Thursday, November 29, 2007

The tentative plan is for a Tuesday discharge. He did fabulous without his dextrose so they took him down to half of his TPN. He won't eat from the bottles I used for Hannah (anyone who bought Avent bottles off our list...I'm sorry, I won't be needing them...silly boy) so I went to Target today and picked out two other ones for him to try. Hopefully the cheapest one works! We'll know by morning.

I called our insurance company today to see if his formula is covered since it's prescription dice. Hello, expensive formula, goodbye grocery budget. The rest of us won't be eating, but Isaac will.

Isaac had his x-ray (potential rickets) and his ultrasound (check on his kidneys) today. I'll call later tonight for the results. His circumcision is scheduled for tomorrow. Poor buddy buddy.

Jason will be joining us for the weekend tomorrow evening which is a good thing because Hannah is sick. She can't go to Isaac's room and I'm not sure if she'll be able to go to the activity room tomorrow or not. So, we'll probably have to tag team with the kids or I don't know what! Pretty soon he'll be home with us and our colds....what do you do. Nevertheless, Hannah and I are excited to see Jason.

Saturday, our Ohio Grandma and Grandpa will have Hannah at their house for the day while Jason and I have a date day all day. We're looking forward to some MUCH NEEDED time together.

A couple of friends of mine are going to our house on Monday to give it a good clean before we come home. THANK YOU!!! It's weird and embarrassing to think of other people cleaning my house. I know it needs it and I won't be there to do it! Thank goodness for friends who love me despite what they might find!


Anonymous said...

Hey!! Tuesday that is wonderful. I know you and Jason and the house cannot be that bad but it does need a go over and Praise The Lord for friends that are going in and help. Who knows but what your baby doctor will soon change the formula and he will not have to have that very expensive "stuff". Another prayer request here!! Is that stuff "gold" or what?? I cannot imagine that a company gets that kind of money on the back of dependent children. Sorry but that is the drug companies for you!! They seem to charge the most for the most needed prescriptions for those out there than can afford it the least.

Well we just watched are you smarter than a 5th grader and the 5th graders won against college students. It is a fun show and those of you out there that have children would appreciate it. Even those of us that do not have children at home anymore. We get it on Public TV. Channel 66 here in the Flint area.

Off to bed for me, Lots of Love and we are going to pray that all goes well and everything will work out for "all" of you. Also that Hannah gets well soon.

Christ's Love and Ours
Gram and Papa

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Check in with WIC about the formula. Until you finalize, you could qualify.

More later... baby is GRUMPY

Jessica said...

If Isaac is required to be on Neocate, ask your pediatrician's office if they have samples. My son had to be on that and his nurse said that often times the formula rep's will give you tons of samples since it's kind of uncommon. Worth a try! :)

Portland, OR.

Anonymous said...

Hello. Have you called the formula company to see if they send out coupons? I receive coupons for formula all the time. Maybe they have some they could send you. I will pray for you and your family this coming week. What a wonderful day Tuesday will be. May God be with you and your family!!

Hummel Family said...

Did you try the Dr Brown's?

Anonymous said...

Isaac should qualify for WIC even after the adoption. Call WIC. My baby gets WIC just because he is an adopted child. Good Luck.

nurse jen said...

WOW!! Congratulations on the little Buddy coming home soon!! You are on the homestretch of this incredible journey!! RE: the circumcision. Again, it's a personal choice and one you have to make for YOUR son; I wish people understood that!! You are educated people and are making the best decisions for YOUR family. That's what is best! Most doctors do provide anesthetic (Lidocaine 2%) to the area prior to the circ, contrary to the website.
I am celebrating the homestretch with your family. Bottles, formula, pictures, carseat tests, endless teaching.....'s a lot but sooooo worth it, huh?! Your face shows so much joy... Congrats! Many prayers continue...

Anonymous said...

Male members of my husband's family had lifelong complications from being UNcircumcised. Infections, etc.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has been wrong before - doctors aren't perfect. That said, they may be right on the circumcision issue.

Moral of the story = it's your decision, and you're Isaac's mother!

Jane said...

I am doing the hallelujah dance for you guys!!! Oh how I am praising Jesus for His love and goodness for your family.

Don't forget us in blog world when you get home...Isaac (all four of you!) are a part of our hearts and families. Keep us posted from time to time. I do realize that there won't be daily post...just don't want to loose you guys! You have changed our hearts in ways you will never know.

still praying,

Anonymous said...

The formula thing will work out. Circumcism is an elective surgery. It is the parents choice. These seem like very insignificant situations considering where you all have been. Gram and I will continue to agree... Right Mom.The news continues to be on the positive note, and that is where I need to be at this point. Love to all.

Gram and Papa said...

Well I left you another message but at this point I will do another one later. For some reason it did not go through.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Gram and Papa said...

Hey you will notice I "just" got a little smarter(?)!!

Right Tiff, Love ya, Me.