Monday, November 12, 2007

Isaac was a busy boy today and was awake and cranky for most of it! I think he's finally settling in to being born. He's officially 1 week old, now (his due date was last Sunday, the 4th), and cries until someone picks him up. They figure things out fast, don't they?! He got dressed again today for the first time since his surgery last Friday, moved back into his crib and is off oxygen support as of this morning. Today was the first day he breathed all by himself! I expect he may go back and forth for awhile (on and off his oxygen), but today was a great day for Isaac Matthew. He also got the dressing removed from his incision and the surgeons think it's looking good. It feels so good to have good news about our baby. The other two moms who have infants in the hospital here at RMDH had good days, too, so it's nice to see each other at the end of the day and "compare notes" and have good things to share!

I forgot to take pics of Isaac this morning without his cannula so Hannah and I went back this evening. The volunteers did not show up so I went to the NICU and asked for Isaac's nurse to come out. I wanted to give her my camera to take a few pics when I realized my camera was dead. Instead, she brought Isaac out to the window (now that he's off oxygen he can move around more easily) for Hannah and I to see him. Talk about a profound moment. Hannah was jumping up and down, so happy to have the opportunity to see her "little bruder." Isaac's nurse put him up to the window and they looked at each other and Hannah gave him kisses through the glass. We all had tears in our eyes. I could've stood there for hours and watched the two of them. I tried my camera one more time and what do you know, it worked! I thanked Jesus on the spot for the mini miracle of a working camera when I really needed it to catch a great moment between my two babies.

It really was a great day.

I do have a couple prayer requests. Continued growth and health for Isaac, of course. And a major miracle in the medicaid, SSI, birth certificate and social security number area for our little buddy buddy. The "system" is a joke and is taking way too long to get us some much needed support. The formula he will be on is about $40-$50 a can--no kidding. We CANNOT afford that. We need the support that our son is eligible for to take care of him. We believe God will provide the financial support we need to make this adoption happen. So far, our credit card has been our best friend. We know this is not a responsible way to manage our finances, but that is what we've had to do to bring Isaac to our family. We believe Isaac is ours and therefore, believe God will provide. But so far, the problems still abound in this area. Please pray for the financial support we need to make responsible choices in this area, starting with the support our son is eligible for.

Many blessings to you, as you have all blessed our family so much.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog everyday. The pictures today are priceless. I pray all goes well and you are all home soon and that all the worries are taken care of.
You have a beautiful family.

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

In Ohio and most states, Until the child is finalized, you qualify for WIC which will pick up all formula costs. Since Isaac is 'technically' a foster child to you, you can get WIC. We did NOT know this when we had Ozzie but we did for both Nolan and Aaron. Also, since he has a medical condition, you should qualify anyhow. Ok, it's not the greatest experience to go into the WIC office but the program is there for a reason so adoptive parents should utilize it.
Our son Nolan was considered a foster child until we finalized him at 15 months; Aaron was 11. With all the paperwork you have with Isaac and his meds, you'll not get to finalize for a long while.
As alert as he looks when he noticed Hannah, it won't be long now until he's HOME and getting into everything. My prediction... Hannah's haircare supplies will be the first attraction. He looks like he could do some serious mess-making with clips and ponies :-)

Anonymous said...

Your pictures are AMAZING! It's great to hear good news about Isaac. We'll continue to pray for your family.

Unknown said...

It is not a respsible thing to run out and put the whims one has on a credit card, however providing for the NEEDS of your child is a reasonalble response. He needs you there. These months of bonding are vital for his development. Not just in the short run but also in how he will learn to bond to others as he grows. Bonding is wonderful and simple when done right, but the consequenses when it is lacking are anything but simple and can be life long. You are doing the right thing as a reponsible parent.

Anonymous said...

Loved your pictures today. Glad your camera started working again. Can't wait to see you all home soon. Love Beth

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Little buddy.... Was so great talking tonight and being able to share GOOD news for once. God is good, God IS good!!! Love you dearly...

Anonymous said...

My cousins baby was on that same formula after she had her intestine surgery, and it also took them forever to get the insurance to cover the formula. I agree with ohiokatie, WIC is a good option as they do provide very well for babies in need. However, to save you time, b/c of my own experience with my daughter(her formula was $25 a can) I will tell you this...WIC will require you have a dr.'s signature and a note saying specifically why your baby needs that formula. It's like a "perscription" for him. They will not give you checks until you have that note. Save yourself some time and go in with every piece of paper they ask you to bring!

