Saturday, September 1, 2007

I was wrong

I changed the name of our blog. Many of you wrote and I stand corrected. Jason was right and I was wrong.

Next item of business.

MSU won, UofM lost. It was a great day! Now, Jason said not to be too harsh, here, as some of you may be Michigan fans. Well, we do appreciate your prayers and support, but we also love to see Michigan lose. I hope we can all still be friends?! As you know, I serve Jesus Christ. And outside of his heavenly palace flies an MSU flag (I think I read that in Galatians or something). Since college football has played such a huge roll in the happiness of our day, I had to cover it.

Isaac's infection is slowly going away and hour by hour he seeems to be getting a bit better. The illnesses come on quickly, but usually take a couple weeks to completely go away. We visited with him for a short time today. Jason changed Isaac's diaper today and he peed in his little bed. It was really cute. Right now, the nurse cleans it up. Soon, we won't be so lucky!

Hannah threw a couple of major temper tantrums today. Jason still isn't used to being completely embarassed in public by a toddler. He's quickly learning. Other than that, it was a nice relaxing day with lots of laughs and smiles. We took the dog for a walk (the people we're staying with have a dog) and we found a robin dying in the road. I was able to pick it up and move it to the grass. I think it had a broken wing. When we walked back by, it had stopped moving. Hannah asked about the bird and I said it died. It's sad to me to talk to my little girl about dying. They're so innocent, you know? I just want to protect her from the pain of our world.

We're watching one of those house flipping shows and about to eat Taco Bell. Life is good.

I better go! Love to all and to all a good night!


Amy L said...

Sorry to say but I married a UofM fan, which makes me a UofM fan. lol

But, you can still count on my prayers. My hubby is a little, I mean a lot bummed because our local cable provider does not carry the Big Ten Network. So we had the pleasure of listening. I am not a hug football fan, but watching is much more enjoyable than listening.

I find you site a blessing and source of strength.

Still praying,
Amy in Indiana

Anonymous said...

Jason, the reason your toddlers embarrass you in public is so that you are entitled to embarrass them when they are teenagers.

Anonymous said...

It was nice to meet you guys in the mall last night. I am glad to hear that Isaac is doing a little better. We will continue to pray for him and your whole family! Can't wait to tell JoEllen that we met up in the mall and I recognized you all from pictures on your blog (off of her site)! Take care!
Amy Schlabach

Anonymous said...

Well good morning again! It sure sounds like Hannah is being a 2 year old111. It sure is a element of surprise when it happens but the next minute things are better. She is just getting her frustrations out in the open as you know. We sometimes wish we could do that and get away with it.
Its a beautiful day here in Grand Blanc so I guess we will enjoy it.

We are glad that Isaac is still improving. Lots of Love, Gram and Papa "v".

Crissie said...

Hey Tiffany...i had to comment on your post...see I am from Ohio and a big buckeye fan naturally when MI loses...we know it is going to be a good day:) glad issac is doing a little better. and glad hannah is keeping you on your toes.


Anonymous said...

The only reason their is an MSU flag flying in heaven is because someone was playing a terrible prank on God. I know he would never have it there on purpose. God made sure to run that guys underware up a flagpole for his indiscretions. I found THAT in psalms. :)

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

You've been in Ohio how long and you still haven't converted to being Buckeye fans??
Our son's from Detroit and we want him to make a sign for college: "Michiganite by birth; Buckeye Fan by choice" LOL

So happy Baby Isaac is getting stronger. The peepee incident is just a shade of things to come. "Isaac" means laughter and you can be sure there will be much in your futures.

Katie in Dalton,OH

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff, I noticed that Aunt Wilma blogged you in your last one. Great!!

Love ya ME!!