Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New Plan

I have a few new things to share!

Jason called the adoption agency in OH today to follow-up on the Isaac picture fiasco. We will have a definite yes or no on Monday. So, that's that!

Next item of business.

Jason and I talked (alot) today and decided we are NOT going to transfer Isaac to MI. We're going to hold out until he is actually released from the hospital sometime in November. A few thoughts on this. I've kind of had a feeling for awhile that we might stick it out. I'm calling this the Holy Spirit. Enter in the numerous phone calls I've made over the last few days trying to figure out insurance, transport services, costs involved, etc. etc. etc. And we really feel like it's in Isaac's best interest to stay here, and really, in our best interest, too. I really want to go home. Jason really wants us to come home. But, we just feel like this is where we're supposed to be. We've trusted God since the first phone call. We're going to keep trusting.

So, what does all this look like? Well, Jason will cut back a bit on his trips to OH. He's got a lot of work to catch up on and staying home will give him an opportunity to get it done. Hannah and I will also plan to make at least one, if not two more trips home before Isaac comes with us. After talking with Isaac's doctor today, it will be especially important to be here after he hits 34 weeks. By this time, they're hoping he'll be ready for a bottle and able to be held more. Essentially, we'll be beginning to prepare he and us for his transition home.

Jason and I talked through the rest of August and all of September tonight. We laid out our plans the best we could. We'll tackle October and November as it gets closer. We just have to take it one day at a time.

For those of you who want to help, we're working on a list of things we'll be needing. For starters, we're going to need new carpet in our upstairs. It's old and very dirty. With Isaac's expected breathing issues, new carpet is in order. If you know someone who can help with this, let us know. If not, we're going to try talking to Lowe's and see if they will donate carpet and labor. Everything is worth a try!

All right, well, I'm off to read for awhile. I didn't go up to the hospital tonight. It just didn't work out.

Thank you, thank you, for all your love. Even from people we don't know! God is doing great things, here, I just know it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany - I have been following your story daily since I got the e-mails from Rivertree. I work for Aultman and my now 3.5 year old twins spent 2 weeks there in the NICU. I just read this posting about the carpet and it really caught my attention because my son has been dealing with asthma since 4 months old. And we are in the completion stages of building a new home. Through this process and close contact with his pulmonologist on what considerations we need to make for the new home related to his asthma, carpet was one of the main things they advised us AGAINST. He actually told us hardwood floors with a throw rug would be the best. With the cost of hardwood flooring in a 3 yr old bedroom, we opted for vinyl flooring. Apparently the carpet fibers hold too much dust and mites making it a common trigger plus the strong smell of new carpet. So just something for you to think about - maybe the neonates there could give you some additional input on that situation. Good Luck with deciding what to do.

BTW mine also go to Daycare at Aultman - they were in Preschool2 and are going to 3 next week. I'm sure they have played with Hannah. We would be more than happy to meet you for a playdate or just some alone time if you need - please feel free to contact us.

Anonymous said...

Like the previous writer, I had children with asthma - please consider laminate or other hard surface floor for as much of the house as possible. It's also easier to get volunteers to install some of the hard surfaces because it's more do it yourself than carpet!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff,

I am almost running ou of ideas what to tell you. Hmm, well let me try: You are just great taking care of everything. And I am sure the family you're staying with helps a lot as well. (Now you know what it was like for me to stay with you :P)

And uhm...keep an eye open for surprises. You never know what God (and a lot of other people) have in store for you and the rest of the family :)

So, I finally sent out the last letters to universit. Now I am waiting for my university ID to be send to me. And then I'll officially start in October. Heck, I am way too excited to be nervous...

Love, Maxi

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

My boys had breathing issues, also, although not as severe as Isaac may have. We have laminate and some carpet. Our doctors recommended the "fresh air and sunshine" treatment so we moved here (Dalton) and let the boys outside as often as we can. My two youngest were born with respiratory disease (born in innercity Memphis hospital that was SO dirty!) but now my 2 year old is 38 pounds and fully recovered and our 10 month old was healed by God on March 1st (he'd been on a nebulizer every 6 hours for 5 weeks). Now he's 22 pounds and running everywhere (or climbing, yesterday he climbed the boys' bunkbed ladder. YIKES!).

A year from now, you'll look at Mighty Isaac and he'll be into everything!!!

I had to laugh at the hairy back post. My 4 year old was a preemie and was VERY hairy. He is STILL hairy, like a bear cub!

Katie Miller

Josh Buck said...

I'm so excited that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and so ticked that you aren't coming home til' November!!! Only for selfish reasons of course. :-) You are loved much much and we are in our prayers here in MI! We love you.
The bucksters

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Tiff- love you girl. I agree with my sis- glad for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but mad you're not coming home!!!!! I hate to be another commenter on the carpet issue, but Zeke's asthma MAJORLY improved when we moved to our house with no carpet. Jay could install tile or hardwood or Pergo for you!

Joy said...

Just checked your blog from home. Just wanted you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts often. Regarding your "new plan" we can talk tomorrow. Joy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tiff, Jason, Hannah and of course Isaac, I fully agree with all of them that a vinyl floor or wood floor would be best. Are you sure there is not wood under the carpet up there. Needless to say Jason and his dad, grandfather, etc could install a wood and or a vinyl floor up there fairly reasonable. Not only that a swiffer would clean the floor rather than having to run a vaccum. A lot easier for you!!! I am so proud that you are taking so many people's advise. They had done that and walked that walk.

Needless to say Papa's allergist would agree with all of this.

How many times do I need to say "thanks" to so many people that are on here and are just wanting to help.

Christ's Love and Ours,
Gram and Papa "V"