Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gram, you were right, yesterday was crazy. It's always helpful to have Hannah and I dressed and ready before Isaac wakes up between 8 and 9 in the morning. Luckily, yesterday was one of those days I was on the ball!

We left the house around 12:15 so I could return some library books, make a deposit and return the weekend movies. I only got to the books before we had to head to Isaac's appointments. We saw the Endocrinologist (Vitamin D levels) at 1pm. They were very pleased with his progress considering his very early birth and complicated start to life. They're putting him back on a Vitamin D supplement (which I'm thrilled about because I had to purchase it before we left the hospital and it was $85 and not covered by insurance). I was glad to not see that money go to waste but sorry the kiddo needs it. Vitamin D helps the body absorb Calcium which we all know we need for strong, healthy bones. While Isaac does not have rickets, he does have some bone abnormalities. After that appointment, we had another at 3:15 in the same I decided to wait. Other than Isaac throwing up an entire bottle all over myself and him, the wait was fine. I brought snacks and toys for Hannah and she was fine. 3:15 rolls around and we see the nurse practitioner from the GI doc's office (billiruben levels and feeding issues). This was the appointment I had been waiting for. All of his fussing and carrying on during pooping was a little concerning. Well, I was worrying for no reason. She said he was fine. With that out of the way, she gave him a different acid reflux med, Prevacid instead of Zantac--a little stronger to help with his uncomfortableness. She also gave me 3 cans of Elecare (Isaac's formula)--liquid gold in our house! Then I had to take him to the lab to get his blood drawn for some tests. I waited with Hannah while he screamed in the back. It was pretty horrible. Anytime he starts crying at an appointment Hannah gets worried. I decided it was better for her not to see him being manhandled and held down to get his blood. He came out allright and I sat and held him for a few minutes. By the time we left the lab it was 4:45. I was exhausted, Hannah was exhausted (missed naptime) and Isaac was comatose from his blood draw. Jason called to say he was leaving Lansing and I asked if we could go out for dinner. At 6pm, we met up at Applebee's. After dinner we headed out to Meijer Gardens to see the Christmas lights, trees and train. It was so busy. But, Hannah loved it. So it was worth it. Isaac was buried in his front carrier and covered with a blanket so he wasn't exposed to the 1000 other people walking around. A full day!

We have one appointment with the surgeon this morning and then we're home for the day. I will have to get out tonight to get a few things done. I've got this little list of things to do that I continue to put off. Mostly because it involves errands I don't want to do with both kids; but by the time Jason gets home and we eat, I don't want to go out again. Anyway, I have a few gifts to mail that I just need to take care Christmas is less than a week away! Hopefully today!

One of my friends from the RMDH whose son had a heart transplant as a newborn is doing very well. He had a bottle yesterday for the first time. They're not giving them a discharge date, but I pray it's soon! It's so nice to be able to continue to follow along on their journey. I keep telling them they'll never be rid of us now...we're forever friends! We love and miss you guys!!

Hannah is thrilled for Christmas and Santa. Frankly, so am I. I love getting gifts. Love it. I love to give gifts, too. We're doing our best to explain to Hannah that Christmas is about Jesus's birthday but somehow Santa always come out on top. We do read about the birth of Jesus from the Bible every Christmas morning but I have a feeling Hannah's focus will be elsewhere!

Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Even though I no longer work with Jason at the AG, I continue to follow your blog. God has continued to be with your family thru all the ups and downs and it's awesome to see that life is on the upswing for you all. Your willingness to share your journey with people you don't even know has been a great ministry. God called you and Jason to be his caretaker for Isaac and you answered with a resounding YES - what a testament to your faith. Don't ever doubt what a blessing you have been to people with and without the faith. I pray for Isaac's good health and many wonderful days ahead for your family. Have a wonderful Christmas Evans family!

Jane said...

wow! I'm exhausted just READING about your Tuesday!

Keep telling her about Jesus...she will get it!

Praise God for the THREE cans of formula!!! Every little drop counts.

still praying,

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

I agree with Jane! I need a nap just from reading about your day! Wish I could send you our delightful homeschool teenage girl who helps with child care once in a while.

I am absolutely amazed at how Isaac is progressing. He is one soon-to-be-mobile little testimony of God's Goodness.

