Wednesday, December 26, 2007

On Christmas morning, Hannah was thrilled to see that Santa had eaten her cookies. Gift opening was a joy with Hannah as she ripped the paper off of every present--including ours!

We've had a lazy vacation and loved (just about) every minute of it. Isaac is still fussy in the evenings, but since we've moved his bedtime up (from 9 to 7:30ish), now he has less time to be fussy! Of course, I have less time in the morning, now, but something had to give and Jason and I decided we wanted our time at night, instead. So, both kids are in bed no later than 8pm. It's almost like the old days!

We've started a game of Dutch Blitz that we've decided will not end until our next wedding anniversary--July 1st. We've played for at least an hour every night. It's great that we found a game we both enjoy.

Both kids had bathtime last night so we had to get some pics. Well, poor Isaac cries at about everything so he was a mess (but a darn cute one!). Hannah loves to have her pic taken after her bath. I love my kids!

Jason heads back to work tomorrow for 2 days and then is off again for 5 more. It's nice to have him home, but it's also difficult to have a routine when we're all home together. I'm looking forward to putting the holidays behind us and really settling in to a routine.

Cali, our dog, started acting weird tonight during dinner so we let her outside. She immediately started barking so Jason went to see what was up. Cali had a possum cornered on the deck! We quickly brought her in and went to the basement window to get a better view. Poor possum. He just wanted to be somewhere warm. He was sniffing for food, too. It was fun to show it to Hannah. She kept asking if it would bite her. We assured her we would keep her safe.

A special thank you to all of you who prayed specifically for our transition home and parenting two kids. There are very difficult days but overall I feel like we're grasping the concept well. And it feels good to feel good about how we're doing as a family.

Perhaps I will take a few minutes in the next few days or so and share some things I've been thinking about.


Jane said...

my heart is smiling for you guys! you'll all be in a routine in no time and then sleeping and acting normal.

I'm pulling for a full 4oz for every feed so you can drop that 3 am feeding.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't checked your blog for a couple days - boy was I surprised! I LOVED the article AND the interview! You guys were awesome! It was great to actually see & hear all of you! I'm glad you are liking Dutch Blitz - but I'm warning you - we've got years of experience - don't think you can come down here this summer and beat us! Thanks for the package you sent - I just got it today. We had come home for Christmas & it was a nice surprise when I got back to Ronald Mcdonald House. It sounds like you had a great Christmas - have a Happy New Year as well!

Anonymous said...

Thehe, at least the possum wasn't in the dryer this time XD Though that was quote fun as well.

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

The first picture is too funny, I thought to myself what happened to Hannah's teeth and her look is too funny. Love it, she's just so darn cute. By the way what was she eating? I'm glad you had such a great Christmas. I work at a Lutheran School/Preschool and it's surprising that most do realize that Christmas is the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We will ask them what the true meaning of Christmas and they tell us that it's Jesus' birthday. It is so cool to know that they are listening and remembering what they hear during devotions. May you and your family have a very Happy New Year!

Janet said...

I'm glad you guys had a great Christmas! I am so feeling you on the routine-when-Dad-is-home thing. Or should I say the lack there of? ;O) It does feel good to get back on track. Isaac and Hannah both look very happy and I'm proud of you!

I, also, loved the article and news clip - it felt good to see you - even if it was just on a news clip. I miss our chats and Beaners trips together! *sigh* maybe again one day...

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

We have LARGE Dutch Blitz cards (20x20 inches) if you ever want to play EXTREME Dutch Blitz (or full contact). We used them at a Miller famiy reunion last year; had 20 or more people playing at one time under a huge circus tent. They played in 4 teams: some ran, some spotted, some dealt, some just cheered. The ages ranged from 3 (our Ozzie) to 85+ (Beloved Aunt Fern who dealt all 4 hours straight and said "I do declare, I appear to be sweating" ... yes... direct quote...).

You are welcome to borrow the card set anytime. It's great fun for parties, youth activities, reunions etc.

Katie in Dalton, OH
PS: Had a scathing post written to your ohio reader who was so negative on yesterday's post. Apparantly my words were meant to disappear into cyberspace LOL. Probably a good thing. People like that deserve prayer and pity not anything else. How sad her whole life must be if her world view is so negative.

PPS: I bet you'll see New year's ring in... with a bundle of joy on your lap! PRaise the Lord and pass the burp wipes! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Well good evening from us, Gram and Papa. Needless to say we are again wiped out because of Dr. appointments (1) that took a couple of hours. Nothing really wrong except Papa really needs a hearing aid. Guess what, no "deal" at this point in time.

