Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Where do I start?!

We celebrated Christmas with Jason's dad on Saturday. As Gram would say, we made out like bandits! It was a very memorable day. Lots of laughs and yells of joy from Hannah. She immediately put on a sweatshirt she got from Aunt Sarah (Jason's sister) and made us put together every single toy on the spot! You can tell from the pics that Jim is very loved by our family--even Cooper (our cat) wanted to be on his lap! We had a very nice time. I thought of Nancy (Jason's mom) several times throughout the day. Her presence was definitely missed at our tiny gathering.

Isaac is doing well. As of Friday, he's 8 pounds, 2 ounces and he's eating 2-4 ounces every three hours. He still needs considerable support to his cheeks and chin to suck correctly on his bottle. I asked his GI doc if we could start skipping the 3am dice. For now, we will continue to "enjoy" this one-on-one time with our little buddy. He's making more eye contact which is very good. He's cooing a little and smiled at me once (I think). These developmental milestones are critical for preemies. These are often the first signs of normal or delayed development. He will have a therapist coming once a week for at least a year beginning in January to help with these issues. He gets tummy time during the day and can turn his head from side to side. He doesn't want to hold it up for long, but we're working on it! He still loves to watch and listen to Hannah more than anyone else. I think they'll be best buds (at least I really, really hope so).

Hannah is adjusting well. She loves on Isaac and helps a ton. Whenever there is something she can do to help, I ask her. And she loves the responsibility of helping Mama. Her vocabulary and comprehension continue to expand. Tonight, in the car on the way home from church (yes, we took Isaac to church--bad parents!) we were talking about Santa coming to bring gifts to the good girls and boys. She was quiet for a minute and then said, "But not to the bad ones?!" So adorable. And when she picked out the cookies to leave for Santa, she picked the two smallest ones. Jason was disappointed and muttered under his breath that Santa might have to get into the cookie jar.

Joe Gartrell for the Canton Repository wrote a follow-up story about our family and it was in the paper today. You can read the story at Canton Repository and search local headlines for Miracle Baby Heads Home. Thanks, Joe. You've allowed us to share our story with many, many loving people.

Then, we received a phone call from FOX 17 this afternoon, mentioning they'd read Joe's article and wanted to know if we'd do an interview. Visit Fox 17 and look for Miracle Baby. The interview aired on the 10pm news this evening. Thank you, FOX 17, for sharing our story with our Grand Rapids community.

Throughout the weekend and between late night feedings, Jason and I have been playing Dutch Blitz, our new favorite game we received as a gift from some friends we made while at the RMDH. Ken and Jeannie and family, we're getting good so you better be sure you want to invite us to visit and play Ships this summer!

Much love to you and yours. There's no place I'd rather be. And I really mean that.


Anonymous said...

Christmas blessings to you and your precious family. I love seeing the pictures! Isaac looks absolutely adorable, and Hannah is as cute as ever. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers for a long time!! This Christmas, I am thankful that God has allowed your little man to be home with you all, and that he seems to be doing well. Pray for our son; he is a Marine stationed in Iraq, and this is the first Christmas he has not been with us. It has been hard already, not only for us, but for his wife, Nicole. (She is Josh Buck's cousin!). Anyhow, Merry Christmas to you Tiffany, you are a blessing to my life.

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

What a beautiful gift for Christmas! I read the Canton Rep article and watched the video (couldn't help but notice how Isaac turns his head whenever his Daddy talks!). He is a beautiful baby. You have given all of us a wonderful testimony

You are a fantastic MOTHER.

Katie in Ohio

Anonymous said...

I read the article about you in the Repository. In fact I have been keeping up with your postings. I really just cannot keep my thoughts to myself anymore. Exactly how much free stuff have you gotten since you came to Ohio to "adopt" this little boy. I know you had part of your house remodeled, a free place to stay, free daycare, free rental car, and free meals, just to mention a few. You are also registered at Target for the baby. May I ask WHY? You did not have this baby. I saw your list of wanted items. Give me a break!! I read where you also put something on there for your other child. I cannot believe how many people are fooled by you. Now you are hinting that you cannot afford to hire a housekeeper!! Aren't you a stay at home mom? Why can't you clean your own house? Everyone I know cleans their own house. Yes, even the ones who have children. What makes you think you are so special? If the dog and cat hair are so bad, why don't you get rid of them? I personnaly have 3 cats and 2 dogs in my house along with 2 kids and my husband and I work fulltime. I still manage to clean my own house. Sounds to me like you are an opportunistic person. You are just trying to take advantage of the kind hearted people who read your blog. You are always hinting at needing or wanting something. By the way isn't your husband an attorney? You know if you really could not afford this stuff maybe you shouldn't have adopted another baby. Why don't you ever post any of the negative comments you have received? I know several people who have commented but amazingly they are never posted. I just have one final question, how do you think Isaac is going to feel if he ever reads your comment in the Repository? The one where you stated that if you had known how difficult it was going to be you never would have done it. Well, I can feel the love there! Honey life is difficult, get used to it.

The Beckster's Blog said...

Wow, I just read the last comment. I guess there is a difference in how most of us have read your postings and comments in the last few months. I took them as a journal of your difficult and wonderful experience--waiting to bring little Isaac home to a loving and God honoring family. I also took your postings as a way I could pray for you, Jason, Hannah, and of course little Isaac. Merry Christmas to you all, Tiffany. Don't let this put a damper on your holiday. We love you even though we don't KNOW you in person!!

