Saturday, December 1, 2007

Quick update. Jason and I enjoyed a nice day together while Hannah was with her Ohio Grandma and Grandpa. Isaac got his circumcision done today and is eating between 40-60 ml every 3 hours. 72 hours to go...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that the 4 of you will be together for good soon! I know this has been so hard for you Tiffany, but I can't help but think of Jason tonight. He must be SO very excited to have his family at home with him and be able love on both his kiddos each night. God Bless you all!!

Anonymous said...

Hey PTL!! Home soon, love those sunglasses!! How is "little bit" doing tonight? Hopefully not cranky!!

Well bedtime! Love ya. Gram

Anonymous said...

If I were you I would keep fighting the insurance company on covering meds and formula.Isaac needs these to be healthy. Do they want to cover these monthly costs or more possible hospital stays?! My cousin went through the same thing with her baby, she had the same surgery and had to have that same formula. She really fought hard, and finally convinced the insurance company to cover most of the cost. They ended up having to pay $10/can, and that is just about what other formula would cost, so it would be worth the fight. I know you are probably tired of having to deal with all these "legal" issues, but in the end it will be so worth it for your family to not have to pay such huge expenses for them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last person, keep fighting the insurance company. My daughter got type I diabetes when she was six and there were many times I had to fight the insurance companies to cover what she needed. Sometimes I got them to cover things and sometimes I didn't, but it was worth a try because they did change their minds on some of my requests. When you get back home call your local WIC office and see if they can help in any way with the formula. In Wisconsin they have a program call The Katie Beckett Program which helps cover some medical costs for children with long-term disabilities or complex medical needs, call around and find out if Michigan has any programs like this. My daughter's friend who also has diabetes got covered under this program, it helped with alot of her expences regarding her medical needs. Good Luck and God Blessings on your trip home and getting settled in at home next week.

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Poor Isaac but at least it's overwith now. Hannah is SO cute in those glasses :-)

Are you packed already or holding your breath?

We're going to pray extra here for a wonderful Christmas present to both your families (and all of us in blogland) of Isaac under the tree at HOME this year! Praise God! He is good all the time!

Katie Miller

PS: Call that WIC office; don't be shy about it (I was at first). Isaac should be able to get some formula with a scrip from his Ped.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE GET AHOLD OF WIC!!!Please call on Monday morning. They probably have a 1-800 number. And make sure the hospital gives you formula for at least 2 weeks until you can get your own.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you would concider this but if you go to ebay they have Neocate available there that you can bid on. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Wow!! What can I say other than there are so many suggestions out there and of course it takes time to follow up on all of it. Of course if something works out it would be worth it.

Well we did not get the snow that they predicted but we got about 3 inches. PTL!! It is still raining here but "hopefully" it will quit raining before the temps drop to below 32 tonight. I am worried about Papa and the driveway!! I do not want to be a worry wort but it is scarey for me!!

Well it is getting closer to going home with the "two" critters!! I just know it will be smooth sailing for you and Jason.

Just continue to know that there are "all" of us out here praying that all goes well. Also I agree do not forget to blog all of your friends when you get home and get "busy"!! A couple of minutes here and there is going to be important for all of us.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

In response to December 3, 2007 8:16 AM:

I’m still amazed that people are chiming in about little buddy's little buddy.

Circumcision is an elective choice that parents (Jason and Tiffany) make. I’m sure they appreciate all the prayers and support; but this questioning of their parenting skills cannot be beneficial to their family.

Cut it out already. Find another blog to go pick on, leave these good people alone.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Again, the point of this blog is to inform those that are interested in our lives about our family. I do not want, nor care, about the uninformed opinions of some "anonymous" poster with an agenda regarding the decisions we make for our family. If you wish to make negative comments about my family, at least have the decency to leave a "real" name on your comment. Better yet, have the courage to contact me personally. Until then, your propaganda will be deleted from our blog.

Jason Evans

Anonymous said...

Hey this is Gram speaking and I agree with Jason. You have a right to your opinion but have the decency to own up to it. Also if you do not have something good to say, just keep your mouth shut. That is "MY" motto. If I do not have something good to say I ask the Lord for forgiveness for my negative thinking and go on from there. Christ forgives me and I am in His Grace. I "forgive" you!! who ever you were!! Christ forgives you also if you ask!!

This is 12-03 and it looks like tomorrow is the big day. PTL!! I am so looking forward to it but I know that the KIDS, Granddaughter and of course the "little Great" is all going to be happy "campers".


Christ's Love and ours, Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture Hannah! Thats my girl!! Love Nana