Sunday, September 2, 2007

09.02.07: Isaac is 7 weeks old

Isaac is 31 weeks (gestational) and 7 weeks old at the same time. Kind of crazy, huh? I thought I would celebrate his 7 week birthday by posting a pic from the first day I met him and from tonight--including one with his eyes open. I held him tonight for 2.5 hours. My little buddy, buddy. I kissed his little head about 100 times. Between the two of us, we also managed to pull out another tube. This time it was a suctioning tube. At least it wasn't his vent. Hopefully, that won't be next time. Geesh. BTW, see the bald spots on the side of his head? That's from where they had to shave it to put in an IV. Yeah, in his head. Weird. Kind of freaky. I asked the nurse if they would shave the other side, too, so he didn't look so funny...she said lots of parents ask for that. At least he's not the only baby with half a shaved head! Also, he weighs about 3 pounds 5 ounces.

Jason, Hannah and I went to church this morning, IHOP for breakfast and the park for some playtime. We did some laundry and got some chores taken care of.

It's after 11 so I'm gonna chill for awhile and then hit the hay.


Anonymous said...

Oh Tiffany he is adorable. I hate that he is going through so breaks my heart. He is sooo blessed to have you all in his life to love him:)
I know you enjoyed holding him & being with him today.
Keeping you in prayers..

Anonymous said...

Missing you and praising God that Isaac is doing well! Hope all is well.
Much love,
Josh, Shelly, N,Z,E

Anonymous said...

Hey you can tell he is gaining from the contrast of the pictures. He has doubled his weight PTL!! I know that you mentioned that they do not want him to gain to fast either. I will copy the pictures off and put them in my file on him when I get up later this morning as I do not want to wake up Papa. I figured out how, Tiff, Gram is improving!! Isn't "that" exciting!
Lots of Love, Gram and Papa "v"

Amy L said...

Happy Birthday Isaac!!! You can see a big difference in his size between the 1st and 2nd picture. What a beautiful day it will be when Isaac is old enough to realize the sacrifices your family has made to love and take care of him. Adoption is a beautiful thing and you are showing that to the world. God Bless you all.

Amy in Indiana

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog since early on and I pray for your family and for Isaac often. My niece and nephew are adopted and I hold a special place in my heart for parents that go through that process. The wait can be long and heart wrenching and the paperwork can seem endless.

Isaac is a beauftiful baby and he has grown so much. I pray that he continues to grow stronger and healthier.. BTW, Hannah looks like she is the most precious little girl!!

Hummel Family said...

I have clothes for Issac! I know he can not waer them now, but I have some for when he returns home to his FAMILY! :)

I can either send them to your house in MI or somehow meet up with you on WED of this week. I have to take Maylee up for a follow up visit in Akron.

Email me! :)

Anonymous said...

I am sure that all of the qoutation marks and commas are not even included in this post!!!!!!!! "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." 1 Corinthians 2:9 I know how faithful that you and Jason are and how much you both love the Lord, God promises to answer all of your prayers. Tiffany, Thank you so much for your posts (Jason too)I would be beside myself without them. I am so blessed to be your Mom and Mom in law, (though I do not feel that title is TO appropriate)SCAREY!!! Little Buddy is growing in size and strength, YES-YES-YES. I will continue to be my optomistic self. Both of you please give my Granddaughter and Grandson a hug and kiss for me as usual. As Always, Love Mom and Nana

Anonymous said...

He looks so great tiff and jason...I'm so glad that his infection cleared up and he's doing a little better...we continue to pray for him and for you all.
Rachel and tony