Friday, February 1, 2008

The End

Just as Lost is beginning (Jason's favorite show), Life Support is coming to an end. After much thought, and weeks of knowing it was time to let it go, I've decided to put an end to our Life Support blog. Being the last post, there is much I'd like to share with all of you.


Before July of 2007, I'd never blogged before. I'd tried a few times, but nothing ever sounded right. I think because it wasn't time, yet.

Life Support was started in July of 2007 to keep friends and family up-to-date on Isaac and our family as we navigated his first few weeks. Weeks turned to months and this really became our lifeline while we were in OH. I also blogged to keep a journal of all that was happening in our lives at that time. I did not keep any handwritten notes so everything I needed to say and think out was written here. Early on, someone who works with Jason (NOT us or our friends/family) contacted Joe Gartrell and the Canton Repository. That's where (most) everyone else joined our family on our journey to bring Isaac home. I had no idea how much our story would touch others. We were simply following a very crazy (but fantastic) plan God had thrown in front of us.

While I originally intended to continue posting, I feel Life Support has fulfilled it's original purpose. I also feel God pulling me in other directions. I'm somewhat of a creative non-fiction writer and want to focus my writing thoughts, there. I also scrapbook, or at least attempt to! Blogging for me takes up a lot of time--time I'd like to spend doing things I used to enjoy--kind of like finding myself all over again.


I continue to be VERY PASSIONATE about adoption advocacy and supporting families who are living away from home while their loved ones are hospitalized long-term. Anyone who wants to join forces or support either/both initiatives, I'd love to hear from you. Until Journey's End blog will continue so please follow along, there, to see what God is doing in the lives of others. Three Voices, as well, will continue on.

I am also passionate about YOU. If at ANY TIME, today, or 15 years from now, you want to email me about our journey, our faith, our struggles (we've faced other life-changing struggles never mentioned here), adoption questions or just to catch up, I'd love to hear from you. I'll make sure this blog always has an updated email address on it.


As a Jesus follower, I'm good at (the top 4):

--loving others

--following through on committments

--working hard

--being passionate about what I believe in

As a Jesus follower, I'm NOT good at (the top 5):

--praying (not because of how I do it, but because of how little I do it)

--reading my Bible (see above)

--giving God control of my life (especially in the little things)

--being respectful of my husband

--keeping my cool when I'm frustrated or angry

I struggle. I struggle in a lot of different areas, a lot of the time. Like everyone else, my faith-walk is full of valleys and mountain tops. You've been with us through an experience I never anticipated. I LOVE that God calls us to step out in faith (usually in a very big way so as not to let us think we can do it alone) and then provides the pathway minute-by-minute so we can't even begin to guess what's coming next. What an awesome God we serve.

One of my favorite worship songs is Bless the Lord by Jeff Deyo.

For Your beauty for Your goodness
And Your wisdom awesome God
Praise the Lord, oh my soul praise the Lord
For Your power for Your honor
And Your splendor mighty God
Praise the Lord oh my soul praise the Lord
Praise the Lord oh my soul praise the Lord

And I will worship You
I will bless Your name forever
I will worship You
Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord

For Your kindness for Your favor
For Your mercy gracious One
Thank the Lord oh my soul thank the Lord
For Your fire for your testing
And Your Spirit Holy One
Thank the Lord oh my soul thank the Lord
Thank the Lord oh my soul thank the Lord

And I will worship You
I will bless Your name forever
I will worship You
Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord

For Your suffering for Your anguish
And Your sorrow, humble King
Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord
For Your victory for Your triumph
And You'll soon come and reign over us

Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord
Bless the Lord oh my soul bless the Lord

God is so good. From the moment I was born until the moment I die, God is good. All the time.


I think it's amazing how God (and Satan) stay current. You can find both right here in blogland. While so many of you were encouragers, supporters, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and prayer partners, there were also many here causing dissention and casting doubt on what was really happening here and in our lives. I did my best to ignore those people because Satan has NO POWER where God is ruling. I didn't want to give him a foothold (though my feelings were genuinely hurt with every horrible comment). I think it's important to remember that Satan will infiltrate wherever we'll let him. In our role as parents and significant others, as friends and neighbors and fellow bloggers. He knows our weaknesses and PREYS on them. That nasty, nasty devil.


