Sunday, October 28, 2007

I felt like Hannah and I needed a break from our routine so we did a ton of fun things together all day!

We usually make breakfast at the RMDH, but today, we had breakfast at the hospital--Hannah had her favorite--pancakes and sausage. Then, we went to visit Isaac. Yep! Hannah went, too! Isaac was moved to a private room a few days ago so the social worker told me I could bring Hannah up every few days. We packed Hannah's backpack full of books and toys that she wanted to show Isaac. When we got there, we watched Isaac's nurse do his "care" and Hannah asked a lot of questions. She even wondered if the nurse was hurting him--I almost cried right there. Then we put Isaac in a bouncy chair and the three of us sat on the floor for a picnic. We read books and Hannah kissed Isaac about 100 times. It was so nice for me to see the kids together and to be with both of them at the same time. Isaac kept watching Hannah--more than he's ever watched or looked for me. It was really amazing. I loved it. We were there about 45 minutes and then said our goodbyes. I think it was good for all of us to be together.

We came back to the RMDH to get some directions and headed out for an hour car ride to an apple orchard in Berlin Heights, OH. Hannah and I had hotdogs and apple cider for lunch, we went for a hayride, fed some goats, walked through a corn maze and had a doughnut before we left. We also bought two small pumpkins that I think we'll carve today or tomorrow. It was such a beautiful day and it was nice to just have fun together. On our way to the orchard I had noticed a nature preserve so on our way back I asked Hannah if she wanted to go for another walk. She did, so we stopped. We walked a trail through the woods that took about a half hour. We kicked leaves and ran and threw rocks in the stream. It was glorious. I was so happy that she was so happy. After our walk, we got back in the car and headed to a Target I'd seen on the way. We shopped for awhile, getting Hannah all her winter gear--she wore her new boots all around the store. It was very cute. Then off to Cracker Barrel for dinner (no particular reason--just didn't want fast food). Hannah had macaroni and cheese (ugh, she hasn't had enough pasta?!) and I had a heart attack on a plate breakast for dinner. We each had an Andes mint for dessert while we rocked on the rockers outside the restaurant.

Back at the RMDH, we were told a school group had stopped by to bring us cards and presents. (A teacher contacted me a few weeks ago offering to help our family. I told her she could have a class make us cards--that we would really enjoy that.) Let me share what one sixth grader wrote:

"Dear Tiffany, I can't imagine how hard this is for you, but God does know and He cares about you and your family so much. He's sad when you're sad, He cries when you cry and He laughs when you laugh! God often lets hard things happen to us in our lives to make us stronger in Him. II Corinthians 1:3-5."

Wow. Almost every card had a different verse and words of encouragment to each member of our family--what a treasure! Thank you to Kingsway Christian School's 6th Grade Bible Class. Your love for Jesus truly shines through in our words and actions. Thank you for reminding me to be in the Word. No wonder God encourages us to come to him like the children. Their words and encouragement are truly inspiring.

Since the 6th graders sent bath gifts for Hannah, she took a bath tonight and loved it! New bath crayons, bath letters and bubble bath and she was in there for 45 minutes!

Our day was fantastic. We laughed and joked and talked and ran and walked and ate and hugged and smiled. Only two things were missing: Jason and Isaac. Soon, very soon. I pray. Very soon.

Good Night.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day! It is a delight to see pictures of the kids together. I always noticed that my babies attended to their siblings and other small children more than to adults; two of them were especially excited when their sister wore bright colors like red. It will be such a joy for you to watch them get to know each other!

Anonymous said...

Loved reading your post tonight! How special for both kids to "connect". Sounds like a very, encouraging, special day God planned for you and Hannah. Your posts encourage me! Hang in there! K.P. Lowell, MI

Brad, Carmen, Braylen and Alea Fleck said...

I am so glad you had this special day! I loved seeing the pictures of Hannah and Isaac together. Isaac looks so sweet looking up to his big sis! Thank you for sharing today :)

Anonymous said...

What a glorious day you shared with your children. I am so happy you got to be with both of them together.
It sounds like you and Hannah had a great mommy daughter day without any plans. Just being together.
Blessings to you all.

Amy Noel said...

Hey--what a cute pic of Hannah and Isaac face to face. I love it! It's nice to see him in his bouncy seat, too. And it sounds like you and Hannah had a great day together. That makes me smile. :) Isn't it so nice to just have a blast and be crazy and fun with your kids??
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Very soon. *crosses fingers*

What great people you have over there. Maybe I shouldn't be worried too much about you then.

How great that Hannah went to see her little brother, too. I remember that when I was younger I lovedmy sister so much as well. And nowadays we fight. But then again. I got a lot better when we moved away. It's like when I was in Grand Rapids. My sister actually missed me though she'd never admit it :P

Well, I'll be off to class for now. Grammar = yikes!

Thinking of you!
Maxi *hugs everyone*

Anonymous said...

what a blessing to be together with both of your children. how thrilled your heart must have been. the pictures brought a smile to my face. that was an answer to prayer. may you have a wonderful week. your family continues to be in my prayers. keep posting, i love it. love in Christ, carol

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Kingsway is just a few minutes from us! how wonderful they sent you things :-)
Isaac's best therapist will be Hannah. Babies always respond best to big siblings :-)


Anonymous said...

What wonderful pictures of the two of them!! What a wonderful day the two of you had. As you know you need to enjoy these times together as they are memories that you have together. We have those memories of you when you would come and visit us and sleep between Papa and I.
Have a great week, no matter what These are the days that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in them. Some days are better than others as you know.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa

Joy said...

What a fun day...isn't it great when you are able to have fun with your kids without the tantrums and the whinning! The quote from the 6th grader brought tears to my eyes. I guess this is what it means in the bible to have faith like a child! How inspiring! Joy.

Anonymous said...

Just checked in to see how you all are... So glad to see Isaac in his bouncy seat and Hannah obviously enjoying him! You all look great - we sure miss seeing Hannah's smile and her bouncing curls, and of course, her sincere hugs. Meg talks about her all the time and we keep her posted and show her pictures when we check in. Sounds like you're all doing well and holding up reasonably, considering. Come to Canton for a visit some day when you need a break, we'd love to catch up (we can hit Panera for lunch or something or meet up in Akron)! Enjoy the fall weather, it too is my favorite time of year. Blessings to you and Jason and your two 'babies'

Tami and kids (your Canton family!)

Unknown said...

Hi Tiffany & family, I agree it was so special to see Mommy with both her babies! I've been keeping up with your blog every day and following all your ups and downs. We're praying God works a miracle and you all can be together in GR and living a "normal" life again as a family.
What a joyous gift God gave you when He gave you that wonderful day you wrote about! He truly is so good! Love to you, Terri

Anonymous said...

Thank you for describing all of your wonderful events. Thank you for sharing all of your positive feelings. It keeps me hopeful AND prayerful. My love to the Evans 4, Mom(Nana)