Saturday, July 28, 2007

Amish Country

We always start the day by visiting Isaac. We cannot stay long because Hannah lasts about 1 minute before she wants to run around and yell. She's charmed the nursing staff, but I keep telling them it's all show. No, she's a good girl. She's just 2.

We decided to head to Amish Country today. Within 20 minutes, we were amidst buggies and horse poop. We stopped off for lunch at The Amish Door Inn. They had a petting farm but it was closed. Hannah was content seeing the animals and hearing the sheep baaaa. We took a buggy ride and I chatted with the driver. I love older people. 60 and over-ish. They always have such interesting stories to tell. That's one of the reasons I love my grandparents soooo much. Anyway, our buggy drive, David, was a sweet man. At the end of our conversation, my heart was so warmed by his stories I told him, "God Bless You" and he said, "Do you go to church?" And I could tell that going to church was very important to him. I said, "Yes, we do." And for a moment I thought he could be an angel because it looked like his eyes got teary and he said, "Oh, that's very good." I wanted to hug him right there, but I don't know Amish protocol so I didn't want to offend him. He told us about a wildlife area that we could visit for free and we were very up for that. It was beautiful!!! My pictures do not do it justice.

And then, tonight, Jason went up to spend time with Isaac. Jason will be leaving early tomorrow afternoon for home (argh!) so he had Daddy time tonight. As soon as I downloaded the picture, I thought of my mother-in-law, Nancy, who passed away very unexpectedly a little over a month ago. She would've adored the picture of her son and grandson. She would've printed it immediately and showed it to everyone she met for the next 3 months. It is a sad time for our family in that Nancy is not here to share in the joy of her new grandson.

Much love to all of you for your support and prayers. Please continue to leave us comments! It's very encouraging to hear from you. I'm getting your emails, too. And if you're calling us and we're not calling you back, it's because we're way over on our minutes right now and I tried calling Sprint to give us a dice.

Until tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Tiffany, Jason, Hannah, and Isaac, we cannot know God's plan, but we can know that the love you are sharing will enrich your lives forever, and that by sharing your story, will enrich the lives of all those whose hearts you are touching. I have followed your blog and prayed for all of you since Dan first sent me the news. Our little Cindy, now a beautiful, happily married engineer also had a fifty percent chance of survival. God has richly blessed her, and I pray the same for your tiny guy. Your strength and faith will are an inspiration. Dan's Mom, Charlotte.

Unknown said...

Hi guys, I can hardly wait to check your blog every morning. I love the picture of Jason & his son. I know how bitter sweet it must feel not to have his Mom here to share in this joy, but who knows -- maybe she pulled some strings in heaven for you and that's how you got your little guy! You are so blessed to have Isaac, but even more strongly we feel that he is so blessed to have you for his parents. I believe it truly is a match made in heaven! Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us -- we feel like we are living this with you and our hearts are definitely in Canton, Ohio right now with you. We love you so much. Terri & Kurt

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I live in Amish country and would be more than willing to have you and your daughter over to play or take naps or whatever if you are in the area again. My husband is a youth pastor at a Mennonite chuch in the area. I have three kids 4, 2, & 1 who always enjoy new playmates. If you would like to take me up on the offer you can get my phone number or email address from Holly. I am actually her sister inlaw's best friend.

Anyway, I am moved by your story for a couple of different reasons, one being my niece and nephew were extreme preemies in Aultman hospital not too long ago and they have come a long way and also my husband and I are just beginning the adoption process. You are in our prayers! I pray that God would be near you and your family during this time.


Anonymous said...

just came across your blog from greenhouseministries. thank you for sharing your story about your life and now the life of issac. i will be praying for you. with love because of Christ. Carol