Monday, December 3, 2007

The Plan: Jason has an oral argument in the MI court of appeals in the morning and then his dad is driving him down so the four of us can ride together. The doctor said it was very important for me to ride in the backseat with Isaac so we'll be sure to get a pic of Hannah, Isaac and myself crammed in the backseat together. He'll be discharged around 6pm, we'll feed him his bottle and we'll be hitting the highway around 7pm. If he does all right, we'll only stop for feedings. So, again at 9pm and again at midnight getting us home around 2am. Jason has a hearing on Wednesday so he'll be heading to work late-morning. And so it begins!

When I can't sleep I think about the logistics of being a mom of two. I also try to think about all the things I may have forgotten about that I'll need or need to do since I haven't been home in so long. A good friend is picking up a furnace filter for me this week as that is two months overdue. Some things will just fall off the to-do list completely--like cleaning the house. Was it ever on the list before?!

Isaac's care team has been busy making connections and appointments back home. Isaac already has a doctor's appointment for Friday. I, too, spent some time on the phone today making some connections from my end--making sure things begin moving along before I start to drop the ball! I've been so excited to give out my home number instead of my cell; I said when I get home I'm going to turn off my cell phone for like a year.

Signing off from Cleveland. And Ohio. Please, don't leave! We'll be live again...only this time, from Grand Rapids, MI.


Anonymous said...

I hope you, Jason, and Jim all get a good nights rest. Tuesday will be such a busy day. How joyous for everyone to be home again.

Anonymous said...

Very excited for you all right now!!! I can't imagine what you must be feeling! Praying that things go well- especially the long trip home. Jesus has you in the palm of his hand... all of you! You are so blessed!!! I'm sure it will be a little hectic until you realize how capable you are of handling all this. Look at all you've been through already! This is the fun part! Enjoy every last part of it! Thanks for sharing with us! We are blessed because of you all!
Praying for an awesome day tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tiffany! YEA and PRAISE THE LORD!! I can't wait to hug you! And of course to meet Isaac when he is ready for visitors. I'll think of you as you are traveling and pray for your safety! God bless you all!

Love, Brenda

Anonymous said...

Jason, Tiffany, Hannah, and Issac:
I am so glad for your family I have been reading your blog for some time now. It has been such a journey I can't even imagine. But for you guys to be home as a family just about brings tears to my eyes. I will keep praying for you and hope for the best!!! By the way I think Issac needs an Ohio State outfit before you turn him into a spartan!!! O-H-I-O:)

Anonymous said...

Don't listen; that little boy was destined to wear green and white. Go home. Relax and be the mom you are. Love each other. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what can "I" "Gram" say other than "Praise The Lord" over and over again. I know it is going to be a long day tomorrow for both you, Jason and JIM!! Not only you but the "KIDS, "both" of them.

Just know that our prayers are with all of you and that in the next few days things will slow down a "little". Not the heckic day of tomorrow.

You know what I just want to say "Thank You" to so many of you that have been blogging Tiff and Jason, your love and prayers. For all of you out there the friends, people at the motel, The families that have helped the "kids" out the friends at RMH. Everyone. You do not realize how much Gram, Papa and Nana and I am sure Jim apprecite everyones love and support. Also all of you that have been helpful in other ways, putting floors in the upstairs, cleaning house, making meals, taking care of pets and so many other wonderful things. I do not know all that has been going on behind the scenes.

The most important part of the whole thing is the "PRAYERS OF AGREEMENT" that have been going on so that the family can be together before Christmas and Isaac getting healed. We will all agree that he will play catch up eventually and be a normal baby and young person. \"Yes" even play some kind of ball for MIchigan State!!!!! More important be a total witness for "Christ" and HIS LOVE!

It is good night time for me, but needless to say I am excited about tomorrow as you all can tell.

Christ's Love to not only our family but to all of you out there that are with the EVANS family. Also thank you for the prayers for us when we went through our trial in early October. Thanks again!!

Hey Tiff if you have peanuts left have some ice cream, chocolate and peanuts tonight to celebrate! Nana, Gram and Papa are celbrating(?) with you.

Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture Issac looks like a little doll in that carrier. My kids were never that small, my son was almost 9 pounds and my daughter wasn't much smaller they were both 21 1/2 inches long. Both of your children are just darling, I love Hannah's curls. Did you know Janet and Mike are expecting number four in April? They are having another girl.

Jane said...


praying for safe travels,

love the pic too!!!

Anonymous said...

I have such happy tears!!! If I was closer I would clean your house. I was worried about going from 2 to 3 kids (and the 3rd was my bio newborn..first baby!!) After a few days they just fit right in. It really isn't much different. You will do great and so much stress will be off you just being home. Wow wow wow!! So cool! I knew this day would come. -Sherry

Anonymous said...

How awesome!!! I will pray for your family as you travel home!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you guys. I can still remember the shear terror and excitement when I found out my twins were coming home. They were 24 weekers and spent 91 days at Akron Childrens. We will be praying for you and thinking of you ALL day Tuesday and wish you all the best as you bring you new family home for the first time. Even if Tuesday isn't the day, just know it will happen eventually. You have come this far and you can do it. I have been reading your blog almost daily and just wanted to say hello, good luck, and just take it one day at time. You have done what it takes this far, and I know you will continue that. I am so thankful for parents like you who step up and adopt children who find you. Again, good luck on your trek home and enjoy your family! Chantel from Ohio

Anonymous said...

