Friday, August 17, 2007

Isaac's Family

We're Isaac's family. I haven't given that a lot of thought, yet, but we're his family. I like that. I wonder what he thinks. I know, not much of anything, yet. Little buddy.

His pick line came out last night somewhere between holding him and getting him back in the isolette so that was his biggest "procedure" today--a new pick line (this is a minuscule tube that he gets his fats and vitamins through). Once he can fully tolerate his feedings (and the amount he needs to be getting) he will no longer need the fats and vitamins.

Jason arrived this afternoon. We had a few spats about adoption paperwork related items and then had pizza with the family we're living with. Jason and "Grandpa" went out on their sailboat while Hannah, "Grandma" and I went for a walk. It's been a nice evening.

I'm still tired. I'm ready to just be home, I think. The doc mentioned yesterday that he should be ready to go home (back to GR...not home, long as he doesn't get sick again or go too far downhill) when our adoption paperwork is finished (hopefully in less than a month).

I forgot to mention that Wednesday he was officially a month old. Congrats, Isaac! Happy one-month birthday!

Well, Jason just got back from sailing (he deserved a nice break) so we're going to head up to the hospital. Oh, I had an informal interview today with a human resources rep at the hospital to be published in the hospital's internal newsletter--just about our experiences at the hospital and in Canton in general. I was glad to give them "good press." They've all been very kind and accommodating.

Peace! Outta here!


Anonymous said...


It was great to get this news from you and know that all is well with everyone except Isaac's little problem. Needless to say "Gram" was a little worried but now I can go to bed and feel better. I will give your Mom a call and let her know that all is well as she still cannot get on the internet.

It sounds like you had a great evening so many "thanks" to your host family from all of us.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa "V"

Hummel Family said...

Hey, maybe I can stop in to see you guys within the next week or so. I will be "living" in Akron during Maylee's hospital stay. I will be going right passed Aultman...I am sure I will need a break after a few days. I will email you when that time comes. I would love to meet you guys and see your little guy!

Happy one month, Issac!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, tell Isaac "Happy Birthday" from me as well!.

He is doing so great. I am sure he does understand that you care for him.

Love Maxi :)

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Happy One Month, Little Isaac!
Sounds like he's making progress and will soon be heading to his forever home with you. Your agency is pretty efficient with paperwork (ohio is not... sorry about that).

Sailing sounds fun; I'm glad you are enjoying your nonhospital time.

You hang in there. My DH and I gave a talk last weekend for your agency about raising black children and about open adoption with black birth moms. All things are possible in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, Well I am back online again. Not sure what the problem was, but it corrected itself. Gram has been very diligent on keeping me updated so I didn't miss anything. Did you miss me??(Ha) Happy Birthday dear Isaac, Happy birthday to you!(Singing of course)Well, with each passing hour and day and week our little buddy gains momentum, maturity, and strenghth to continue in his life journey. We are all praying, watching and waiting, and looking forward to a lifetime of the same!! I do miss his pictures but the time will come again soon. My love to you all. I am just glad that you are all safe and sound and together. Love Mom and Nana

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot to mention. Happy holding!!!!I know how important it is for bonding and the comfort that it gives you guys. Love Mom