Tuesday, December 4, 2007

When we started this journey on July 20, we had no idea what was to come:

--142 days in the hospital
--133 days since Hannah and I first arrived in Ohio
--133 blog posts
--122 days on oxygen
--3 "homes away from home"
--2 hospitals
--$1,000,000 in hospital charges
--$15,000 in credit card charges
--10,000 miles logged between MI and OH
--Countless prayers

--1 little boy finally discharged from the hospital and ready to join his family at home.

A special thanks to all of you who have helped along the way:

--Rachel: For making the first trip down with me.

--Aultman Hospital labor and delivery staff and NICU staff: You saved Isaac's life and gave him a great beginning.

--Cindy: For inquiring where it had not been done before.

--Rogie's Learning Center

--McKinley Grand Hotel: I love guys! Diane, we'll be back in March!

--Pro Football Hall of Fame: Thanks for letting us continue our stay at the MG.

--Chip and Sharon and family: You opened your home, your life and your family to us. We are forever grateful for your generosity and love. We'll look you up in March!

--Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland and staff and volunteers: I love the RMDH. Thank you for all you do. The love you show the families at the house is truly amazing.

--Clinton: You are the sunshine on a gloomy day. Our kids adore you. We adore you. We look forward to seeing you everyday.

--Rainbow Babies and Children's Hosptial NICU staff: Aside from the fact that you took great care of Isaac, I had so much fun getting to know all of you. Thanks for making me laugh when I didn't think I could. Erin, Alyssa, Veronica, Melissa and Kim...you guys are great. I missed you the moment we went up to stepdown.

--Activity room volunteers: We love you Betty and Carol!

--Our busdrivers: Percy, Tim, Eric and Dennis

--Glenn and Sue: Thank you for being our Ohio grandparents. Thank you for being available at a moments notice. Thank you for loving our family so generously. Call us when you get to GR!

--Jessica, Jeannie, Christina, Maribelle, Teresa: Keep fighting! What a joy to get to know you and your children. It's so difficult to see our kids fighting for their lives. God says we're strong enough with his help. You are all an inspiration to me. Friends forever.

--Gram: You are a WARRIOR for Jesus. He is so proud. I am, too.

--Blog readers, note senders and gift mailers: Thank you for your prayers and support during this part of our journey. You truly lifted my spirits again and again. At the end of a trying day, you gave me something to look forward to.

--Jason: We're coming home! You have been a constant source of love and support (even when I haven't been). I can't wait to see you and the kids watching MSU basketball together on the couch. You are an amazing husband and father. Thank you for your unconditional love.

--Friends and family in MI: We're coming home! Thank you for your love from afar. Thank you for helping with major and minor projects that we have been unable to do. Thank you for taking care of our pets and getting our mail. Thank you for mowing our lawn and making meals for Jason. I'm so excited to see everyone. I'm so excited to be going home.

--Jesus: Thank you for the opportunity to parent Hannah and Isaac. I love my kids! You have stretched me beyond my limits and I'm still alive. Sometimes I failed the test horribly and sometimes I passed with flying colors. Thank you for loving me despite myself. Thank you for being a loving God. And when I don't understand your ways, thank you for grace and faith. Thank you for every person, phone call, note and conversation you placed in my path. Please continue to help me become the person you created me to be.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tiffany,
Thank you for being a dedicated mother and follower of Jesus Christ. Thank you for always being honest, for being you. I have never met you, but I read your blog daily. I would truly love to be at your door in the early hours to welcome you and your little buddy buddy home. I wish you many, many wonderful God given memories with your family. Hang in there, would will make a wonderful mommy of two little ones! Look at all you have battled. You tackled "Goliath" already, you are on easy street now! :)

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home, Evans Family!
Woo Hoo, you made it! My daughter is thrilled beyond measure that Isaac is being discharged today, on her 8th birthday! (She is also mad at me because I procrastinated so long in mailing the "gifts" we bought for you. Oh well, I will jsut have to send them to your "real" house.) Tiffany, I can't think you & Jason enough for including us all in your journey. Keep blogging, we cant wait to read about all your adventures at home with Hannah & your new little precious gift Isaac. Your faith, humbleness, and dedication to Our Lord has been such a life lesson for me as a "baby Christian." It has been so inspiring to watch you grow and triump through all God has placed in your path. I praise Jesus for giving me a "friend" like you. I pray that we can keep in touch. Still praying out here in CA!
Lara Fuller & family

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Too bad Isaac will always bleed the Buckeyes Scarlet and Gray :-)
His first words will be O-H...I-O.

What a great experience that you've allowed me to share via blogosphere. Thank-you for that. As I prayed each day, I was reminded that the Lord healed Baby Isaac and my own son, Aaron, and that HE is truly awesome. We tell people, with Aaron... we are just along for the ride. Once the Lord healed him (March 1st, respiratory disease), he has gone fullspeed ahead with everything. No telling what God has planned for his life but I'm sure the journey will be interesting. Isaac will have a story to tell, too, of one incredible Mom. Who knows where his journey will take him... but imagine the lives that he'll touch for the cause of Christ.

