Monday, July 30, 2007

Busy Day

After breakfast and some time in the hotel room making phone calls, sending emails and putting toys away, Hannah and I visited one of the local YMCA's. We're members back home and the staff here were happy to let us have a temporary membership at no charge for the time we're here. Praise the Lord! I only ran a little over 2 miles but it was nice to work up a sweat.

Remember yesterday I said I would try to make a routine of praying? Well, I realized I do have somewhat of a routine; I usually pray while I'm working out. I was on the treadmill praying up a storm today! I was kind of proud of myself. And when I returned to pick up Hannah she was happily playing with a train with some other kids. I was very happy to see she was enjoying herself. After a quick lunch at the Y, we went to Target and picked up a few necessities. Ok, and a few non-necessities...a few dollar items for Hannah. I just can't help myself, sometimes! They're only $1!!

We headed back to the hotel where I prepared to go to the hospital. A very nice lady came over today to take care of Hannah while I went to the hospital. It sounds like they had a wonderful time together. Unfortunately, I was unable to hold Isaac. He needed to have his vent tube changed to a larger size and just wasn't ready to be jostled around and taken out of his bed.

Hannah and I headed out for dinner and then back to the hospital so Hannah could see her little brother. After a short visit, we came back to the hotel and went swimming. Mommy is tired! Hannah's in her pack and play singing and laughing and talking. I'm about to snuggle up in the fancy down comforter and read my book!
BTW, the pic is from our trail walk out by Amish Country. Happy Viewing!


Anonymous said...

Tiffany and Jason,

I want to thank you both so much for allowing me to share in your phenomenal journey as you welcome Isaac into your lives. You remind all of us how powerful the virtues of faith and love can be. Being bi-racial myself and having a biological brother who was raised by a Causcasian adoptive family, I hope you know just how BIG and FANTASTIC it is of you to open your hearts and minds in the way that you have to give Hannah and Isaac the best family any child could ask for but might not have otherwise gotten. Congratulations on your beautiful baby boy. I pray that God will strengthen Isaac with each passing day so you can bring him home soon.

Dawn Jack
(Jason's co-worker)

Anonymous said...

Tiffany, Hannah, and Isaac,

I love all of you and miss you all very much. Although times have been difficult in the last few months, I thank God for the wonderful family he has given me.

Tiffany, thanks for being such a great wife and mommy. Your hard work will pay dividends for our kids in the years to come. I can't wait to get back down there to see all of you again.


Anonymous said...

Hello Tiffany!
It's been a lot of fun reading all about your story and Isaac. I hope and pray for you that Isaac grows stronger each day. So one day you can come home and be closer to your home and Jason. Great Job Tiffany on keeping us all up to date. Love Elizabeth
Jason's cousin

Anonymous said...

As I sat under the stars late last night thinkning of you and baby Isaac it occured to me that his initials are i.e., that is. Just an interesting thought. Love to all of you. So many continue to pray.