Monday, November 19, 2007

No volunteers in the activity room again. Thankfully, Isaac's nurse took Hannah for about 15 minutes so I could see Isaac. When I went in he was just lying in his crib looking around. It's amazing how seeing and holding him lifts my spirits. I go from down in the dumps to excited in seconds. He loves when I hold him up so he can look around. Then, he just puts his head on my shoulder and lays there quietly looking around. I just keep kissing his head over and over again. Our little buddy buddy. His nurses keep telling me he's going to think his name is buddy buddy. Have I told you that before?! I don't remember...As long as Isaac does not have any problems they will continue to advance him 1ml every 24 hours. And, if he continues to do well and DeVos has an opening the plan is to transfer him at the end of next week.

I think I'm more stressed now than ever before. I'm sooo hopeful this is all going to come together. I'm on pins and needles every minute of everyday. And every time I call the NICU to check on him, I'm scared they're going to give me bad news. I just want to snatch him up and make a run for it. All the nurses and nurse practitioners are so excited he's doing so well. Leaving here (and Ohio in general) will be bitter-sweet. The only life we've ever known with Isaac has been here. I'll be glad to go, but we're going to be starting all over again in a new hospital with all new staff that know nothing about him or his likes and dislikes. That Sara Groves song that I referenced before keeps going through my mind, especially the line, "it feels like pinching to me, either way." Now I've gone and worked myself up...I have to call the NICU and check on him...he's sleeping. That's good.

I'm also nervous about going back to real life. Here, there is no cooking or cleaning. No barking dog or shedding cat. I've noticed when I've gone home the last few months, my anxiety level really goes up. I feel so responsible for so many things, and I just get so overwhelmed. I'm very nervous about all these feelings when I go home. And it's weird because it's not like this feels like a vacation, but really, I haven't had to do much of anything for the last 4 months. I would appreciate it if you would pray for this anxiety to go away and that I would be able to embrace my role as a wife, mom to 2 kids, a barking dog and shedding cat. The other thing that's difficult is Jason's schedule. He's up and gone by 6am and doesn't return home until 6:15pm. He's asked several times to work from Grand Rapids instead of commuting to Lansing, but understandably, they tell him if they do it for one person, they have to do it for others. By 3pm with just Hannah, I'm finished. I'm nervous about 2 at home, now, for 12 hours a day. And I feel silly feeling these things because this is just normal life! You guys do all this, too! I know in 10 years I'll look back on all of this and wonder where the time went and why didn't I play with the kids more often and worry less. Just sharing my thoughts, I guess.

Let's talk about Thanksgiving. No, not your stuffing recipe or secret ingredient for your pumpkin pie. I'd like to hear what you're thankful for. And please don't say "kids, health, husband..." BLAH. I want to hear specifics. Maybe a situation or a conversation, an epiphany or a God moment, maybe a random act of kindness (or what I'd like to call a Divine Appointment). I'd like to hear your heart stories about what you're thankful for. I think it would be neat to share a little with one another. And, if you don't want anyone to know who you are, just leave the comment anonymously. I can't wait to read what you all write!!!! (Seriously, I stay up late, just checking to see if anyone else has left a comment. And I check like 15 times a day.) I guess I should go first. I'm thankful for a billion things. But one thing I'm thankful for are the people and the relationships that God puts in my life. Like our now moved away neighbors, "Grandma" Marilyn and "Grandpa" Dave. Or my new friends from Ecuador. An unexpected sister-like friendship because of a common adoption link. A neighbor that is a little quirky but truly kind-hearted. I always look forward to the next relationship that God has planned for me. For, this I am thankful. it's your turn!


Jessica said...

I am thankful for being chosen to go through a life altering experience where I truly thought I would lose both my youngest sons. The experience was so scary,sad,stressful,etc., but I know that I was chosen by God specifically for His exact purpose! I, like you, was able to meet wonderful nurses and doctors, and especially other parents who I was able to through the common experience be a witness for Christ! What an honor to be chosen! What amazing lessons I learned, how much it changed me.