I cannot express enough how much your support, love, encouragement and prayers have meant to us. I would've been a lot more lonely, all by myself, if not for all of you checking in and leaving me comments everyday. And, I'm very sure God was answering the prayers YOU were sending up on our behalf. I could FEEL it. I wish there was a more tangible way for me to thank you for all you've done for our family.

So many of you have become loved friends. Please, if you want to stay in touch (because I'd like to), send me a personal email. There are still several hundred people checking in everyday...I only "know" a handful of you by name. Please, if you feel comfortable, I'd love to personally here from you--know who you are. I'd love to update those of you who'd like to hear from us in the future. I'd hate to lose touch with those of you who have become such encouragers of what we've been doing and what we want to continue to do.


Jason continues to work as an attorney (although as of last Monday, in a different division) for the State of Michigan in Lansing. He's waiting to hear from the Michigan National Guard as to when he'll be going for his JAG training in Virginia. He's always wanted to serve his country and the National Guard is how he's chosen to do that.

I will continue to be a SAHM caring for Hannah and Isaac. We've started getting together with (healthy) friends on a limited basis and love it. In March, we'll be heading back to the Y so I can get in shape! I'll begin volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House in Grand Rapids later this month. Three Voices and Until Journey's End continue to be on my heart and mind. How the two will come together, I'm not sure, yet. I will continue to help those with adoption questions and concerns and will continue to send out weekly packages to families in need of support.

As a family, we'll be headed to Florida in March with Jason's dad. We're excited for our first family vacation (the first vacation for Jason and I since our honeymoon). And then, in April, we'll be headed to Canton and Akron (Ohio) for Isaac's adoption finalization.

Many, many blessings to each of you. I will pray an extra prayer tonight that God's will be done in each of your lives. Thank you for loving us. You've all been a part of God's plan in our lives. Just another step in this journey we didn't anticipate, but now, can't imagine life, without.


Anonymous said...

Please consider posting occasionally. I would love to stay updated on the adorable little kids. Good Luck in your future endeavours!

Gram said...

Hey there girl, I agree post occassionally so that those of us that support you and truly "want" to know what is going on in your lives can keep up. Do not let the nay-sayers discourage you. They are always going to be out there and they are not happy unless they are making someone else unhappy. But my "motto" is I will "not" let someone else decide how I feel or decide my future and my love for Christ. I will not let them decide to make my day as they will always be unhappy and I will not join them.

What ever your decision I will stand behind you.

There are those out there that are on a cliff and need to know about Isaac's progress. You can encourage them and let them know that Christ is in control. That prayers really count and we all need to keep praying for all of those babies out there that no one cares about. Also about the ones that are on our prayer list that need continued prayer. There are so many!!

Christ's Love and of course mine,


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed getting to know your family through your blog over the past many months- ever since Shelly posted a link and Petra asked me to pray for you. I'd love to meet you in person sometime for coffee (or if you ever want to do a playdate- my 3 youngest are at home still 4, 3, and 1, and we're expecting again in June). You can reach me at or through my xanga at .

-Elizabeth in Byron Center

Lizze said...

I agree with Gram! :)

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

Tiffany, I have really enjoyed following your blog. As a fellow adoptive mom, your story has inspired me! I love your enthusiasm for birthmoms and adoption. I know God has used you in so many ways already because of this blog. I will miss keeping up to date on your adorable little ones. I am sorry that there have been some negative comments that have caused you to close this down. I will continue to pray for your family and for Until Journey's End and Three Voices. You are an amazing lady who loves the Lord! Thanks for letting me be a part of you life if only for a short time.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story with all of us out there. I enjoyed reading your blog and will miss it and miss seeing how your children are growing. You have 2 beautiful children. I pray all goes well for you and your family.
Your family is an inspiration to us all.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany, I can understand you feeling pulled in so many directions and trying to fit everything in. I have truely enjoyed every insight into your trial and tribulations you have shared. The laughs and tears have made me often feel like I was right there with you. Our family continues to pray for your family. Its amazing to me how small this world really is when you think about how I came to learn about you, Jason, Hannah and eventually Issac.
Keep your chin up and press on, your story is inspiring to so many.
Many Blessing,
Jodi McCulloch and family

Anonymous said...

