Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Jason was SUPPOSED to come to Ohio today because Isaac was SUPPOSED to have surgery tomorrow. Surprise, surprise his surgery was put off until next week. I'm sure you can guess my reaction to that phone call. I ended up talking with the Division Chief of Pediatric Surgery (a really important guy). He profusely apologized and said they wouldn't have an operating room and surgical team available until next week. Best children's hospital in the midwest and my son has to wait a week because there isn't an available operating room and the staff doesn't want to put in a few extra hours. Interesting. I told him it was still unacceptable. He told me they still wouldn't do it until next week. Stalemate.

So, Hannah and I drove home. We arrived about 15 minutes ago. I'm going to watch some Letterman with Jason for a few minutes and then we're going to sleep.

Deep sigh.



Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear of the disappointing news about putting off surgery for little Isaac again!
I am glad you have taken that opportunity to come home and visit with Jason, catch up on things at home, and just relax (I hope you get a moment or 2 to do that)
Sleep well and enjoy yourself at home.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear the news! :( Poor little guy!!
On another note, are you guys going to go Trick or Treating?? B/c there's a little princess & a little doggie that would love to see Hannah...:)
Give me a call if you have a chance, but no biggie if you are busy!

Anonymous said...

What can I say other than "WOW" what a big disappointment. We are glad that you are having a little down time at home you really need it. At least you had your say even if it did not get the results that you wanted.

Praying that all continues to go well for "all" of you.

Lots of Love, Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Try to take comfort that Isaac's condition is not so severe that emergency surgery isn't the call. If he waits until next week, maybe he is just that much more mature to handle the procedure; there is always a reason in God's world.

Anonymous said...

I understand your frustrations.... God knows why things keep getting delayed. There is a time for everything. As a nurse, I see this frustration everyday. This is YOUR CHILD and he should have the surgery when they say he will. Does not always happen; does it? Unfortunately, there are other little ones that need emergency procedures/surgeries that delay elective procedures/surgeries. While it's a blessing Isaac is stable enough to be put off until next week; it's a definite frustration for a family that is geared up and ready to have their little buddy home!!! There just does not seem to be enough medical professionals out there to handle everything that is thrown our way. Hence, poor Isaac and his family must wait another week!! It's frustrating on everybody's end. Hang in there...there is a light at the end of this tunnel...You have many prayers from all over the U.S.!

Anonymous said...

Keep up your spirits and keep on praying. Let it go and let God take care of it. Just think how far all of you have come so far!!! You both needed this time at home. Isaac is being taken care of and now it is time for you guys to re-vamp. Enjoy your time at home.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a nurse was saying that at least Isaac is stable enough to be put off. Apparently she is there and done that so many times but we also want to keep in mind the families that are out there that are wondering why it takes so long and what the "heck" is going on. The families do not know as they are not told "why" so many times but just that it is going to happen this way.

It sounds like (Issac)s care team has been totally up front with Tiff and Jason. At this point it is the doctors that have to do the surgery that is holding things up at this point. Needless to say we feel for the entire family and want to just let them know that we are keeping the faith that Isaac will be okay.

So many "thanks" for the nurse that opted to blog and let all of us know out here that there is another side of the story. Granted we did not want to hear it but we did. Thanks!! Lots of Love,
Gram and Papa!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate both sides of the situation. I am just glad that you went home, and that is a true blessing. Love.