Thursday, November 8, 2007

All right prayer warriors, gear up because Isaac's surgery is TOMORROW! That's right, we got the call this afternoon that his surgery is scheduled for 7:15am. Jason and I will be there by 6 to hold him, love on him and pray over him. Our "Ohio Grandma" will be here at 5:30am to take care of Hannah until Isaac is out of surgery.

Please pray specifically for the surgeons precision in decision making and technique. Please pray that no problems occur as a result of the surgery. Please pray for a quick, healthy recovery from the surgery. Most of all, please pray for God's will to be done. To us, this is most important. No matter what, we want to honor God's will in all of this.

This could be the last hurdle before Isaac comes home. We're glad we're making progress even though it means a very risky surgery for our son. They'll be cutting out pieces of his small intestine. If they have to cut a significant amount, they'll give him an ostomy. Meaning, they'll pull a part of his intestine through his skin and his poop will come out into a bag. After a few months, they will (hopefully) put it back in and he will poop normally. This gives his intestines a rest and time to grow so they can put him back together safely. We'll know after the surgery if he has an ostomy--most likely he will.

Thank you for your prayers. We couldn't have made it this far without your love and support for our family.


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for him tomorrow morning!

Anonymous said...

Needless to say we will be praying that all goes well with "little bit" "buddy" tomorrow morning. That he will heal normally and that the surgeons will be guided by the Lord Jesus Himself!!! Isaac will be able to come home very soon and be a vital part of a very loving family, Jason, Tiff and Hannah.

Christ's Love and Ours, Gram and Papa.

Ellen said...

I sent you and Hannah a card a few weeks ago. I am praying for your little buddy buddy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Heavenly Father we plead with you tonight to be with the surgeons tomorrow guide their hands and their decisions in little Isaac's life. Lord we ask that you comfort and sustain Isaac, comfort and sustain his parent's. Lord may your will be done and may you be glorified in this small boy. As the almighty healer we ask that things be done for the glory of your kingdom. Praying that Isaac is in the palm of your hand during surgery comfort his little soul and restore his health in a quick fashion. Lord we plead that all is well but above all else we ask your will be done and that love persevere. I pray for Isaac's parents that you give them peace. They have so gratefully given their lives and hearts to Isaac, be with and sustain them during the surgery and directly their after. May Isaac heal and grow in your grace as his life is already a missionary to your purpose. You are an AWESOME God Amen.

Anonymous said...

We will be praying and waiting anxiously for the news of good results. You seem to have a good handle on what to expect of the procedure. Be strong.

The Claar Family said...

All of you involved will be in my prayers!

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Almighty Faithful Father in Heaven we pray your healing hand on Baby Isaac. We pray you guide the surgeons and give them wisdom and guidance tomorrow. We pray for Jason, Tiffany and Hannah. We pray you wrap your loving arms around them and comfort them. Above all we pray for your will for this family. We leave our little buddy buddy in your arms. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Tiff and Jason,
We will be praying for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery for little Isaac. I pray this is the last big hurdle he has to overcome so he can start eating from a bottle and very soon come home with his family. What an amazing and long awaited day that will be.

Dear Lord, I pray you wrap your gracious arms around the Evans family tomorrow while Isaac undergoes another surgery. I pray you guide the surgeons, help them make the best choices for his helpless body. I pray this in your name Amen.

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for some time now. I've never commented. I just wanted you all to know that I am praying for you, and Little Issac. Rest in the Lord's peace and Know that He is God, and ultimately, His plan is perfect!

Praying for you this morning in Dover, Ohio

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

We stand in agreement with all the prayers for Aaron's healing!
Amen, God is good all the time!

Anonymous said...

You have mine & Andy's prayers from way UP North! You are an amazing woman Tiff. God Bless all of you!

Anonymous said...

Im fasting and praying for Isaac today and his surgery!!!
kendra kaufman

Amy Noel said...

We've been praying for Isaac, and hoping that surgery has gone well. We've been praying for you and Jason and Hannah, too. We love you.

Hummel Family said...

Praying that Isaac had a successful surgery!!

Anonymous said...

To my Evans 4, Thanks for the call! (Friday-1:30) Such great news!!! I will let you guys give the news to your internet family and all others!

Great job little Buddy. NOW... Recupe and get busy on that bottle ASAP!!!! We need you to get to Michigan so you can wear your green and white in your new home state!

My love to you all and kisses and hugs all around, Love Mom (Nana)

Anonymous said...

Hey there, Praise The Lord so many times over!!, Papa said the rate that Issac is going he will be 6' tall and 190 lbs before he gets out of the hospital. And by the time he gets home he will play football for Michigan State!! Sorry Ohio Buckeyes!!

As you can see Papa "V" had to put his two cents in!!

Hey there all I can say is "Jesus" is faithful and is fulfilling His promises according to the "Word" that He so aptly gave us!!!!! I continue to pray that Isaac will be a testimony as to being healed in a record amount of time. He will start eating sooner than expected and be home sooner than what so many thought.

Hey there prayer warriors as Tiffany so aptly said, lets all of us agree on this!!! We will give "Jesus" all of the glory for doing what He has done and will continue to do.

This Gram and Papa is so pleased with everything that "Jesus" has done. Granted He (Jesus) has been working with the doctors but of course "He" is control. Needless to say that sometimes things do not work out for everyone the same way but we are so "grateful" that it has for "little bit", "buddy". Not everyone has the advantage of so many prayer warriors praying for someone. This just "proves" to me that "Jesus IS Lord" and we have to give Him the Praise and Glory for all of this.

Christ's Love and Ours, You know who at this point!!!