Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Since Isaac's blood transfusion, he looks SO MUCH better. All of his tests so far have come back negative, so they're still not sure what he has. He'll be on antibiotics for at least 7 days (until next Monday) and then we'll see where we are. He's been much more fussy, more often. I think it's because he's hungry. If I didn't eat for over a month, I'd be fussy, too! I keep joking with the nurses in his room that I'm going to sneak him a Snickers or something.

Hannah and I had a good day together--lots of laughing and talking and playing. There are two ladies, "Grandma" Carol and "Grandma" Betty in the activity room on Tuesdays that just adore Hannah. It's so nice to leave her with people who really care about her. She played "soccer" with two boys this evening and was sliding in the grass and running right with them. I definitely see an athlete brewing!! She also painted with her best friend, Mateo. Maribelle and I cannot keep the two of them apart. As soon as they wake up, they're asking for one another. They run and shout and chase and hug. It's absolutely adorable. And if Hannah cries because she wants something, he gets it for her. And if he's crying, she hugs him. I mean, it's unfathomable how much they understand how people relate to one another--and they don't talk to each other, really, because of the language barrier. We joke that they'll get married someday and Hannah will move to Ecuador. Who knows?!

Thank you so much for the extra outpouring of love and support. It really does lift my spirit. You have no idea how much it means to see new messages in my inbox or go to the front desk to see someone has sent flowers!! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you've done for us. Really.

BTW, the address at the RMDH is in the sidebar on the right side of the page under "How to Support Our Family." I'm not comfortable posting our home address online, so if you'd like to send something to Jason, please send it here (I promise I won't open it!).

I've got a few things to finish up before I go to bed so I need to get going.

Thank you all. Very much.


Anonymous said...

Blessings and warm wishes tonight Tiffany, Jason, Hannah and little Isaac. You are all in our prayers tonight!

Anonymous said...

Tiffany & Jason,
I have been following your blog for a few months now. I got the link from the Buck's blog. I sent them a few "care packages" and would be honored to do the same for you guys. My daughter will be thrilled to color some pics, etc for Hannah. You are on my heart and mind daily and I will continue to lift you all up in prayer. Tiffany, I emailed you back in August but got no reply so unsure if you received it? Please let me know if I can do anything for you and be expecting some "love" in the mail soon. Lara in San Diego, CA. sunflowergoddess@cox.net

diplofam said...

Dear Evans family,
I just want to encourage you through a long and hard journey. (I also found the link to your website through the Bucks) Sometimes when we are in the hardest parts of life we forget it's OK to ask others for help, we just want to be left alone, but our great God meant us to live in community and to bear one anothers burdens. I am not living in GR right now so I can't help with dinner for your husband, but I do run a quilting non-profit serving Grand Rapids and we at Margaret's Hope Chest would love to share a gift with your beautiful son Isaac. I just need to know if you can receive small packages at the RMDH. If you can, please let me know and I can send it our ASAP. Check out our website at www.margaretshopechest.com if you want to know more about us. By the way, I have a son named Isaac as well and he is 4 years old. Maybe you know the name means "he laughs" My prayer for your family is that you will cling to the HOPE that many LAUGHS await your family in the future!
Carin Vogelzang adamvogelzang@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

I will be in San Antonio, Texas next week seeing my "baby boy" after 7 weeks of him being gone to basic training in the Air Force. I am so very ready to see him:) When I return and plan on sending some love from Virginia. I am sure that it does help in lots of ways to have something for you and Hannah to look forward to.
Little Isaac looks so adorable and is growing so much everyday. He is just precious as is Hannah. She looks like a happy child.
Love and prayers,

Jewels said...

Tiffany, What a wonderful thing you are doing for these 2 precious children! I hope the Buckeyes are taking good care of you. I'm a friend of Robin C. who sent me this link to your blog. Praying for you and Isaac and Hannah and Jason,

Anonymous said...

i look forward each day to reading about your young family. it's a good way of reminding myself to pray for you. thank you for taking the pictures and sharing them, i feel like it helps me know your family more.

may the Lord bless you today.

love in Christ, Carol from Largo Flroida

Anonymous said...

Good evening,This is unusal for me to be this late but it has been a busy day for both of us. I did not get to Walmart my git up and go got up and went needless to say!!!! The doctors appointments went fairly well, Papa is on Nitro when he gets pain which he does off and on. His doctor restated that myself and your Mom was sitting on a tight rope for a couple of hours. He did say he was not as concerned about his heart (even though he has blockages that they cannot get to) as he was his Lungs. At any rate it all went well. Now we have to get "little bit" doing the same, RIGHT!! It sounds like so far things are staying normal and we will pray that they continue to do so. We seem to be walking in each others shoes. We have to remember not to let the spirt of fear to overtake our thoughts. We have to remember that Jesus is in control!!! As I hold you, Jason, Hannah and Isaac up in prayer you are doing the same for us as I well know.

Well good night for now!! Lots of Love, Gram and Papa!!

Jessica, RN said...

Hi there! Does Hannah like Dora? I found some really cute Halloween Dora stickers that I'll be putting in card and sending. I think I noted you once before, but just incase-I found your blog through the Hummel's awhile after your article ran in the Canton Repository and have been reading your journey for awhile. I know times can be trying and tough with such a sick little guy, but we're all thinking of your family and sending up prayers for Isaac.

Jessica from North Canton, Ohio

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh when I see your hand in the pics with Isaac!! Your birthmark(that only a mother would know) tells me who is holding him!!!! Well, now the world knows that you have a "vampire bite" on your hand! Ha-ha.

It is nice to see a pic of Hannah's new best friend. Would love to see a pic of his Mom and you together!!!

You sound "lifted up" since Monday,(maybe because so many people lift you up in prayer) and you have had alot of response to your requests. The Lord is good.

By the way, Hi Jason!! Thank you so much for working as hard as you do and for being such a wonderful support to Tiffany, Hannah and Isaac. I appreciate you so much for all you do and the sacrifices you must make in being away from your family (my family). You are a wonderful husband, father and son. I love you!

Nana says Hi to my Hannah and keep hanging on baby Isaac, hugs, kisses, prayers and love for the Evans 4. Mom (Nana)