Katie *whispering... Isaac, don't forget... Go Buckeyes, Go Buckeyes...

Anonymous said...

I am just so excited and happy for all of you. That is so great that you get to go home and be a family together. We can't wait to meet the little guy!! See you soon hopefully!! Rachel (and Tony)

Jeff & Elizabeth said...

I've been praying for you guys since the beginning when Shelly Buck posted your blog link and Petra Ray asked me to be praying for you guys. What a wonderful testament to God's enduring faithfulness and love that you are now bringing your little guy home! Though we've never met, I would love to bring you guys a meal once you're settled in, so please post details on the site of when you need things (or who will be coordinating stuff :-). -Elizabeth Fanco (KCC member)

Amy Noel said...

Yaaayyy!! He's going home! I will pray for a safe and smooth trip! I can't wait to talk to you again to hear how things are going for you. Love to you all!

Anonymous said...

Got your phone message but worked over the weekend. I am looking at some tetative dates, will call you when you get settled. I am so glad you are ALL homeward bound tonight. God Bless Love Mom

Sheryl Kenoyer said...

God bless you all. Safe travel, and I can't wait to hear how everything went.

Anonymous said...

Hey there "all" of you. I know that you are probably getting ready to leave Cleveland about this time. You will probably not get this until sometime tomorrow when "you" settle in!! Today and tomorrow is going to be hectic for you "just" to get adjusted and Jason having to go to work and not be there. BUT!! You did it before and you will do it again!!! I know you!! You might get frustrated but that's okay as we all do. Just know that we are out here praying that all goes well.

I was interested in the "stats" that you posted. I cannot believe it has been so long but it is "GRAM" speaking and life seems to fly by. As I have said before those of you out there that are not at our age your day is coming. Enjoy today and tomorrow as yesterday is a day away.

We are going to be looking forward to hearing how the trip went and how the next couple of days are going.

Feel for you and Love you all.

Gram and Papa

Jaena said...

What a miracle God has done in your lives! And what sweet blessings little Isaac and Hannah are. Hang in there during this transition time. We will be praying for you all. (BTW I found out about your blog through the Hummels, I think, and we are friends with Josh & Shelly Buck and his family here in Marion, Indiana.)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ones:
Sincere and heartfelt congratulations! We can only imagine the fulfillment you must feel in reaching your goal of finally bringing Isaac and Hannah home. It's sweet to think about your first night together, snuggling that precious baby and tickling Hannah in your own livingroom! Such warm thoughts...

We'll pray tonight in thanksgiving for Isaac's continued growth and safety. Give Hannah a special hug from us. We miss her silly little giggles, energy and delightful greetings when we'd come home from work - a special memory for us.

It was so great getting to know you all, from our first spirit-filled phone call, dinner together, meeting Tami, Joel and the Primack kids with their inspired neighborhood donation, and discovering the reasons for the intersection of our lives. God sure has a unique game plan, and its not over yet...

We are so thrilled for you all! With sincere affection and an invitation to stay once again with us when you return to Canton in March, or whenever you want. We'd love to have you and finally meet and hold Isaac - the one who brought us together.

Love, Sharon and Chip (and Corey)

Hummel Family said...

AND...Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

It sounds as if "TODAY" finally came!

Don't froget about me...call if you have questions!!!!

Jeannie said...

Congratulations - you are finally on your way! It was a joy to get to know you and your family here at RMH. I am praying that things go well for you once you get home. I'm sure it will take a little time to adjust but you will be fine. I will be following your blog very closely.
Your RMH pal,

Jen said...

Oh my! I have goosebumps! I have never commented but have been reading your blog every day since July (found you through the Bucks blog). We lived in GR for 10 years and I miss it terribly. (We are on the east coast now.) What an amazing Christmas you will have all together! I hope you will keep updating us so we can watch your sweet family grow! God is good!!


Anonymous said...

I read your blog today with happy tears in my eyes. I am so excited you are back in GR. Thank you for sharing and please keep the updates coming. Robin

Jane said...

up late, thinking about you and wanted to let you know that I am praying as you drive.

Katie said...

I'm so happy for your family! Welcome Home Isaac!

Family Brooks said...

Wow, we couldn't be happier for you. God is good! Congratulations to your entire family. What a wonderful Christmas it will be! Love, -the brooks

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for a Yipee "we" are home!!!! Have you been pinching yourself and saying do I really belong here?

Bet you have been to busy for all of that silly stuff!! We are looking forward to see how it is going.

I am going to say my usual "PRAISE THE LORD111. Home is where the heart is and Jesus is in "all" of your hearts so that means He is there also.

Love ya bunches, Gram and Papa