Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today was a rough day for me. Isaac is fine, I've just been feeling overwhelmed by our circumstances. I'm tired of living like this. Alone. Eating so much crappy pasta. Spaghetti again tonight (not meaning to sound ungrateful). I made it all day without crying until dessert. It was vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. I had peanuts in my room from Papa and as soon as I dropped them in the bowl I starting crying. This is my all-time favorite dessert because that's what Papa and I have always had together since I was a little kid. I remember sitting in bed with them at night, eating ice cream with chocolate sauce and peanuts and watching shows like Great American Hero and The Incredible Hulk. So I started crying because I started thinking about all the things we've missed out on. Visits with family and friends, playdates, coffee dates, walks around the block...and I just felt really sad. I still do. And Hannah is doing so well, but this still has to be difficult for her. Jason reminded me that in a few months I'll be complaining that I can't get out of the house. That's true. I still miss everyone like crazy and want to see my dog and cat and walk around the block and see my neighbors.

And my dear, sweet friends who are asking about freezer meals and gift registries, you are so wonderful. I don't even care about that stuff (you know what I mean) I just want to hug all of you.

The really great part about today was when the kids napped at the same time. Not because I had some time to myself (although I did read a Hollywood trash magazine and did a word search so I did enjoy the "me" time) but because my kids and I were together and they were comfortable enough to be sleeping. My two babies napping in the same room for the first time. A memory I'll never forget. Before Hannah fell asleep at naptime, she said a prayer on her own. I'm so glad she's beginning to seek out Jesus on her own. I know she doesn't understand, but I believe she's already building the most important relationship she'll ever have. That makes my heart happy.

I woke up at 3:45 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally called the hospital to check on Isaac around 4:30. He was fine and I still couldn't sleep. I should've read my Bible or something but instead I took the laptop downstairs and worked on a project I'm trying to finish up before we go home. 7 rolled around and Hannah woke up so my day officially started. I'm probably just tired. I did learn that another friend of mine who I've come to know, here, her nephew (she was taking care of him) died last night. Four families have lost loved ones since we've been here. That's about 1 every month. It's very sad to think that some families don't bring their loved ones home. I'm very thankful Isaac is doing so well and will likely be home within the next couple of weeks. God has truly been answering our prayers. It's impossible to understand why he answers some and not others. I will continue to lift up the families I've come to know, here, in prayer, as I know all of you have been doing for us.

Much love and appreciation.


Anonymous said...

you're such an inspiration :-)

Anonymous said...

Poor child, He does answer them all; He really does - just not always the answers that we think we are asking for. Hold onto your babies, hold on to your faith, and know that many who have come to know you only through your words are just sending you psychic hugs right now because that is all we can do.

Amy Noel said...

Hey--I thought it was so cute (and fitting) that in the photos you posted both Isaac and Hannah are even sleeping in the same position! You REALLY need to cherish that time because let me tell you--when you can get BOTH of them asleep at the SAME TIME--it is a miracle!!! Eli doesn't take naps every day anymore so we have some one-on-one time while Silas naps, which I really enjoy, but I also miss the days when I could look forward to an hour to myself. And we all have our down days, I will pray that tomorrow the fog will have lifted so to speak and you will feel the warmth of God's love and provision in your life. Hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

Well I had a nature call so decided to check on you!! Today will be better for you as it is one day closer to getting "home". Don't feel bad that you are having a "me" day as you deserve it! Like Jason said it will not be long and you will be wishing for that new and different kind of "me" day. Just remember that there are those of us out there that wish we could be down there and give you that hug that you are wishing for. They to will come "very" soon. Sooner than you think!! Put your arms around yourself and say out loud this hug is from Jesus and "Gram".
Now after that just remember this is a day that the Lord has made and I "will" rejoice and be glad in it.

This is still a night so I am going to try and go back to sleep.

Lots of Love and Hugs, Gram

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Just want you to know how much I love you and admire you. You are an inspiration to me and I think you're two little ones are TRULY blessed to have you for their mom!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tiffany,I am so happy for your family that everything is falling into place.Even though we've never met,i love your family, pray for all of you daily &always look forward to reading your post daily.It's alright to have a crying time, believe me i've done my share.I hope you keep your blog going when you go home.
Love,Bonnie Meyer(Washington, Missouri)

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I'm a friend of Amy's here in Colorado, and she has shared with our Bible study about your adoption and sweet little Isaac. We have been praying for you all.

I followed the link from Amy's site one day, and have been very encouraged by your faith and perseverance. I know it doesn't seem like you have much on some days :-), but believe me - others are positively impacted by the beautiful decision you made to adopt Isaac.

My daughter spent a week in the NICU right after birth, and while it wasn't months, it felt like forever. I can sympathize somewhat!

Prayers for you, and hope that Isaac comes home soon.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and cry...you will feel better. Then dust yourself on and get back on the horse so to speak. You are really a champ. Hang in there...the best is yet to be as they say. Have a good day and a better evening.

Anonymous said...

Here I am checking on all of the blogs and love them!! I will be checking either later tonight or in the morning. Yes Tiff I have been awake since around 2:30 am. Have been thinking about you and praying for "all" of you down there in "OHIO" I am so sorry to hear about the deaths of the children but at the same token it sounds like they are keeping so many of the "kids" alive. 4 in four months sounds good but at the same token it is not great for the families that were involved. As you lift them up in prayer we do to we join you in prayer for those families that lost their children. Their lives have been shattered needless to say. We are so blessed that Isaac is doing so great. Loved the pictures!! Yes they both were sleeping with their arms up together "just praising the Lord". Just me speaking!! Isn't it great!!

Christ's Love and Ours,

Gram and Papa

Sheryl Kenoyer said...

You are in unfamiliar territory, and every day is something new and different for you. Don't worry about having down days. As someone wrote, cry and get it out of your system. Then dust yourself off and move forward. For me, I always try to do everything by myself. When I end up frustrated because nothing is working the way I think it should, I realize that I should have gone to God first and put Him ahead of me. I'm not saying that is the case with you. But I am saying that I will continue to pray for strength for you and that our loving Heavenly Father will bless you with a good night's sleep. My daughter's get so weepy when they are tired!

Anonymous said...

I HAVE NOT EVEN HAD TIME TO READ COMMENTS AS FOR 2 DAYS I KEEP LOSING MY IN TERNET CONNECTIONS AND MY COMPUTER IS ACTING TOTALLY WIERD, I am still alive thru power outages, downed lines, hot tub covers being ripped off and flying THRU THE back YArd. Love all of you and Tiffany remember in order to build memories like you Have with Gram and Pa pa I had to make that relationship available. you will have to to join in the effort to do the same so I can eat ice cream with choclate syrup and peanuts with Hannah and Isaac. Ilove you and the pics and I am glad you are crying. To me that is a good sign, I know you understand. Love faithfully, just me.

Jane said...

LOVE the pics of your babies sleeping in the same room!

Hang on...we are praying you home. Soon and very soon you will all be under one roof together...your forever family!

God has changed lives for His Kingdom through your blog and your experience away from home. Fight the good fight, your reward is coming soon.

Praying in SC

Anonymous said...

Are'nt sleeping babies beautiful?
I always loved to sneak in after you or your brother was sleeping and just drink you in. Plus that was the only time that you were not talking! Imagine that