Friday, December 7, 2007

I'm a little impressed with myself. Blogging three days in a row from home. Of course the house is a disaster...I did catch up on laundry, though. And now it's Friday night...time to enjoy the weekend. Jason and I rented a couple of movies--Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny and Oceans Thirteen. Both kids are in bed and we're relaxing in the basement with a warm fire. Cali likes to lay right in front of the fireplace while Cooper is about 2 feet back. It's so nice to just be here. Even with the mess. It'll all get taken care of sometime, right?!

Isaac had his first doctors appointment today. He weighs a whopping 7 pounds 7 ounces--he's gained 5 ounces since he left the hospital on Tuesday night!! Unbelievable. He's going to be on a diet before we know it! I was glad to finally begin to make some connections in our medical community. We have several more appointments in the next few weeks--just to make sure he's doing all right. The doctor also removed the dressing from the broviac removal and there is seriously a hole in his chest. It's kind of gross. I have to put a new bandaid on it everyday. Yuck.

Jason, husband of the year, let me go out and get Beaner's tonight and pick out the movies by myself. He also does the bottle feedings during the night on Fridays and Saturdays (he did this with Hannah and Moriah, too). What an awesome guy. I really mean it.

Evans' Family--sorry we can't make it this weekend. I'm sure you understand! Have a great time and we'll miss seeing all of you! Merry Christmas.

Joe Gartrell, from The Repository in Canton, OH, is doing a follow-up on his original story from July. He said everyone was supposed to pick a story they did this year that they wanted to do a follow-up on and he chose us. That is so kind. He said it would be running sometime in the next few weeks.

We had our favorite pizza for dinner, Jet's Pizza. It was a nice Friday evening. We'll be putting up the tree tomorrow.

Off to relax with my hubby.

Nighty night.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Tiffany!! I am so happy for you and Jason to finally be home and that all is well. Just look at the mess in your house as a blessing:) It has got to feel so good to you and Jason to be home with your angels. Enjoy your weekend!!
Prayers and blessings,

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

5 ounces in 3 days!!! Wow! He's going to be roaming around before you know it :-)

Our two Tennessee boys gained 5-6 ounces a week and are now at the
97th percentile, height and weight. Good luck feeding teenage Isaac LOL!

YOur kiddos are so cute. They just radiate the joy you all must feel. You can tell they are happy and content, as are their parents.

Katie in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Good morning to "all" of you there in Grand Rapids. It is so pleasant to hear that Isaac is doing good and you are happy to be "home". Enjoy the time as everyone can tell you they will grow up fast. Look at Hannah already! When you are going through all of these things time seems to go slow but believe me it flies by.

Everyone that I have talked to that does not have computers and has been following Isaac's progress through us has been truly tickled that he is home and doing so good.

I guess if I can get Papa to get the tree and decorations out from down stairs I will put the tree up to. Sounds like a good idea! We will be thinking about you this afternoon while doing it.

Talk to you later, Love Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Well I got my tree up!! I am sure that in between feedings and Hannah you did yours also. Hey, take a picture of it and include it on here. We would love it!!
Mine is minus some things as I got to tired and my back gave out but I just looked at it and it is pretty as far as I am concerned. You have to remember this tree is around 50 years old. We had to get it because of your MOM, Lisa. She was allergic to natural trees Yes I am still using it and it works for us. Would you believe she (Lisa) uses natural trees today and we are still using the "fake" one. That is okay as far as I am concerned as I am used to it and as I said before it works for us. I just might take a picture and put it one here "just" to prove a tree that is over 50 is still pretty!! Ha Ha!!

We are so grateful to the Lord that Isaac, Hannah and the "KIDS" are doing so good. Of course the KIDS for us is Tiff and Jason just in case you are wondering.

Love to you all, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

Sherry, or any one else

Get back with me!!

Tiffs Gram

Anonymous said...

My children are 21 months apart, I avoided most tantrums by letting my son help out as much as he could or he wanted too. He adored his little sister, through the years they have been really close. They rarely if at all had fights. To this day they have remained close. People remark about all the pictures I have of them hugging and kissing each other, they have so much love for each other. Today at 22 and 24 they comfort each other when they have problems or are sad, they love to joke around when they get together and they still hug and kiss. I pray that Hannah and Isaac have the same relationship that my two children have. Having a close relationship with a brother/sister is one of the best things that can happen, I know my sister and I have that. Keep up the good work and may you have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.