Sunday, July 29, 2007

On the Road Again

Jason left today. I cried. I know I can handle this, but I just don't want to do it without him. We like, tag team with the kids, ya know? Surprisingly, we're nicer to each other under stress, too. Rather, I'm nicer to him. He's usually nice. And I know he wants to be here. We truly are best friends. We really enjoy being together. I hate that he has to go to work. I hate that we have to make money to live. Jason and I talk about this all the time. Don't get me wrong, we're hard workers. I don't think we should be sitting around like bumps on logs, but why do we have to work to survive? Ugh. He's hoping to join us again late Thursday night. I'll be counting the days.
I got to hold Isaac today! The little buddy. He's been a little restless today. Not sure why. BTW, the staff at Aultman Hospital have been fantastic. They're always available to answer questions and very understanding of our adoption situation. Many times, adoptive families are treated differently because staff do not know how to interact with them. Everyone here has been just wonderful. In fact, they let me do our laundry at the NICU this evening. After Jason left, Hannah and I headed up the hospital with a suitcase of dirty clothes. All clean, now!

This morning, we went to RiverTree Church about 15 minutes away. We've made some contacts there through family of one of our close friends. It felt soooo good to be in church. It felt so good to drop Hannah off at the nursery knowing she was going to get to play with other kids. It felt so good to worship. The sermon was about prayer. We read from Daniel chapter 6. One of the things the pastor talked about was having a prayer routine. Praying at the same time everyday. In the same place. Making it a part of what you do, everyday. I do not do that. I think about praying and then I get too busy. Lousy excuse. I'm going to give this a try. I'm such a freak about routine you'd think I'd be able to plan prayer into my day, huh?

Tonight, at prayer time, Hannah said, "Thank you God for Mommy. Thank you God for taking a nap. Thank you God for going for a walk. Amen." Isn't that just exactly what God wants to hear? I always tell her that Jesus loves to hear her pray. I know He just eats that up. He laughs and wants to hug her when she prays. So, I hug her for Him. I think some people think it's more stressful that she's here, but the opposite is true. She keeps things light and funny. Yeah, she has tantrums, but mostly she just makes me really happy and keeps things in perspective. And prays prayers that I can learn from. Tonight, I pray, "Thank you God for my family. Thank you for sending us to a place of worship today--I really needed that rest. Thank you for all the little things that you placed in my life today that made it good. Amen."


Josh Buck said...

I love how candid you are. Being real helps all of us know how you're doing and pray better (or more accurately). Anyway, know we love you all and are constantly in prayer for you.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany, Jason and Hannah,
Wow, we just got home from a week of camping tonight and I got a chance to catch up on your unfolding story! I am so thrilled that God provided you to step in and care for little Issac in his time of need, as well as providing Issac for your family. I'll be praying for you and checking in on the latest.
Blessings to all of you,
Jodi Lewis

Unknown said...

Hi Tiff, You said the baby was restless -- poor little guy! I'd be restless too if I had all those tubes in me. I'm so glad you are praying more and drawing closer to God and He is drawing closer to you, just like His Word promises. I was thinking about how Isaac started out his life rejected by his mother and society as a whole. Jesus said "what you do for the least of these, you do for me". God took mercy upon Isaac and brought him into your family knowing you will love him with the love of Jesus and raise him to love the Lord. I will never cease to be amazed at how God works, and how, no matter how hopeless it looks to us, God can turn it all around for His glory. It won't be long now and you'll be back in GR with Jason, both kids, and your support system. That'll be so much easier on you. Can't wait to see your new son in person! Love, Terri

Amy Noel said...

Hey Tiff, Jason, and Hannah,
We are praying for you and precious little Isaac. I can't believe what a peanut he is! It is so nice to keep updated on what's going on for you.
We love you!
Amy, Bryan, Eli and Silas

Anonymous said...

I know that I should not worry, but I am your mother. You look exhausted, but this scripture has brought SOME peace."Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God. And the peace of God,which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 My love to the 4 of you, Mom

Anonymous said...

Tiff and Jason, Thinking and praying for of all of you. Stay strong for Hannah and especialy little Issac. God is with you all. Love, Aunt Kathy and Family