Anonymous said...

There is another thing your children will qualify for and that is Head Start. When they turn three you can enroll them in a Head Start program because they are adopted they qualify. This is a Federal program so it should be the same in all states. The WIC program is a great idea, as he grows they also provide other food items he will need until the adoption is final.It doesn't hurt to check it out. I've been praying for you and your family. You don't know me, I am Janet and Mike's aunt from Wisconsin. Keep up the good work!!!

Anonymous said...

Is that Isaac's nurse? She's really pretty. I kinda wonder if he wants to stay because of her...

Well, guess what. I am acing the questions in my grammar classes. (Yes, "classes" as in more than one.) I really love that :)

Did you get the letter yet? I am wondering if it might have been lost with the post office people.

And could you tell me how big Hannah and Isaac are? I am trying to find some cute stuff for both of them that actually fits them.

Much love, Maxi

Amy Noel said...

Great news! And great photos, too! I can just imagine Hannah's delight at seeing Isaac. We will pray for the financial issues for you, and what people have been writing about wic and headstart and it being okay to charge your credit card up in this circumstance are all pieces of wisdom that I agree with! Hope you are able to bring him home soon!

Jane said...

praise God!

if the camera would have worked the first time, then Hannah would not have gotten to "kiss" her broder! God is so good!

The system stinks, and the hoops are no fun, but the end result is soooo worth it! You will have a son that you can raise and teach him about Jesus.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that you've talked to social workers at the hospital, but if not they are often able to help you out with some of these costly issues. Also have you heard of Children's Special Health Care Services? It's part of Medicaid. Sometimes you have to pay a monthly premium, depending on your income, but they usually cover what your insurance does not. Also, many insurances will cover the cost of formula if it's needed for a medical reason. Some of these issues may be easier to be cleared up when and if Isaac is transfered to G.R., since he'll be in the state that you live in and the state that will be covering him.

Our prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon,
By now Hannah "might" be taking a nap and giving you a few minutes of down time. I have heard of WIc in Michigan also and I am sure you have to. I think they also supply things like cheese, etc for the children. You mentioned that you have a good social worker there so you can go over this stuff with her if you have not already done so.

Love the smile on Hannah's face in the one picture of her by the glass where the nurse is holding Isaac up.

Have a great day!! Love ya. Gram and Papa

Anonymous said...

Loving you and my family, What a wonderful post. It has to feel so good to post the positives!! I will keep in mind the future struggles and just keep praying and loving all of you. You guys will be able to navigate "the system" it just takes time, energy and tenasity(sp??) SPUNK!!!!

YOU GO LITTLE BUDDY!!!!! You just keep on keeping on! (as us 70's teens would have said!)

XXXXOOOO all the way around, Love, Mom (Nana)

Anonymous said...

I am not for sure if in Michigan they have BCMH or not but believe me it works wonders for kids with special needs. I have a daughter that was born 12 weeks early and has her share of medical problems and Bureau for Children with Medical Handicaps comes in very handy. I wish you the best of everyhting and by the way Isaac looks wonderful God is definitely Great.

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures today of your precious gifts from God:) I am lifting you and your family in prayers everyday. I see from your blogs how the Lord blesses you in so many ways. You are an inspiration to us (a family hoping & praying to adopt).
Lots of blessings from Virginia,

Anonymous said...

I just have to comment again it sure looks like Isaac is holding his hand out to Hannah. I know it is the way the nurse is holding him but it is cute. Yes as I mentioned the one of her smile behind the glass. That is priceless.

Time for my game shows!! I just copied the last pictures for Papa. Needless to say this adventure has cost me a lot of Paper!! (:-) I keep the copies with the pictures as I have said. Some day you can have them if you do not have a copy!!

Good night for now from us!! Gram and Papa. I will see what is going on when nature calls during the night or in the morning!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Have been praying for you since coming across your blog. It has been such a blessing to see your faith and trust in the Lord. Today's pictures were priceless. He is such a miracle and what a story to share with him. Hannah too is so precious. What blessings they are from the Lord.
Thanks for sharing your story and allowing others to be a part through prayer.