Friday, October 19, 2007

Our routine always gets a little off when Daddy joins us--blogging seems to get more difficult to do!

Isaac was off yesterday. His physical therapist came and tried to give him a massage and he just didn't want to have anything to do with it. Jason and I went up last night after dinner and Isaac de-sated the entire time we held him. After talking with his nurse last night, it sounds like he needs another eye surgery. I was surprised by this as I was under the impression his eyes were doing well. I was a little frustrated by this evening revelation and couldn't sleep. I think I wasn't notified of this yesterday because they don't need my consent--they need the adoption agency's consent. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but in Ohio the adoption agency has legal custody of the child until finalization. Because of this, the agency makes all his medical decisions. As the mom of a child in the hospital, this is absolutely maddening. Then throw in that he's also on our insurance and it's absolutely ridiculous. It's very frustrating when lawmakers pass laws in an effort to patch problems without looking forward to the ramifications of their actions. Three Voices, our non-profit, is going to tackle this issue in Ohio.

Yesterday we received some fantastic surprises! We got clothes for Isaac, cards, books and stickers for Hannah. What a true joy to receive the things you're sending us. I love to read about your lives. I love that you're sharing with me about who you are. I love seeing your family pictures. I was so excited to see I had mail yesterday, Maybe we'll have something today, too.

All right, well, Jason is dressing Hannah and he's already had a shower. Now it's my turn. I'll do my best to blog tonight...but it seems when Jason is here, I get it done in the morning. We'll just have to see!



Ohio_Momto3boys said...

WOW I am surprised by this. My two littles from TN had terrible respiratory disease and if I had to wait for the agency to sign off... they surely would have died. Then again, since the agency is NOT an Ohio agency, that's why. Will ACW give you a document of legal guardianship? That would be helpful. It's not like there's anything contesting this adoption!
UGH. I'm frustrated for you!

Make sure you are documenting all the trouble Isaac's giving you now along with pictures so that when he's a teenager and starting to date you have LOTS of ammunition for embarrasment LOL. Being fiesty to avoid a massage... I'd give up chocolate for a whole day to get a massage...

Katie in Dalton

Anonymous said...

YEAH! I am so glad Jason made it for a visit. I bet its nice to be able to tag-team the spicey Hannah for a while, and she must really miss daddy when he is at "home".
I am happy to hear you have received some much needed love in the snail mail. I am a little slow getting my stuff out this week as we are planning a move and it has consumed a lot of my extra time.
WOW I can imagine your frustration when it comes to not being able to help make the choices in Isaacs medical. Hang in there!
Have a great weekend.
Blessings to you all.
OH I hope your Grandfather is doing well. I have been praying for his recovery as well.

Anonymous said...

Good morning to "all" of the Evans family. The pictures are precious thanks for posting them. They mean a lot when we are not able to be down there with you "all". Hey your room looks comfy. I bet it seems small when you think of what you have at home.

Nothing new going on here, the same ole, same ole!! I want to head to the store and get a head of cabbage to make some cole slaw for tomorrow evening. Doing a load of wash right now so you know that I am getting some things done.

Isaac is still in our prayers as are the rest of you. What was wrong with Jason's car? He apparently got it fixed as he is there with you.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

WOW! Great pics of Daddy and and the kids! I am still in awe at how tiny Isaac still is, (looking at his hand wrapped around Jason's finger). But he is growing!!!

Glad to hear the car thing got worked out. I am sure all of the extra driving has taken its tole.

Jason will have his work cut out for him as the attourney for your non-profit. I am so glad he love's red tape!!!

My love to the Evans 4 with hugs and kisses for everyone, and of course prayers.

Nice to see a few new people's comments on the blog. I am sure that you remember who Rachel Newcomb is.

Very bad storms up here last night, some tornado touchdowns and a 29 year old died over by Kalkaska. Strange weather for this time of year. Very warm, 60's.

I have to get some things done before 4 so I best get moving.
Love Mom (Nana)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tiff, just Mom again, this post is for your friend Sherry.

I have kept track of your posts. First of all, thankyou so much for all of your support throughout the months, I am so sorry for your loss.

Tiffany has been called to be a vessel to advocate for adoptive parents, children in need of adoption, birthparents. Please...stay in touch, get informed (maybe with Tiff's help) and learn about "Three Voices". Maybe you could be of help to Tiff and Jason to keep their dream on track.

Because of their ongoing situation,their non-profit could probably use volunteers to start getting messages out.

Tiffany has told me, "I do not want to lose track of the big picture."

Love to the Evans'4, Mom