person.
We will be looking forward to new pictures of our "favorite" great granson, "little bit" {Isaac} in the next couple of days or so when you have the time and energy. Needless to say your lives are in such a turmoil that I cannot comprehend it. Just believe that we are thinking of you very often and of course our prayers so many times a day are with "all" of you.

Your MOM cannot get on the internet for some reason still as of today! I talked to her and let her know what is "good" as far as Isaac is concerned. Nothing new is something good.

God Bless all of you and everyone around you that is praying for you. You get new ones every day and that is such a blessing!

Christ's Love and Ours of course,
Gram and Papa "V"


Anonymous said...

Hi to the Evans family!
My name is Rosalie and I am a first cousin to your Grandma Marion.Just letting you know you have a few prayers coming your way from Lake In The Hills ,IL. Your daughter is beautiful and looks like she is so full of energy. Be patient,for soon your son will be just as full of energy as she.God isn't finished with him yet.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, those pictures are just too cute. I really love the last one...looks like Hannah is smiling A LOT!!!
I hope you do too nowadays. With all the changes in life. :)