Thank you Lord for giving us this season of Thanks. Thank you for NEVER leaving us, nor forsaking us. I pray that you would take much of the anxiety Tiffany is feeling away , and replace it with peace. Thank you Jesus for ALL you have given us , and those you have placed specifically in our lives!

-Jessica Wilson

Josh Buck said...


Josh Buck said...

Oops, sorry about that last entry.

I'm thankful for so many things in my life. I'm thankful for a little boy who has come into our life to bring such joy and a constant source of laughter. I'm thankful for a husband who is still living and breathing and has all his mental capacities.

I'm thankful for a God who provides for my every need. He even provides people who come through for us at the drop of a hat when this momma feels like she's going a bit berserk.

I'm thankful for my computer that keeps me in touch with what God is doing in other people's lives.

But most importantly, I'm thankful for Luigi Lemon Ice from the freezer section at the grocery store. Yum!!!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for the honesty and transparency of sisters in Christ like you, Tiffany. You have no idea what a blessing you have been to my life through all that you are going through! God is so good!! Right now I am VERY thankful for OUR baby, who is a 23 yr. old Marine serving in Iraq. He knows God has his well being in His control, and for that I am the most thankful. It has been the hard for us to have our only son fighting a war, away from all of us who love him so much (especially his wife) with the holidays coming up. But then I turn my heart, thoughts, and thanks to another Only Son who sacrificed so much for me by dying for me. Wow. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your precious family.
Becky in Ohio

Anonymous said...

Wow thats a big order. What am I thank for? The things you told me I couldnt say, of course.
I am thankful that although I have been through many health issues with my youngest daughter that she is, for the most part healthy now. Being born early is stuggle enough but to have the added issues of allergies and severe asthma is a challenge I wish to never deal with again. I am thankful that God has been Good to us and kept that hedge of safety around her.
I am thankful for a renewed relationship with my mothers siblings. They had a falling out when their parents (my grandparents) died and the cousins/nieces and nephews fell apart too. We recently lost my Aunt to very advanced cancer and she found only 4 days before she died. During that time we all set everything aside to just be with one another.
I have so much to be thankful for.

I pray Issac continues to eat a little more everyday. That those "baby steps" are a step in the direction of home with his mommy, daddy, and sister Hannah. Those baby steps will soon be heard in your own hallway. It of course will be Isaac and Hannah coming to wake mommy and daddy up from a peaceful night sleep, just to remind the 2 of you the amazing journey you've had to bring your family together. Blessing to you all.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for my son. God choose for him to come into this world 11 weeks early and he trusted me to be his mom. He has put us through quite a few tests over the last few years but I'm so thankful that he is mine.
I don't know the reason he was born early or why has hydro or why he has had to have all these surgeries but I believe that all things happen for a reason. So all I can do is believe that God will guide us through it. Whatever it maybe. I'm also thankful for all the wonderful and caring people that we've meet along the way.
I wish you a wonderful, stressfree, holiday and that Isaac will soon be moved so that you can be a family again. God won't give you more than you can handle. And don't forget to breathe.


Rachel said...


I too am thankful to have "met" such a wonderful giving person this I mean you! The way you put yourself out there, your an amazing woman, mother, friend, wife. I pray that God give you peace about "starting" your new life with your two babies and your hubby when you finally get to go home. I have been touched by your story beyond words. I think of your family constantly. Keep strong in your faith...God has been with you and Isaac this entire time.


Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my 5 beautiful healthy children, 4 of whom were high risk pregnancies ,the last 2 who were premature and are now healthy as can be.
I am also thankful for blogging and the ability to "meet" people who are going through what you are (or have) gone through, to share with and encourage one another.
I am also thankful for wonderful loving people like you and jason who have opened your minds and hearts to God and his calling for your lives to raise these beautiful children who, without you both, might not have had a fighting chance in this cruel world.

Melony said...

I am thankful for a God that can speak so loud and clear when you need him. I grew up in church, was baptized at age 11, but only recently have realized how much my faith was lacking. I have been asking God to lead me (preferably baby steps to him - because let's face it - it can be overwhelming). Out of the blue, a girl that I have met twice at church that lives in my neighborhood called me and asked me if I would like to do a Bible Study at her house. Of all the Bible Studies out there, she is doing Beth Moore - Believing God. WOW!!! He couldn't have given me a better starting point. God is awesome!!

