Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Every Mountain Top has its Valley

This morning, when Jason and I called in to check on Isaac before 7am, he was doing great. By 12:30 this afternoon he was diagnosed with NEC again, is off all feedings, has been re-intubated (is back on the ventilator) and is back in a bed with a warmer (no more big boy crib). We are waiting for his next x-ray and a surgery consult to see what' next. This illess is SERIOUS BUSINESS. There is very little known about it. Isaac is actually part of a study to learn more about the illness.

He had reached full feeds last night for the first time, ever (deep sigh).

Please pray for complete healing and that no surgery would be necessary.

Jason is trying to get his work cleared up so he can come down here ASAP.

Please keep praying for us. Please. Thank you for the comment about remembering the light during the darkness. I needed that.

I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Isaac is sure keeping everyone on their toes down there. Needless to say we will pray that all goes well and this clears up ASAP. We pray that the Holy Spirit gives the Doctors His wisdom concerning what to do and when to do it. His divine knowledge will help them be able to get Isaac back on his feedings again and be able to help all of those that have the same problem.

Lots of Love, Gram

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that Isaac has NEC again. I will be praying that surgery is not required. Just know that even if he does need the surgery, they can come through the other end with little complications! My son Callen had stage 4 NEC, had several surgeries, feeding tubes, TPN, and "special formula" when he came home last August. Every day I am blown away by the power of God's everlasting love and power! Callen is eating normal food (enchilada's included), and has no sign of ever having such a rough start. Don't lose hope...He is always watching over little Isaac! In my prayers!

Portland, Oregon


Amy Noel said...

We're praying for Isaac, such a sweet little boy. We love him, and love you, too. We will also pray for the doctors and nurses--that they will figure everything out, give him the best care possible, and that he will soar through it with flying colors!
Hang in there!

Aunt Nancy said...

Hi Tiff and fam,
We have been watching Issac's progress and are sorry to hear he has had a set back. He is a survivor though and will get through this! Never give up or lose faith, God has a plan.
We missed you at Carley's wedding. It was nice to see your mom, dad, Dustin and Sarah.
I'm joining the Grandma ranks with your mom! Rachel and Tony are having a baby in the spring. We're all pretty excited.
Take care and never under estimate the power of prayer.
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

Jason, Tiffany, and Hannah, we are praying in a mighty way here for that little man, and for you all, too.

Kettering, OH

nurse jen said...

I am so sorry to hear this. As a NICU nurse myself, I know how devastating these valleys can be in the NICU. I am praying for sweet little Isaac and that God will heal his intestines this very moment. HE is the MIGHTY PHYSICIAN and we are HIS instruments (I remind myself of that daily!!!). I am praying for you, your husband and Hannah. Take care,
Jen Hoggatt

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Isaac means laughter... he'll laugh soon enough at all the fuss made over him at this young age!
We'll be praying for you here!
Our son, Aaron, age 11 months had a miracle healing of his lungs on March 1st. Friends of ours had been convicted to pray and called us to tell us to lay hands on him. We did and 2 hours later he was released from treatment (we had bags packed to transfer him to Akron Childrens). The Lord is good ALL THE TIME and our little miracle boy just splashed himself silly in a hotel pool (we're on vacation).
The LORD reigns! He is IN CONTROL! Keep looking to Him for your strength. You have an awesome testimony already :-)

Katie in Dalton, who is temporarily relocated to celebrate adoption of Aaron

Crissie said...

wow...we will be praying extra hard for that little fighter of yours!!!

Anonymous said...

Father God, I lift the Evans' family up to you, Lord. Thank you for bringing Isaac into this family and thank you for the opportunity to pray for him and his family. Lord, I pray for your healing touch upon Isaac specifically for his NEC and his breathing. Lord, please give the doctors and nurses and Tiffany and Jason wisdom when making medical decisions. I pray for strength for little Isaac's body to fight off infection and to grow. Lord, I lift Jason up to you; Father let him know you are near and grant him peace that surpasses all understanding as he trys to juggle life between Grand Rapids and OH. Father, wrap your loving arms around Tiffany as she watches her son have good and bad days. I pray for her to have many opportunities to spend time with Isaac. Lord, I also pray for endurance and patience for Tiffany. Father, I also lift sweet Hannah up to you, Lord. Father I pray you guard her from the stress that's in her family right now and that she can be on her best behavior as her parents face this setback with her brother, Isaac. Father, I pray that she sleeps well and has good days. Lord, you are the same today as you were yesterday and the day before and will be the same tomorrow. We know this and trust in your faithfullness even in the darkest of days. I pray these things in your son's name. Amen.

Anonymous said...

I agree in prayer with comment # 9, Let us "ALL" agree together.

The Word says in Matthew 18: 18 & 19,
"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in My name, there am I with them."

m.e. said...

Praying for Isaac's health, financial stability, and normalcy for you all. It seems that jobs and government and insurance etc never seem to stop "being the way they are" even when you need it most. My heart goes out to you as you as you focus on the healing of your little boy. He's quite a trooper making it through all he has already, so we know he's a fighter. Hope to hear more good news soon, it's the best kind :) -Marianne

Anonymous said...

As for all of these prayers and petitions posted from the beginning until this moment I am in agreement Lord. We have all spoken and we know that you have heard. Thankyou. Mom (Nana)

Anonymous said...

...but there will always be another mountain to climb. And when you are on top you will see the things from another perspective.

don't give up. I know you are stong enough to climb this mountain as well. It must be overwhelming for you to be so far from home. But you overcome whatever obastacles lie in your way. Hang in there. And you'll see, Isaac will be back to his full amount of food really soon.

:* Love and hugs.

Anonymous said...

I am going to say "Wow" again as every valley has a mountain top. When you are so far down there is only one place to go and that is "up." We are all believing that it will come to another mountain top for you, Jason and Of course "Hannah" and needless to say Isaac.

I am going to keep repeating stand on Psalm 91 and as I have said so many times before it is easier "said" than done!!! I and so many others know this.

I am looking forward to a update either tonight or tomorrow. When nature calls in the middle of the night I will check if I have not heard before that!

No matter what has happened today we are praying that all goes well with "little bit". My affectionate name for him. I hope that you do not mind!!

Christ's Love and ours, Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...