Saturday, August 25, 2007


What a day! We managed to get all the carpet and padding off the floor and Jason pulled up all the staples. The floor is ready for the new laminate! We also took apart and painted the metal railing around our stairs. It might not sound like much, but we worked from morning 'til night. Throw in an oil change, haircut, trip to Lowe's and Target and a two-year old and we are ready for bed. Except that our bed is "in storage" right now while we wait to get the floor in. So, we're camping on the futon in the basement.

Isaac had a good day. Everything is status quo and that's good. Really, no other news to report.

We are looking to set up a Guy's Work Day on Saturday, September 8th, 10am-5pm. We need about 5 guys to come help Jason get some things done. Current plan of things to do: install flooring, paint stairwell, paint stairs, paint dining room, install railing, get rid of trash and move furniture.

We are looking to set up a Ladies Work Day on Sunday, September 9th, 12-5pm. We will need about 4 ladies to come help me (Tiff) get some things done. Current plan of things to do: hang rods and curtains, arrange furniture, organize Isaac's room and master bedroom, put crib together, decorate rooms and clean up.

If you can commit to helping on one of these days, please email me at We would really appreciate the help. If you cannot commit, but decide at the last minute you want to stop by, please do! We really will need help, though. We cannot get all of this done by ourselves.

It would also be helpful if a couple people would volunteer to come over and really clean the house near the end of October or beginning of November. I will most likely not return home after September 23 until Isaac comes home with us mid-November.

Thank you very much for all your love and support and help. I only ask because I know we cannot do all of this alone. It is very important for things to be clean, here, when Isaac comes home. We do have a dog and cat and we want to do as much as we can to keep our house up so we don't have to get rid of them.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there you two tired people. I know that you are really busy trying to play catch up and get ready for Isaac's homecoming. You know that if Papa was up to it he would be there to help you. But know that you understand.

I am glad that Isaac is doing as well as can be expected. Also that Hannah is being a 2 year old and keeping you on your toes.

Lots of Love,
Gram and Papa "v"