I am also very thankful for my family. I have two wonderful, healthy daughters that mean the world to me. I am so thankful for being able to stay home with them and for those precious moments of being able to snuggle, laugh and cry together. I and thankful for a great husband, terrific parents and wonderful friends. God has blessed my life so much. Life gets so busy that I often forget how thankful I should be!!

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that all goes well with Isaac this week.

Amy Noel said...

Okay, so I AM thankful for husband, kids, health, etc., but let me elaborate...Thank you, God, for the joy that fills our home because of our two precious boys. Hearing things like, "Good morning, Mommy! I love you." and "My tummy hurts. He says he doesn't like Taco Bell." bring so much laughter and smiles to my days. It is a beautiful thing to watch your children grow and learn and be able to grow and learn right along with them. I am also thankful for my husband, who I think I often take for granted, and who I know loves me and the kids and provides well for us. I am so grateful for the blessings the Lord has given our family, and for the reminders He gives me to count them. All praise be to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful that I met a girl named Tiffany so many years ago in my dorm at Michigan State. I am thankful for the journey God sent us on after that meeting. I had no idea what the next decade would bring. There is a lot that I wish we did not have to go through: the loss of a daughter, my mom, and four months with Isaac in the hospital; but I am thankful for the lessons God has taught us through these events and the wonderful family God has given us.

On a lighter note, I am thankful for a winning Michigan State Football season! Go State!


Amy said...

Hi Tiffany,
I've been reading your blog for the last few weeks since my sister shared your situation with me. I faithfully read your blog to check on Isaac's progress and your situation. He is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your faith and testimony.

I felt compelled to comment reading your thoughts and anxiety over returning home. It's a familiar feeling I can relate to. You've been on maternity leave...
You will adjust to the new demands, but be patient with yourself. One lesson I wanted to share that has been a personal sanity saver: learn to let go. You will not get everything done, but the most important will get done!

Here are a few thankful thoughts: my in-laws who watch our children while we work; my husband who is committed to the struggle of life with 3 children and marriage; the excitement I experience over the kids new achievemnt's; the serenity gained from my craft projects; my faith.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for wonderful people like you who have adopted and care for these wonderful little ones that have been given up. After I had my daughter I would cry everynight as I rocked her to sleep thinking of all the dear little babies that had no one to hold them or call them "mine" and also for the mothers that could not have children and give the endless love that they have. Thank you for adopting and for doing all the work that you do for these children.

I am thankful for my 2 year old daugther and also the little girl I'm carrying that I cannot wait to meet. I have learnd so much being a mom and enjoy it so much. I love to watch her play and discover and see how she develops. I am thankful for everyday I have to watch her grow, life so fragile and can be gone in an instant.

I am thankful for my family and my husbands family and the great relationships we have with them and that they can be part of our girls lives. These are just a few of the things I am thankful for.

May God continue to bless you and your family.

Sheryl Kenoyer said...

I am very thankful for my grandson. I thought that being a mom was the most wonderful thing in the world - but then along came that little boy who has captured my heart fully. My daughter and he lived with me for the first 10 months of his life so I got to see so many things that I otherwise wouldn't have. One day my daughter came home from work and I was letting him pull all of the kleenex out of the box. He was having so much fun! She asked "Why are you letting him do that?" I told her because life was too short, kleenex was cheap and he was having so much fun. She said "Would you ever have let me do that as a little girl?" I told her "No way!" And its true. With age has come a wisdom that these little things are so important. Kleenex can be picked up and stuffed back into the box. Toys can always be put away. There is always time to rock a baby. Reading a book over and over is one of life's pure pleasures.

So, I'm thankful that God has put me where I am today. Being a mom was a hard job and there were definitely days that I would end up in a heap from being so worn out. The thing is - you step into it one child at a time (generally) and as time progresses, so do your skills and "expertise". You don't have to know it all - all at once.

