Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I'm a little late in posting, huh?!

Hannah was up at 6:14 this morning. Not what I was expecting, but with a half hour of Sesame Street thrown in, it wasn't so bad.

The activity room was open this morning! Carol and Betty, my two favorite and most reliable volunteers were there. I had a nice visit with Isaac and then picked up Hannah and headed upstairs for the NICU Thanksgiving Luncheon. The food was great and I was able to see one of my NICU mom friends who is now staying at the hospital with her twin boys. Hannah and I had a busy afternoon at the hospital and returned to the RMDH around 3pm. Hannah fell asleep in my arms on the bus and slept for a good hour and a half. While she was sleeping, a lady came in to do free manicures. Very cool. The only other time I've had a manicure was for my wedding over 7 years ago. I feel so pretty, now!

Jason arrived this evening and one of my NICU mom friends took the monitor (Hannah was sleeping) so Jason and I could run up to the hospital for a quick visit. He'd just had a bath and was in his swing when we arrived. Isaac was awake for most of the hour we were there. We returned to the RMDH to see the second half of the MSU/UCLA game. We lost, but only by 5 points. Jason was pleased as UCLA is ranked #1 in the country.

We're tired! Heading to bed because Hannah will be up in less than 6 hours. I need to get all the sleep I can before I have two at home!

BTW, loving your comments. Keep those Thanksgiving thoughts coming!

Much love.


Jane said...

thank you for sharing your life at the RMH... we have one in G'ville and you are giving me all kinds of ideas as to how we can minister to the families. What a cool ministry for our small groups at church.

I pray that you guys have a wonderful time together this week. Family is family, no matter where you are. Your family of four is together, and that is all that matters!

I'll be praying about your anxiety regarding returning home with two children and a home to take care of. God is good and will take care of all your details. Lean on Him and He will provide (not that I needed to tell you that!)

Happy Thanksgiving to you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hannah looks about 2 years older in the new pic you posted. Maybe its because her hair is back, she looks more mature. :) Cutie!

I hope your Thanksgiving is a great one.


Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Isaac looks so cute! You have much to be thankful this Thanksgiving! What a miracle he is!!

Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving! When I see Isaac in that striped outfit, he looks like a little prisoner in jail right now -- and he kind of is but soon to be set free to be with his wonderful family!! You asked what we are thankful for. Here is something that sums it up.

What Thanksgiving Can Do
By John Fischer

The worst moment for an atheist comes when he is really thankful and has no one to thank.
- Author Unknown

Thanksgiving is the theme song of the Christian. For a Christian not to be thankful is like a dog not to wag his tail at his owner’s approach.

Thankful Christians walk around grateful for every breath, every sunset, every new morning, every color in the color spectrum, and every star in the sky. Like an alcoholic who is clean and sober, noticing beauty and taste for the first time, we are grateful just to be alive because we have been dead for so long.

It’s hard to think of one vice that the virtue of thankfulness cannot render useless. One does not need to steal when one is thankful. A man does not covet his neighbor’s wife when he is thankful for his own. No one craves more when he is grateful for what he has.

In the same way, a thankful heart cancels out pride and arrogance. No need to judge other people when you are thankful for who you are. No need to measure yourself by and compare yourself to others when you are thankful for what God has done in your life. No need to keep anyone out of the kingdom of God when you’re overwhelmed that you got in. (God can let in anyone He wants. I am simply glad to be counted among the saved.)

You don’t care if you get the important seat at the table when you are overcome with gratitude at simply being invited to the dinner. You don’t put heavy weights on other people’s shoulders when you are thankful that God has lightened your own load. You are not obsessed with what other people think of you when you are overwhelmed with the fact that God is thinking about you all the time. You don’t demand respect when you are thankful for your place. You don’t have to hide your own sin when you are already thankful for God’s forgiveness. You don’t have to protect your image when you are already number one with God. You don’t have to condemn other people’s blindness when it’s only the grace of God that has allowed you to see. You don’t have to try for the highest place when you are already grateful for whatever place you were given. You don’t have to make a show of spirituality when you are thankful for having received the Spirit. You don’t have to clothe yourself in holy robes when you have been already clothed in righteousness. You don’t have to be full of yourself when you are thankful that God has filled you up with Himself.

Not only do we have a lot to be thankful for, our thankfulness can accomplish much.

Anonymous said...

All I can do is say "Amen" to the last blog.

We are glad "little bit" is doing good. Home bound very soon we pray.

"Finally" got my printer working after several hours of messing around. Wish I knew more but thank God for what I do know and with the help of the Holy Spirit can work out.

Lots of Love, Gram

Anonymous said...

Feeling pretty? Good thing. I love feeling pretty. ^.^

Well, we had this really uhm...weird fight with one of my flatmates. She was always smoking in the kitchin which sucks. I mean the whole apartment smells like a bar or something. And then we talked and she was sooo stubborn. You can't even imagine...So I threatened to go to the people who are respondible for the aparments and stuff. And I think she was scared to get into trouble. So she made a compromise which is better than nothing. She only smokes in her room now. Closed door and open window included. See? I am getting really good at standing my ground.

As for Thanksgiving. You know we don't celebrate it here. Bu right now I am thankful for a lot of things:

1. I am thankful that I am actually doing well in my university classes. Even in the ones I usually don't understand.

2. I am thankful that I am getting to know a lot of people. And that I make new friends all the time.

3. I am VERY thankful that Isaac is doing so fine.

4. I am thankful for whatever plans God may have in store for me. I don't know yet what it is but I am sure it will be great :)

5. I am thankful for life in general. Sure it could be better if I wasn't so lonely sometimes. But even then I just think of something nice and pretty and then I smile without reason.

Yeah, so...I guess that's enough to be thankful for :)


Anonymous said...

I think Isaac looks like one of the really precious dolls - "so lifelike" - he has such beautiful skin and such amazing ideas. Have you ever watched Jon & Kate plus 8? maybe that would help with some of the anxiety of being home with two; it certainly should help you get past feeling you need to be a perfect parent, because these two parent in front of the cameras and are far from perfect. They love each other, and they love their kids and I guess for most of us that helps us get past the dirty floors and piles of laundry. Hoping you have a blessed Thanksgiving with your beautiful family.