The Beckster's Blog said...

Wow, I just read the last comment. I guess there is a difference in how most of us have read your postings and comments in the last few months. I took them as a journal of your difficult and wonderful experience--waiting to bring little Isaac home to a loving and God honoring family. I also took your postings as a way I could pray for you, Jason, Hannah, and of course little Isaac. Merry Christmas to you all, Tiffany. Don't let this put a damper on your holiday. We love you even though we don't KNOW you in person!!

Anonymous said...

What can I say except to you Maggie, your posting is not altogether true. Needless to say "I" have a saying that until you walk in someone else's shoes you cannot judge only Christ has that right.

First of all the articles in the Canton paper were not at the request of the Evans family. They approached them and they were proud to support the idea of adoption. The TV station in Grand Rapids called the Evans family and they agreed to a interview.

Second the list on the Target gift registry was at the request of family, friends and neighbors of theirs. We wanted to know what they wanted or needed including for Hannah.

Third, you make it sound like this was a free ride all along in Ohio. That is the biggest mistake you made. Yes, there was some wonderful people that gave them some gifts opened their home to them for a while but not at their request, just wonderful people doing what Christ wants us all to do. You do not know what it has cost them and it is none of your business or mine.

Forth, Tiffany did not say that she would not have adopted Isaac, they would not do anything different. To say that if they knew ahead what it would be like they might have reconsidered is a statement not a fact.

As far as remodeling the house all they did was take the carpet up upstairs and put down a wood floor. Lowe's gave them a "discount" on the flooring and wonderful Christian men from their Church helped Jason lay the floor. Their friends, Church families and relatives believe in them and what they are doing.

Needless to say you have a right to your opinion as we all do but you need to get the facts straight. If you do not agree with Tiffany's blog do not follow it that is your right. It is my right as Tiff's Gram to say that I feel you owe the Evans family a apology. You did a great disservice to them. They are a very giving family as some of their friends can attest to.
Christ's Love and yes mine,
Grandma Varvel

Anonymous said...

I also just read the comments from Maggie. I hope that you do not take to heart what she wrote. It will be easy to dwell on it. I loved to read your blog each day, know how to pray for you and what your needs where. So, you wrote what I wanted to know so I could get to know you better. Keep up the blog. Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your family. Love in Christ who came to this world because the Father loved us so. Carol

Lizze said...

Wow. I read the follow up article in the Canton Rep last night. I started your blog last night and just now finished it - I've gone back and read a blog start to finish before. I have to admit that it brought back many memories for me. I have two boys. My youngest was born at 36 weeks after I was on bed rest and hospitalized starting at around 24 weeks for preterm labor. It was by the grace of God that he was not born sooner. While he didn't have many of the issues Isaac had, he had quite a few. I'm sorry that you had to experience that - no parent should. However, I'm also grateful that you were there for Isaac when he needed family the most. Congrats on your wonderful Christmas present! Merry Christmas and a VERY Happy New Year! Much Love.

Anonymous said...

Merry CHRISTmas to the Evans Family!! Isaac and Hannah look adorable. What a wonderful Christmas for you. I loved watching you all on the newscast. What a wonderful story to share.
Many blessings to you all,

Anonymous said...

God's blessings to you, Evans family! I am very happy for you that you were all able to spend Christmas at home. You are an awesome example of how following God's path can lead you to the best places. Enjoy each other and remember that countless people are lifting you up in prayer every day and are wishing you the best!

maggie from Ohio - all I can say in response to your "post" is that I pray that God will take the bitterness away from your heart and you would be able to see the joy in this blessed season and feel His presence in your life

Anonymous said...

Our son was born at 30 weeks and spent two months in Bronson's NICU. During that time we dealt with 3 surgeries for NEC and a severe milk allergy. My husband and I saw the FOX17 story and looked at your Blog. It brought tears to our eyes. We are so very happy to hear that your family is home and healthy this Christmas.

Anonymous said...

(I am writing as one of the "kind hearted" people in Ohio that sent gifts to the Evans' family) I have never commented before, but I feel I must now!
I, too, have been following Tiffany's blog pretty much from the beginning. I had the pleasure of meeting her & Hannah in August when this road for her was just beginning.
First and foremost, if you feel you must leave negative comments, maybe you should just STOP reading it if it upsets you so much. Many of us kind-hearted people (who also have had premature babies) know what she had already faced & what was yet to come... and if a few gifts, cards, flowers & goodies for Hannah brightned her day, then that was our choice! I strongly believe that Tiffany needed some sort of "venting outlet" & she has done NOTHING but keep those of us posted on her family's reality! It was OUR choice to PRAY for her, our choice to send gifts... and personally, it warmed my heart everyday to see the out-pouring love from so many stangers. It also gave me hope that there is still good in this world... (when there is so much other ugliness going on around us) Thank God for the Evans family, and Bless them all in 2008! Much love, and blessings!
A friend from Ohio
PS The article in the Repository was awsome... as was the clip from the news! You are all beautiful!

Anonymous said...

if I would have known how trying it was, I probably wouldn’t have done it.”