You will be an awesome mother of two children - for 12 hours at a time - with a dog and a shedding cat. With cookies to bake and a floor that will or won't get vacuumed. Put God first - have Him go ahead of you each and every day. Its all good.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!!! What can I say after all of these blogs that are so inspirational!!This Gram is in awe of all of you. Yes I have so many stories but what all of you have said is what I can repeat over and over again. Family and "friends" are so important but "Christ" is of course the most important and almost all of you out there have HIM in your hearts or you would not have been on here and blessed not only the Evans family but their extended family. So many "thanks" for sharing your hearts and lives with all of us.
You have prayed and so many "thanks" you have believed, "thanks" again, you have agreed, "thanks" again so what more can I say other than "THANK YOU".

Tiff, my "mouse" died so I have not been on here. We also got a new printer so had to get a USB thing for that today. I got the mouse fixed but I have to set up the printer tomorrow. BTW I printed the picture of Hannah and Isaac where she is holding Issac formy family for Christmas. I will send a couple to you and Jason for your billfold if you would like as I am sure you have not had the opportunity to do so.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

Well first I am thankful for my family...sorry have to say it!!:) I also am thankful for you Tiffany and the encouragement you give even though you may not realize it. You are an inspiration with this blog and you should know how much you mean to so many that have been or are going through the same situations that you are. I appreciate your honesty in what you share.
I am thankful for a precious little girl named Destiny. Although our hopes were shattered in our wanting her to be "our" daughter and we went through such disappointment in an ongoing battle for 9 months...we know the pain that we went through was a life lesson learned about our faith. I never understood fully what it meant to have faith in God until I went through a failed adoption. BUT...Destiny and her life is still something to definitely be thankful for.
I am thankful for the strong faith that God has given me and the understanding that it is not enouph to say I have faith but to truly live in faith...something not seen but it is believed, known, felt and shared.
God Bless you Tiffany and I pray that God will bring to you a peace that only He can bring.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my new church. God did not attend my last church and I started on a slow fall. 5 years of questioning the Lords presence in my life slipped by until I pulled myself out and forced myself to look elseware dispite the fact I would be looked down on. Now in my new church I have met so many wonderful people and have had God help a lot through starting an adoption journey and through my miscarrage. I feel so much closer to him and am becoming a better example to my kids. My faith has been restored these last 4 months. Thank God for that!! -Sherry

Anonymous said...

I’m thankful for the little things in life…the little things...that even when we’re stressed about the ‘big picture’ that a smiling face, a cup of coffee, or a text from a friend can make you smile and forget about the stress that life holds.

For a job that I enjoy…even the challenging days..or the good mornings…like walking into lunch today and declaring that I had a good morning…two of my most challenging students actually MADE my morning. One earned a bonus point in reading (he cared enough to try!!!) and another, finished his time test when a few minutes before didn’t think he COULD. As small as it sounds, it’s THAT that made me smile.

I’m thankful for continued hope that things do and can change…and that their may be light at the end of the tunnel… tunnel and for yours as well..whatever that may be :)

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

I'm thankful to be the mom of babies of color. When we got prayed over at church, little did I know that the Lord would give us a houseful of little boys... all the color of Ghiardelli Semisweet (my personal fave). What a JOY it has been! Do you know EVERYONE on the planet has a story to share with us? We have met the most interesting people! My husband led a lady to Christ in the middle of a cave when she asked about Ozzie, our oldest son.
Someone said to me "I think people must stare at you"... and honestly, I've never noticed. My kiddos are SO incredibly cute (am I unbiased or what??) that OF COURSE people are going to notice them. Plus, they are almost always happy and goofy. Hear some boys singing the ABC song in the produce aisle? That would be the Miller boys. Hear someone telling knock knock jokes too loudly in the library? That's us, too!
For me, it's allowed me to feel free to make eye contact with anyone and everyone. It's allowed me to have a personal connection to our birthmoms (we have OPEN adoptions). I have learned so much.
Oh the fun... and the joy.
What a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany
I am the birth grandma that e-mailed you a couple months ago about the none profit you are starting. I never did call you because at the time we were going through a difficult time with the adoptive parents and I didn't want to bother you with all that.
When I saw your post and you said it was our turn to say what we are thankful for I just had to comment. Even though being a birth grandma is not a journy I ever wanted to take I am thankful that it is an open adoption and we do have a relationship with our grandchild. Each day we think of her and pray for her and know that God has plans for her life and we are grateful to be a part of it.
Thanks for sharing so much of your journey on this blog. You are a great mom and will handle whatever God has in store for you with these 2 beautiful kids. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and I will continue to pray for your family.

