Thursday, September 27, 2007

Waiting it Out

Jason arrived around 11pm on Tuesday night. One of the other NICU moms who is staying at the RMDH stayed with Hannah while Jason and I ran up to see him for an hour. Jason hadn't seen Isaac in almost a month and I think it was good and difficult for him at the same time.

Yesterday we did our normal routine except Jason was with us and that was really nice. There were a few times Jason was playing with Hannah or changing her diaper that I realized how relieved I was that he was here with us. And not just to do things, but to just be a family, together.

Last night, Jason put Hannah to bed and did some work while I went up to the hospital. It was nice to go alone and it was nice to sit and hold Isaac and chat with the nurses. I felt like I didn't have any responsibilities and that was heavenly.

Isaac is about the same. Really, no changes. He has had a surgery consult everyday and so far, no surgery is necessary. We're waiting for this morning's x-rays to come back. BTW, the x-rays are of his gut--they're looking to see if there is air in between his intestines and to see if there are any perforations in his intestines. These are signs of surgery. He had a bit of a breathing episode last night but the nurse said it was probably a result of some other things going on, not because he was just having breathing problems. Every day is critical. I am thankful for every day we have Isaac. Many, many parents in our situation do not have this long.

Done with breakfast, off to get dressed!


Anonymous said...

A very good morning as I checked a little earlier and there was not a update so I was getting a "little" worried. Needless to say I feel a "lot" better knowing that Isaac is still hanging in there and all of you are okay. PTL!!!!

We are off to two doctor appointments for Papa. Routine! I need to do something with my hair so I am quiting for now.

Christ's Love and Ours Gram and Papa.

Hummel Family said...

I've been staying updated. I am thinking of you often! I am so glad you have your hubby with you. Its not easing being there alone, is it?

I pray Issac comes out of this condition soon...we pray they figure him out SOON! He looks so sweet in the pictures!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let u know i follow you as well. I am from canton area. i know you said you were worried about insurance? Well i adopted from stark county as well. Mine was through DJFS my 2 boys are on medical card til they turn 18 so maybe yours will be the same, if you have a case worker maybe you can ask her. Hope things go well and i will keep watching!
from south of canton,ohio