Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Happy 100 Days, Isaac!

Mama bear is very angry.

No biopsy again today. When I got the call around 5ish that it was a no go again, I told the nurse practitioner that if it didn't happen at the newly scheduled time of 10am tomorrow morning, I would request to talk to the sergeon PERSONALLY.

Here's the deal, folks, I mean business. No more waiting. I'm done with that. It's tomorrow or that guy is going to get an earful. And if you know me, you know he WILL get an earful. ROAR!!!! God is good ALL THE TIME and ALL THE TIME he is good.

Besides that, today Isaac is 100 days old! In the NICU, their 100 day mark is kind-of a big deal. He's spent his entire life in the NICU, he's alive and he's in triple digits. I was hoping for cake and ice cream during rounds today but nobody delivered. Tsk. Tsk. What the heck are we paying for, then?!

It was a wonderfully cool, rainy day in Cleveland. I love the rain. Hannah loved playing in the raindrops while we waited for the bus. We went to JoAnn Fabrics today so I could get some fleece to make myself a blanket. I have the volunteers searching downstairs for a pair of good scissors.

That's all for tonight. Love to all.


Anonymous said...

Mama bear,
My thoughts are with you tonight. I am sure you are so disappointed and frustrated at this point. I hope things go as planned and Isaac does in fact have this procedure done tomorrow.
I love the pics, Isaacs new mobile is very entertaining. :) I love the pics of Hannah playing she looks like shes having a great time.
Sleep well tonight. Blessings

Anonymous said...

Someone has her dander up!!! I sure don't blame you as I know that you are wanting them to get started feeding Isaac. Aunt Wilma e-mailed me and mentioned that you were upset, I kind of wondered until I saw your blog. That explained it in a nut shell. It sounds like you want a blanket to curl up in, cover your head up and let off some steam!!!
Things here doing okay. No appts today. PTL. Just need to pick up some milk and mail off a package!!
I am going to lay down again for a little while and then have some coffee. Lots of Love, Gram

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Roar away! Isaac needs his MOM!
You do it and we'll stand behind you in prayer!
My husband roared in Memphis over the care of Aaron a year ago... When the Lord calls you to adopt, you get BIG LUNGS and a BIG SPINE. Your baby is just as important as every other baby, perhaps MORE since he's YOURS!!!