Saturday, August 18, 2007

Big Sister--Down & Out Today

Hannah woke up last night, vomiting. It continued into today. I can only guess that she caught a bug from someone at the daycare she's been going to while I visit with Isaac. So, Daddy, Mommy and Hannah spent the entire day on the couch in front of the TV. I think we watched every possible reality show ever created. Did you know that Hulk Hogan has a reality show? He seems like a great dad and husband. You should all check it out.

Jason had to go to the store today to grab a few things and when he came back Hannah told him that she "burped on Mommy." We laughed sooo hard. So, in our family, we will refer to vomiting as burping. Isn't that cute?! Hmm. I love memories like this. She really did puke all over me. I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. And she looked so pitiful. She didn't understand what was going on. Poor kiddo. Hopefully, it's over and Jason and I don't get sick. I hate throwing up.

Since Hannah was sick, we decided to take a few days off from visiting Isaac. He is very susceptible to infection/disease so it's not worth it for us to take the chance of making him sick. We'll see how we're all feeling Monday and maybe go back up there, then. We called to check on him several times today and he is doing well. They are very slowly increasing his feedings. His oxygen levels are good and he's not de-sating (is that how you spell that?!). Hopefully, we can get this adoption process rolling on Monday so we can get Isaac home and return to a little bit of normalcy. Hannah has been asking about home more and more. I think we're all weary of this. BUT!! God is good and is meeting our needs. We have faith in His plan--and His plan is all that matters!

For the last few hours, Jason has been working and I've been making beaded bracelets for my fundraiser in November. I'm thinking of having a bead party here in would be a great way for the people here to help us out a bit....anyone interested?

One other thing. A friend of a friend has a 4/5 year old nephew that was seriously injured in a mowing accident last night. The little boys name is Bryson. He had his leg amputated in surgery early this morning. He and his family need prayer! You can read more at

God is the ONLY one who can heal, save lives and truly fill the gap. And we can petition God through prayer. He hears every single one. Please lift Bryson up in prayer tonight.

Isaiah 65:24: Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.


Anonymous said...

Aww, poor Hannah. I would love to stay home with her. Ah well, it's the though that counts, right?

I hope you get to see Isaac again soon. Adnd get him home soon as well :)

Love, Maxi

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon to you all, I hope that Hannah is her usual self today and you will be able to visit Isaac tomorrow. Needless to say our prayers are with all of you. That you will stay well and can get the adoption process going as soon as possible!!
I can imagine the expression on Hannah's face when she "burped" on you. It is funny now at her expression but it probably was not at the time and having to clean up the mess plus yourself.
I have told you that Aunt Wilma follows your blog every day. She is as anxious as all of us as to what is going on. Aunt Janice called this morning asking about Isaac and wants you to know she is thinking about you to. My family when I call them the first thing they want to know is how Isaac and all of you are doing. I am glad to be able to tell them that he is doing as good as he can.

Tell Jason and Hannah, HI from Gram and Papa. We send our love.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany and Jason, Sounds as if Isaac is tolerating the new formula. That is great news! Every bit of positive news seems to make me sigh with relief although I know his situation is still hour by hour. As you know, I am an optimist. Tell Hannah that Nana loves her and I am sorry that she is "burping". Nana doesn't like that either, but it will go away soon. Jason,Please have a safe trip once again and thankyou once again for your tireless efforts to be there with and for Tiffany. I know that you wouldn't have it any other way, but I just want you to know how much I respect you and love you and appreciate all that you do. Be safe Son. I love you all and hugs and kisses are included. Love Mom and Nana