The kids and you look so good!! We so enjoy all of the news from you as we know it is expensive to call everyone and This is the best way to keep "all" of us informed at the same time. SO MANY THANKS!!!!!

Keep up the good work!! We love all of you and of course are all praying for "ALL" of you and all of your friends on the "BLOG"!!! All of your friends at the Ronald Mc Donald House and their families also.

You know Tiff and Jason as you well know the best thing we can do for anyone is pray for them. There are so many out there that do not have anyone praying for them we have to move into the gap, so to speak. We can enjoy doing it and they do not know the difference. It is a fun idea!!

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

Hey Gram....
I'm with you, (the fun idea...)!!!
Sounds great! Sure seems like it can only make it better!
AMEN! xoxo
(one of Tiff's "kindhearted" friends in Ohio)

Lizze said...

It sounds as if everyone had a wonderful holiday on your end. Isn't it great when things go "as planned"? ;) lol

I just wanted to say that I only read the most recent article in the Canton Rep, however, it felt good to see it. So many are lucky enough to have to no idea of the struggles of daily life with a preemie, especially while in the NICU. I think it's good for them to hear about it and maybe gain some understanding. Sometimes we forget that we are not the only ones going through a certain situation. It helps to be reminded that we are not alone.

It's difficult for me to explain but I'm currently on semi-bedrest while I'm pregnant with our third child. We are hoping to avoid another premature delivery and NICU stay. Reading your blog gives me hope. Seeing how far Isaac has come, how much you guys love him...even reading about how the NICU staff took such good care of all gives me hope that should that be our path again this time, we will be okay. God will be there for us just as he was for you. Thank you for the hope, the distraction, and the reminder.

Jane said...


I am sending you an e-mail regarding a child in TX that is needing to be adopted by his Grandma.

I posted on my blog today (Friday) about the basic needs and two blogs.

Thought about you guys to see if you could provide some info to Grandma.

They need info and TONS of prayer!


Anonymous said...

Good evening, well Lizzy I am going to address this to you for now needless to say our prayers are for you in your situation. I will pray that all goes well with you and the baby and of course your family. Please do not feel you are alone, just ask for prayer and do not let the nay sayers keep you from it.

We have been so blessed by so many praying for Isaac and the family and have seen so many prayers answered. We will do the same for you and your family. The Bible says ask and you will recieve!! Just ask!!

Well good night to "my" family and all of you out there.

Christ's Love and Ours, Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Maggie, I pray for you that whatever causes your bitterness might be lifted. Jason and Tiffany have given from their hearts to follow the path God has given them. Others have given from their hearts to support these people about whom they care. Yes, Jason is an attorney, but not in a corporation or high profile practice - he works for the State of Michigan; a decent job I am sure, but one geared more to public service than to private profit. I barely know these people, but Jason has helped my family without any reward, and I know they have both lived lives of helping neighbors, family and church people, of giving their talents, prayers and possessions. They have used this blog to share even more, and have taught so many of us about love and strength and faith. Tiny Isaac's chance of surviving and thriving improved the moment someone stepped up to love him. It is not a path I ever would have been strong enough to choose, but God chose them in His wisdom. Prayers of thanks that the four of you are home together this holiday season, and that your story has touched the hearts of so many good people that they too might serve.

Anonymous said...

Needless to say the last blog says it all. It is so easy to be critial when you do not have "any" of the facts.

We are looking forward to any "new" news!! I know Tiff you are there and doing as good as you can at this point in time. Every 3 hours is a lot to be expected and it is going to go on for a while yet apparently. Thank goodness that Jason takes over on the weekends for you.

I know that you are having company over this weekend, Nana is coming to meet "little bit" and visit with Hannah. I am so excited for her.

Our day is coming hopefully in the next couple of months. We will have to see. Well good night for now, Lots of Love, Gram and Papa "V"

Anonymous said...

If the possum comes back, you should hit it with a golf club and eat it for dinner

Anonymous said...

Hey Orkin man!! I have ate possum in my lifetime. It tastes like pork. I was born and raised in upper Wisconsin and we lived off the land. I really did like coon better. We also ate deer, and what ever was there during that time in our life. I know that I am dating myself and so many out there would gag at the thought of this but when that is all you have you appreciate it. We had bear, fish and you name it. A lot of small game. Needless to say I loved your blog!!

Hey this is Gram talking to you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gram....
Do you have any idea how many of "us"... "out here in blogland" love you? You ALWAYS make me smile, and Tiff is lucky to have you, (as you are lucky to have her, too)
Blessings to you, and all of the Evans' family in 2008!