I'm so very excitted for all of you. I hope the trip home is a great one and not to many speed bumps in the way. Tell Uncl Jim I say. Love, Beth

Deanna said...

Hoorah!!! I've been following your journey since Isaac was 1 week old and am always continually thrilled to see how God answers the prayers of the body!!!

Blessings to you during this next step of the journey!

Deanna from Indiana

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Praise the Lord! Tiffany, I have enjoyed following your blog and praying with you along the way. I look forward to continuing to lift all of your beautiful family up in prayer. What a Christmas gift--HOME with a new baby and sweet Hannah. What a blessing.

Anonymous said...

WOW - how exciting to finally be going home for the Holidays. You guys are dfinitely an inspration - judt to watch the strength you have all shown through all of this. To drop everything and transplant yourself so far away in a foreign land to fight for this little guy. I am glad God has worked everything out and Issac is finally able to go home. I wil certainly continue to follow his story. Good Luck and God Bless All of You. Celina Kohler - Aultman

Anonymous said...

Those of us who have been reading your blog since minute one can't tell you how excited we are for you. You have endured and hung in there when a lot of people wouldn't have. I hope there is a way you can save this blog and all the posts and things to show this little one how precious he is and to let him know that he was destined to be your child from the getgo. How lucky you and your husband are to have these two children in your lives and hearts. Never mind the clean house or the dirty will be there when these kids get old enough to go to college. Enjoy them while you can and while they want you too. Love and Prayers to you all.

Anonymous said...

Happy Home Coming!!! I am so happy for you and your family.
Meridian, Idaho

Josh Buck said...

Can't believe you're almost on your way!!! We'll be praying for you like crazy all evening, for safe travels, kids who travel well, and for a mom and dad who feel some sort of sanity! :-) We love you guys and can't wait to have you HOME!!!

Jaena said...

How very exciting! I will be praying tomorrow (and beyond) for peace and wisdom during this time of transition. Two is twice the fun!

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

What an adventure!
Tiffany, you sure have shown that motherhood is a calling for the brave not the timid. What a trooper you have been; what an example for all of US!

Was it Elizabeth Elliot who said "Just do the next thing"... that will be you mantra for the next, oh TWENTY years! In no time at all, Isaac will be playing with Hannah and you'll be able to put up your feet and drink tea undisturbed for five minutes! Don't laugh... I LOVE those five minutes LOL.

Just like bringing home any new baby, the first six weeks may be rough but after that... piece of cake.

You are awesome and a testimony to the true awesomeness of our God. Keep on Keepin' On!

Katie in Dalton

Anonymous said...

I have been praying for awhile now (I think since the doctors said that Issac wouldn't be home until February) that Isaac would be home for Christmas and I can't help but be amazing once again by God as Isaac will be home 3 weeks before Christmas!! God's perfect timing - it's so hard to recognize in the midst of the storm but it's amazing to look back and see how He knits everything together! Enjoy all your "frists" at home as a family of four!

Anonymous said...

How exciting to be going home with your little one. Be encouraged. You can do it. You can be a mom of 2. Give yourself some time and you will get the hang of it. Don't stress. Take it as it comes. The Lord can help you in everything, even the little things of life. My husband was a little overwhelmed with 3 but, the Lord always gives us the strength that we need. Don't doubt. You can do it. We are still going to be praying for you. Love in Christ, Carol

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip today. When you were talking of housework I recalled this poem that I always lived by. I thought that you would enjoy it. I used to have it hanging in my home when my children were young.

Housework Can Wait

Come in, but don't expect to find
All dishes done, all floors ashine.
Observe the crumgs and toys galore.
The smudgy prints upon the door.
The little ones we shelter here
Don't thrive on a spotless atmosphere.
They're more inclined to disarray
And carefree even messy play.
Their needs are great, their patience small.
All day I'm at their beck and call.
It's Mommy come! Mommy see!
Wiggly worms and red scraped knee.
Painted pictures, blocks piled high.
My floors unshined, the days go by.
Some future day they'll flee this nest,
And I at last will have a rest!
Now you tell me which matters more,
A happy child or a polished floor?

...Author Unknown

Sending my love to your entire family. Auntie Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Praise God! I 've followed your blog since July and am so happy for your family! Keeping you in my prayers..

Lowell, MI

machousley said...

I've been following you for so long and am soooo happy for you. It was so exciting when it came time to bring each of our triplets home from NICU. Please keep us posted. Isaac has done so well in NICU. What a lucky little boy he is to be coming home to the three of you! -Kate

Crissie said...

How awesome is all this!! its crazy to think about too i know...but our God is good and has brought you this far and will continue to be with you always!

blessings all four of you!

Jane said...


Gina Marie said...

Welcome home Evans family! I pray that there are safe travels, easy transistions, and much health to follow for the whole family. I will continue to lift you up in my prayers and thoughts.

Welcome home to Michigan baby Isaac!


Hummel Family said...

Congrats to Isaac (and parents)!! You did it, Buddy! Have fun in your new home! You have an amazing family who loves you dearly!

Praying today goes well...hope the traveling goes FAST!


Heather said...

I am so very excited for you, your husband, Hannah and Issac!! He is such a miracle and I have been blessed by reading your blog daily! Prayers for you as you travel today!

Anonymous said...

With tears in my eyes I am thanking God.


Anonymous said...

And you thought you couldn't pull it off? I believe that you and Jason can do anything you put your mind to with God in your heart. Love Mom