Anonymous said...

I just cought up from a few days away. I must say, Isaac is a handsome little guy! I can see you overflowing with joy at his progress. It delights me to read your blog and look at the photos you so faithfully post.

Just a comment from an earlier post. We too declined possible financial assistance with Jenna's NF for the same reasons. In no way were we going to chance losing her for amy amount of money. Somehow we just know we did the right thing and God will provide for all of her future medical needs.

I'm thankful for many things, but especially for the adoption of our girls and the joy it has brought us. I'm thankful for the bountiful network of families and friends and the passionate desire of my heart to embrace diversity. I'm thankful for all of the things I would never have know before submitting to His plan. I'm thankful that His plan brought you to be my friend and I'm thankful for Hannah and Isaac and all of the joy I see them bringing to you! God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Brenda

Anonymous said...

i'm thankful for unity in our home.

awhile ago my husband told me that he was ready to adopt CHILDREN! Not just one, but a sibling group!!!! Most likely only 2 or 3, but we don't know cause God has not shown us our children yet.
for this i am thankful.

and i am thankful for all of you in blog land that have gone before me and taught me to trust God and His timing through this complicated process.

i am thankful for a church that values children and sees the importance of teaching them about Jesus....a church that will come alongside us to raise our children, making a difference in our community, their family genes, and ultimately God's Kingdom.

we have not gone public with our news yet, but i wanted to praise God and thank you for your commitment to Isaac. Blood does not determine who your children are, God does.

God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving!
one of your blog readers

Jane said...

I am thankful for my relationship with Jesus being stronger now than last year this time.

I am thankful for my husband's job that allows me to be a stay at home wife and volunteer for God's glory. (wish I could come help you guys too!) And a job that won't be eliminated, as he works in the medical field.

I am thankful for you Tiffany...God has made my life better through knowing you through your blog.

Thankful today and always,

Anonymous said...

After reading your blog I thought about what I was truly thankful for. There is alot but what are some of the smallest of the small things that may go un-noticed? Their is the obvious, kids, family, friends, love, kindness, etc and our latest thing to be thankful for....Our ICPC is finally getting filed this week, YAY! (That only took 4 months!)

I am Thankful for Laughter, even in the toughest, most complicated times laughter will make you forget the stress of the trying times; if only just for a moment.

I wish GOD could help everyone with remaining positive in the trying times, it makes what you are going through so much easier when you are surrounded with optimistic, hopeful, peaceful, positive, faithful people.

That is what I am un-obvious that I am thankful for: laughter and people who look for the positive in everything.

Amanda in MN

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for friends that are better at keeping in touch than I am and keep sending me colorful notes in the mail b/c they're thinking/praying for me. I'm thankful for time/means to have a ph appt w/ a great Christian conf in times of stress and transition. I am so glad our puppy loves kids and loves to lick and loves visitors -- to a fault! God's Girl, Christine =D

Unknown said...

I wanted to comment on how you feel some anxiety about going back to "real life". You know you will be able to make it. I am not sure I could pack up one child and move to a different state and only see my husband on the weekends. Not to mention the part about sitting by another child's bedside hoping and praying he will get well. If you had sat and pondered that a year ago you would not have thought you could do that as well.
1 year from now when your life is in full swing and you are successfully caring for those two beautiful children there will be some chaos, but it will be your chaos and you will be doing great and thanking God for every minute of it just the way you do now.
You are a great encouragement to moms and christians everywhere.
Thanks for all you do.
God Bess you
A reader