Friday, October 26, 2007

It was a nice fall day today in Cleveland. Unfortunately, it brought bad news. While we're still waiting for the results from the biopsy, we did learn that Isaac needs to have surgery to remove part of his small intestine. We are unsure of the specifics right now--hopefully we'll learn more within the next few days. I was hoping to get through "all this" without surgery. But, not so. Because he needs this particular surgery, he will not be able to begin eating until he's recovered from the surgery.

My friend, Holly, arrived today. We went to the hospital this evening to see Isaac--it was fun for someone to see and hold him. Little buddy. He slept the whole time.

Missing Jason. Whenever we get bad news I wish he was with me. We like to talk things out. Best/worst case scenarios...all that stuff. I think that's how we deal with everything.

I was planning on going home next weekend....we'll see. I have a bunch of appointments already made...go figure.

Gonna go. Have a great weekend.


Hummel Family said...

Oh Tiffany! I feel for you right now. I know this is not what you wanted to happen. I will pray for a smooth-sail surgery and super fast receovery, so that he can get this show on the road!! I pray he can only move forward from here on out.

I am so glad Holly is there with you. She is so AWESOME! I love that lady!

Anonymous said...

He answers every prayer - but wouldn't it be awesome if a few more of the answers were the ones we are looking for? Thank you Father for putting Isaac in the hands of people who could find this problem and who know how to fix it. Tiffany, make the most of your weekend with good support. Jason, your tender comment brings tears to my eyes. You are a wonderful family.

Anonymous said...

Wish we were there to give you a big hug!! But distance is a problem as you well know. We pray that this to will work out for the best and that Isaac will finally be on the mend. He has had a rough time of it needless to say. Our love and prayers are there for you, Jason, Hannah and of course Isaac.

Christ's love and Ours, Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...


I cannot even begin to say what i feel right now. I am sad and angry and a little happy everything at once. Completely confused. i wish for all those issues to be over. And I know Isaac needs the surgery to live. I am praying that he will recover very quickly.

Romans 12:12 says: Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful.

Keep praying and God's will will show in due time. I am afraid of what is to come there. And i can't imagine what you're going through. But with our hopes raised high we can be sure of great things to come.

I love you!

Anonymous said...

Well I had a message and decided it was not what I wanted to say at this point in time. You know me and I just want to Praise The Lord all of the time but there are times that I do have a problem as we all do. Last night was one of them. I was unable to sleep and needless to say my mind was on the Lord and his mercies for all of us. His "glory" His "riches", His "love", His patience, etc. What we have from Him is unreal so we have to be patient and Depend on His eternal Love for "all" of us. Today we visited a friend that turned 80 yrs old this past week. We spent some time with her today and she richly blessed us. You know her as Opal!!
The Lord Bless you all and Keep you according to Psalm 91, The Lord keep Isaac in the palm of His Hand!!

Christ's Love and Ours, Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany-Once again you have been heavy on my heart--I have been praying much for little Isaac, but a LOT for you! You have been so strong, and a blessing to those of us who don't even know you. I pray that God will give you a calmness about all that is going on around you, and to you. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and thoughts with us. Oh, and one more thing----GO HAWKEYES! Sorry, I couldn't resist that. I am a loyal Iowa Hawkeye fan living in the midst of Ohio State Buckeye madness.

Jane said...

my heart is aching for prayer is that recovery will be quick and eating will resume soon.

Love, hugs and prayers in Jesus' name,

Anonymous said...

We seem to pray for the best, but we must HOPE and pray DURING the best and still HOPE and PRAY during the worst. The answers that we recieve through prayer are not always the ones we want to hear but as you know it is not our knowledge and wants that control those outcomes. The infinite wisdom and love that we know are there for our reaping is what we must focus on. Keep walking in faith. Keep looking into the eyes and watching the smiles of Hannah and we will all continue to pray that it is God's will that you will be doing the same with Isaac sooner than later.

I know that the news of surgery is hard to hear, but feel confident that The Lord will be guiding the surgeon's hands. Maybe this will be a new start for the recovery of Isaac's gut problems so that he will be able to eat again and get him "caught up" so he can come home.

I miss all of you and send my love, kisses and hugs. Tell Jason Hello and I do appreciate him so much. Glad to hear Holly is there and you have some distraction from the regular day to day stuff.

One unexpected and sad note. You remember "Bruzby" Cross. He died yesterday morning during a training exercise for the fire department. He had a heart attack. The whole town of Charlevoix is in shock.

I have fallen behind on alot of things this last week so I have to get a bunch of things done today.

Hope Hannah got the pictures!!!!
Love XXXX,OOOO Mom (Nana)