Will Isaac fit into a Christmas stocking? That would make a cute picture (NO... don't hang him from the fireplace LOL).

Did Hannah get a new Christmas outfit? Little girl clothes are so cute (yeah, my son's Thomas the Train shirt was a big hit at the Christmas program at preschool... sigh)


Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that the dr. visits went well. You certainly crammed in a full day!!! Hopefully Hannah will take a good nap today!
*side note* my daughter was a preemie and she too had to be switched to prevacid. What a difference!! I hope it works for your little guy too!
Have a Merry Christmas with your little ones!

Ellen said...

tiffany, i sent you a package in ohio once - but haven't really commented on your blog. i am just so happy that your family is together and HOME - busy days or not! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Wow - what a busy day - so that is what I'm in for once we finally get discharged! It makes me tired even thinking about it. Santa came to the hospital with some really nice gifts for Grady - a stroller/car seat combo and 3 little outfits. I'm with you - Christmas is so much fun - I love both giving and receiving gifts! Well, I hope the rest of your week is good. I'm glad Isaac is doing so well!
Your RMH bud,

Anonymous said...

We had our English Department Christmas Party yesterday. You cannot believe how much fun it was. Some of our teachers were there as well and it was nice to get to know them outside of the classroom. I mean I met some new people there and we had so mcuh fun. Quite some alcohol but I was surprisingly sober when I got out fo the bar at 12.30 or so XD And they had this really fun thing going on: Whoever brings a gift will get one in return. So I had this really cute tin box filled with nuts, apples, mandarins, chocolate, self-made scones and a little note saying some nice things. And from what I heard the girl who got it was really happy :) I got a gift that one of theachers brought. A German-English dictionary. Which is awesome because I didn't have one. And so I told him. It was a really nice evening. I lvoe how all the people were laughing and how their faces lit up with joy.

I am on my way home tonight. My mom's picking me up. I am so excited. I didn't see my family for three weeks now. And I make sure to call up on you guys.

Much love,

Anonymous said...

How is "little bit" doing? Things sound so positive, keep up the good work.

We are doing good here, shopping this morning so we both are wiped out.

Will get back with you later today or tomorrow.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

Hey there, we are looking forward to any new updates as far as "all" of you are concerned. We know that you had a Christmas party with Papa Jim on Saturday. I would bet Hannah was excited or does she realize the scope of all of the presents?? We know that you are trying to teach her the meaning of Christmas but whether she comprehends it is different. "I" think it is too (?) new yet!! "MY" opinion. Its just to much fun getting all of these new things. Hey it is fun for us also!!!

We need to continue to pray that Isaac will eventually "play" catch up and be a "normal" child with extraordinary skills. We have seen this with a friend of ours that her granddaughter was born at the same weight and is 10 years old and doing wonderful. We know that the Lord is good and can do wonderful things so we all have to keep the faith that it will be the same for Isaac.

Christ healed them all when he lived on earth, he did not expect anything from them. They did not have to be saved at that point in time. I "think" that they just had to obey what he said. Do not quote me!! At any rate "my" prayer is that all goes well with Isaac, Hannah, Tiff and Jason in the years to come. That the Lord will Bless them for their service to HIM.

We want to send Blessings to all that are a part of all of this. The Lord Bless YOu and Keep You, The Lord make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.

Have a wonderful CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year to come.

Christ's Love and Ours, Tiff's Gram and Papa,

Patty said...

I just wanted to let you know, the follow-up to your story is in the Canton Repository today.

Blogging is a wonderful tool. I used it to keep family and friends up to date on my son, who is finishing up his chemo for testicular cancer.

Our prayers are with your family and little Isaac. You sound like wonderful parents! Good luck, and God bless!

Jane said...

first, I love it when Gram and Papa call Isaac "little bit".... my mom always refers to the small grandchildren as little bit. And since I am in SC and they live in NE Ohio, I am pleased to think of times with my mom.

Wanted to let you know that on this Christmas Eve I am praying for your family and praising Jesus for Isaac and his health. God is so gracious to allow Isaac to be home with his forever family....I thank Him for answering all our prayers and for your family. My life will be forever changed for knowing you in blog world.

Always praying,