Monday, December 17, 2007

Ok, I officially feel terrible for not blogging for so long! No excuses, really.

Overall, the kids are doing great. Isaac continues to be fussy, especially in the evening. He also has a lot of trouble getting the poop least he makes a big deal about it. He'll be seeing the pediatric GI doc tomorrow and I've already started my list of questions. He also slowed way down on the weight gain so his pediatrician said we need to monitor him closely (we already are, but you know what I mean). Hannah watches more TV than I would like (I vowed my kids would never watch TV....yeah, right) but at least it's PBS and Bible song DVD's. It's just easier, ya know?! Santa got her a big jumping thing for Christmas that will go in the basement that she will love. I'm excited to have an indoor "outlet" for all of her energy.

Jason continues to be a big help with the kids. Both kids needed a bath yesterday so I took Isaac first, while Hannah played with Daddy and then we did the switch up in the evening for Hannah's bath. We take turns every other evening putting her to bed. Jason also helps with the nigh time feedings. He does all the feedings at night on the weekends so I can have a break. Jason also let me go Christmas shopping (since I hadn't started, yet) on Friday night. I was gone from 5:30-10pm and Jason didn't call at all. It was soooo nice to get out and get our shopping done. I went to Michael's, Dollar Tree and Target. I listened to my James Taylor Christmas CD while in traffic. It was wonderful.

Papa stopped by on Saturday to visit with us. Hannah was THRILLED to see him and have a tea party with him. She was hesitant to share him with Isaac and at one point told him he could not hold Isaac. It was cute. He'll be stopping by again this Saturday for Christmas. Since we can't get out with groups of people, our friends and family are stopping in for short visits at our place. Feel free to give us a call if you want to stop in for a visit. There are some restrictions, but give us a call and we'll see what we can work out.

We got a ton of snow Saturday night so Hannah and I went out Sunday morning to shovel. It was so fun. I actually enjoy outside work. I like that it's physical and I just love being outdoors. Hannah loved running, falling and playing in the snow. I was glad to give her an opportunity to get outside. I think that's one of the things we missed most about being in Ohio--not a lot of opportunities to get outside and enjoy the outdoors--like taking walks.

The house is a mess (stuff everywhere). We looked at our budget to see if we could get someone in to vacuum once a go. I feel horrible that I can't get to that kind of stuff, but it really is difficult. And the worst thing is the pet hair. I hate it. I love my dog and cat but not the constant hair all over. I'm so conscious about it when people come over, too. Vacuuming and laundry are the two things that I absolutely have to do. At least I'm managing the laundry!

We also received a very nice letter and gifts from someone in Ohio. What a nice surprise! Thank you so much! It's amazing that so many of you are still out there! I continue to appreciate your encouragement and support. I wish I could have all of you over for dinner! I'd love to have the opportunity to really get to know you. I feel like you know me, but I don't know you. That's why I enjoyed getting your notes and cards and pics that you sent about yourselves.

I better get going. Isaac is probably in bed screaming and I'm on the computer. Bad mommy!

Love to all!


Anonymous said...

Its fine to blog less. You are busy dealing with pet hair :) We are still here but check in every other day instead of 3 times a day. I am so happy to see the pictures of Isaac at home. I wish you and your familiy a very Happy Christmas and lots of health and joy in the new year. I hope to be sending pictures of our child at home when we find her. -Sherry

Janet said...

LOL! We are leading parallel lives! Pet hair is my worst enemy too - it's a tragedy when I don't get to the vaccuming for three or more days...but it happens. And, as you stated - all of my kids are wearing clean clothes! Mike on the other hand...just kidding! And just know that although it kills you, most people don't really care what your house looks like, they just want to see your beautiful babies!

It's so nice that you got to get out by yourself - Jason is such a wonderful Daddy!
Hugs to all of you!
Love, Janet

Jane said...

So happy to hear from you, but TOTALLY understand your limited time. Your family IS your priority!

Pets...we have a cat that is about 6 years old, the first 5 years he was inside...then he decided that he wanted to be out at night to play with our three outside cats and sleep inside during the day. I LOVE not having all the cat hair (and my allergens) around. It has been cold and windy here this weekend...he has BEGGED to come in from the "cold", last night I almost gave in...but NO WAY! I don't want to have to do all that sweeping! Bad mommy here to!

Again, thank you for sharing your family with DOES make a difference in The Kingdom to share and encourage others....and you are a HUGE encouragement to me. I thank Jesus daily for your testimony.

Merry Christmas to your family of four....a family of four that is home together! PRAISE GOD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you have the best excuse ever for not being online as mcuh...Being a mom of two kids must be hard. But then again I cannot imagine much taht would be more fun. You know I lvoe kids. And I sure want some...Anyway...I'm waffling around here. Don't mind me. I'll just go and sit in a corner...counting dust flakes... ^.^

Love ya,

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Pet hair is a pain but I'll bet your fourlegged friends are happy to have you all home again. Just wait until Isaac starts eating real food... they'll be at his feet waiting for treats.

I think Isaac is getting cuter by the minute. He sure looks engaged with this grandfather! You can tell he is one secure baby :-)

Hannah is delightful; her smile must warm your heart each day.

Any ideas when your article in the Canton Repository will be in?

Katie in Dalton, OH
PS: posted a quick video of my boys' premier performance at church last night LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey there, good evening even if you are busy. We just finished having left over Lasagna from the weekend and cole slaw left over to. Love the pictures of course.

I hope that all goes well with Isaac's check up tomorrow. Needless to say babies are fussy certain times of day and if you can believe it or not I do remember that from over 50 years ago. They have to let you know that they are around and want attention. Usually it was in the evening when you want to wind down and "just" relax. "BUT" if they finally go to sleep and sleep for a while it is worth it!!

Needless to say this is what it is all about for all of the MOM's out there. It is not easy, it is hard at times. It is fun at times as you indicated in your blog.

Well nothing new going on here,

Lots of love, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

My house is now clean, no dust or dander; and now no babies seek my attention; they are grown with families of their own. Believe me, I have no regrets that I didn't vacuum more often thirty years ago; that dirt is all gone by now, and those baby love moments are, too, except in memory. Relax and relish every precious moment God has given you, especially at this special time with holidays and new adjustments to make.

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

I love the above comment. It was a big reality check for me, a young mommy of 2 as well. Thanks, anonymous! Our babies are our top priority, even as the dust, laundry and pet dander build up in the corner!!! Hang in there. Love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Well I know I have a blog on here but I am anxious to know how the doctor appointment went today!!! I would love to call but bet you are in the middle of "dinner" taking care of kids and the "husband".

Our life here is not the best but we are coping. Papa is still not in the best condition. So that is life here and there in your life also.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa.