Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Today was World Children's Day...what did you do to celebrate?! We got a visit from Ronald McDonald himself here at the house. Hannah got to meet him. She was pretty freaked out. And then she talked about him all day. Too funny.

Bummer of a day in the land of Isaac. He did not eat. They stopped his Pedialite, too. His incision is draining fluid and they don't know why. We're going to see how he does overnight and go from there. It could be something, it could be nothing. I'll be praying for nothing!

"Ohio Grandma" came today so I was able to visit Isaac this evening. He pulled out his ng tube (tube used for various reasons) while I was there so we were able to get a picture of him tube free for the first time. His nurse then put the tube back in, but for a minute, he was just Isaac. Little buddy. He's a sweety!

So here's the deal (in reference to Gram's comment). I've spent the last two days doing a lot of digging around about potential financial support for Isaac (Medicaid, SSI, adoption subsidy). I finally started putting pieces together from a few months ago and am beginning to understand that there are some things we need to do. I was planning on sharing with all of you, but it's in our best interests (for now) not to share, yet. You'll really flip a lid when I tell you, and I hate to be so mysterious, but we have to finish what we've started before I make a big deal about it. No one is in trouble. No one did anything wrong. We just live in a VERY messed up world. I have to leave it at that, for now. I will follow up, though, as soon as I can.

Hannah got some gifts today and loved every one of them. You have all been so sweet to send us special packages. It's so fun to come back from the hospital in the afternoon and have a phone message that there are packages waiting for us. I just love to see the blinking red light on the phone!

I keep thinking I'll go to bed early and then it's 11, 12, 1, 2....and I'm still up. I need some serious beauty rest (do we lose fat during beauty rest, too?!) so I'm signing off.

JoEllen: Tell Maylee to stop scaring me! Glad she's doing better!

Gram: I love to see you in a tizzy! Glad you're a fighter. I love it!

Mom: Don't worry, I'll call. I got your message and I'll fill you in on the latest.

Nighty night.


Anonymous said...

Have you and Gram both studied screenwriting 101: Cliffhangers? YOur loyal readers will be waiting impatiently for the next episode on this one! Theses are incredible pix of your kids - Hannah is absolutely gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Hey Tiff I did not mean to let the cat out of the bag and I have been waiting every hour on the hour for your blog tonight. Needless to say here it is midnight and I am here to!!! Your loyal fans will be waiting to hear the "stuff" and be as surprised as I was. Hopefully by then you will have more and better news. I know this makes things more mysterious than ever but your timing is better than mine. Love the pictures of course.
Lots of Love, Gram

Anonymous said...

Tiff, I just got home from church and wanted to let you know my church family is praying for the Evans family. We gave praise that the Lord has gotten Isaac through so many hurdles thus far and pray He continues to put a hedge of safety around his little body. Many prayers from Washington this evening!
Hugs from Jodi and Calvary Chapel in Lynden Washington

Anonymous said...

Keeping your whole family in my prayers, and praying for the "stuff" and that it will be resolved.

Amy Noel said...

Oooooohhh...a mystery! Can't wait until you enlighten us! We love you and are praying still for Isaac and the rest of you.

Anonymous said...

I hope the mystery has a happy ending. I know the world is messed up. I cannot adopt my nephew because he recieves money and insurance for his disabilities that we cannot due without. If he was NOT our nephew and just another foster kid, he would get all these services after adoption. I guess he doesn't deserve a forever family. Its so sad.
Isaac looks great without the tubes. I know they have to go back in but still, it must have brought tears to your eyes to see what he will look like when you get him home. I got your note today. Thanks but don't waste time on me. You have your hands full. Still praying daily for you. -Sherry