Friday, August 24, 2007

Tonight: Short and Sweet

Basement sprung a pretty significant leak. Jason had to tear down a wooden storage cabinet that was completely ruined. Water pooled a bit but we got it all cleaned up. The water was spurting through the wall--it was funny and horrible at the same time. The joys of home ownership.

On a good note, a friend and neighbor who works at our Lowe's on Plainfield shared our story with her store manager and they sold us all the materials we will need for our new floor for just under $450. The original cost of all the supplies was around $1,400. A big thanks to Lowe's for giving us a GREAT deal. Now, we just need to install it. Anyone in the GR area that would like to help, let us know!

While Jason was ripping up the cabinet in the basement, our friend and live-in graduate student and myself began ripping the carpet out of our upstairs--we started with the stairs. We all finished our nightly duties around 11:30.

Isaac is up on his oxygen but other than that doing well. His nurse said he was awake and looking around earlier. She said she gave him his pacifier. It is the smallest thing you'll ever see. I'll have to take a picture of it when I return.

Hannah had a tough time falling asleep for her nap today. I think she's feeling the stress of this whole thing. I know she'll be allright but I do worry about her.

Heading off to bed!


Anonymous said...'s all falling into place for you, eh? That's great.

I am sure my dad would help with the floor. He's really great with stuff like that...But it's the thought that counts, right?


Ohio_Momto3boys said...

I can't imagine a Binkie for a Preemie! That must be so funny looking.
Ugh, flooding is terrible. So sorry you had to deal with that but at least it's motivation to get the carpet done.
Lowe's helped us too. We furnished our home almost all from Lowes and they gave us GREAT deals (and tons of free stuff, including granite for our kitchen and ALL our bathroom vanities (4). We've been real pleased with everything we got from them.

Is the humidity making Hannah's hair crazy? My boys are due for haircuts but we're holding off since we're beach bound in 4 weeks. Their hair is so bushy now! I use Optimum Oil Therapy 3 in 1 and that keeps it really nice, even on the baby, but it attracts SAND from the sandbox like you wouldn't believe.

Enjoy your home improvements. We're praying for Isaac!

Katie Miller in Dalton, O

Anonymous said...

Hi to ya all!! I know that things in your household and with Isaac is hectic!! At this point Isaac might be the stablizing thing!! Needless to say our prayers are with all of you. I am sure that Hannah "might" be feeling some of the stuff that is going on but it could be just her age and what is expected. You know more about this than this great grandma!!! I have forgot all of this "stuff". If you would ask me I do not "remember" this "stuff". But what am I to say. I would love to hear from some other "greats" and "grandma's" out there. It would be fun and add a little fun stuff to all of this. I know that most of you are young and I appreciate that. What you are going through I cannot comprehend and would not want to.
As far as the Binkie I cannot imagine it at this point and I am going to wait for a picture.

Boy Lowe's is getting a lot of advertizing from this. That is wonderful that they have helped you and so many others. PTL!!!!!
Lots of Love, Gram and Papa "v"

Anonymous said...

People should read this.