I too have enjoyed learning of you and your family. You have been an inspiration to me with your honesty and openess. While my husband & I go through this adoption process I may have future questions for you and I would like to ask you to try and remember us in prayer for my family during this endeavor. is a very stressful, emotional experience as you know even though each experience is very different from another.
I wish you, Jason, Hannah and Isaac many years of blessings and family fun full of love, peace and God's perfect presence full of grace. His love for us is unfailing and perfect.
You have my email and I still want to know how you all are doing. I also agree with gram and the others that updates here and there would be good;)
Much love and blessings,

Crissie said...


i too have enjoyed getting to "know" your fam through all this. your strength is amazing!! your children are beautiful. i have enjoyed your writing and encouragement. if you end up sending updates to anyone via e-mail mine is



Anonymous said...

Sad to see you go :(. Good news though! My daughter is babbling on the floor by me while I write this! Check out Kydens pictures at ! -Sherry

Anonymous said...

Because of personal health issues, I am able to daily pray for several families who share updates daily. I began praying for you through a connection from the Bucks, who I also do not know, but have been praying for over a year. What a joy it has been to see God answer the prayers of many for you and sweet Isaac. Keep strengthening your faith. I've added Nate, Tricia and their wee little preemie to my prayers now that Isaac is safely tucked into your family.
See you in the Kingdom,

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through another blog that I checked on a regular basis for prayer updates. You were in the very early stages with Issac's adoption/hospital stay. I loved checking up on your blog and praying for you and to hear how God was answering those prayers. I admire you for knowing what your priorites are to be. God has blessed you with 2 precious children and a wonderful husband. Thank you for allowing us to share your journey and may he continue to use you to be an encouragement and blessing to others as they experience their own journey through adoption.


Anonymous said...

I too understand why you need to cut back but like a lot of people out here in cyber world....please update once a month or something so that we can see how you and Jason and the kids are doing. Also, we have been here since the can you not let us be a part of your return trip to Canton and the finalization of the adoption?

Like I said, I do understand but at the same time I am being selfish because I will miss the updates. Do what you feel is best and I will continue to check UJE.

God bless all of you!

Anonymous said...

May God bless you and your family, whatever your story may hold. Thanks for sharing your story thus far and thanks for sharing your trust in Him!

Amy Noel said...

Okay, if I can post once a month, so can you! :) Plus, I will miss seeing photos of Hannah and Isaac. I understand what you're saying...the original purpose is fulfilled, but there are those of us out here who know you and love you and want to continue to share in your life--even if it's only a few photos once or twice a month! Have you checked out my blog lately?? Scroll all the way down...

Anonymous said...

It makes me sad to read the last few sentences of your blog. i always enjoyed reading about how God was using people to touch your lives. May God continue to bless your family! Thank you to Jason, and you his family, for your desire to serve our country. Thank you for that sacrifice. I understand that this is the time to focus on your family, great decision!. Love in Christ, Carol from Largo

Anonymous said...

Just dropping in hoping you changed your mind - miss you!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! It looks like there are those out there that want to see something once in a while!!! Pictures and updates as to what is going on with both of the "little ones". I do miss not being able to come in by the computer in the middle of the night looking forward to a "blog". I now turn my computer off!! What does that say. You have made so many friends out there it is unbelieveable!!! A note once or twice a month would be great, of course "I" would love more but that is ME!!!.

I am following a couple of blogs that you refered me to. I check them daily and pray for them everytime I think about them.

Hi to ya all, love ya all!!
