Friday, November 16, 2007

Secret Revealed!

Settle in, it's going to be a long one.

Isaac: He's on day two of his EleCare (formula). His doctor said she wanted him to remain at 1ml per hour through the weekend to sort the pump. She wants to make sure his gut isn't pushed too far too fast. I'm totally ok with that. I'd rather take it slowly and reduce the risk of more problems. He's still on room air and I really love that. The only tube on his face is for eating and that's a good thing! Today after rounding on Isaac they let me take him into an empty nursery and hold him while they rounded on the other 5 kiddos. Usually, while they continue rounding, parents have to wait in the reception area. Since the activity room where Hannah goes while I visit with Isaac is closing an hour earlier than it has in the past, they're trying to find ways to give me more time with Isaac. I really do love the NICU staff. They are very good to our family. Anyway, so the social worker comes over while I'm holding Isaac and says she's got it worked out so Hannah can come up to see Isaac, too. I'm elated, of course. So I go get Hannah and bring her up to the NICU. Hannah, Isaac, me and Isaac's nurse go into a private room and spend like 20 minutes together. Isaac's nurse took pics while we laughed at Hannah's silly antics and joy over seeing her baby brother. Hannah even got to hold Isaac for the first time. Pure joy. Really. I just love to see the two of them together. Isaac was alert and looking around the whole time. Hannah sang to him and clapped his hands together--he didn't mind it a bit. We both gave him lots of kisses. Someone recently asked for a pic of the four of us together and I thought about that today while Hannah and I were with Isaac. We don't have a family pic, yet, because we've never all been together. I missed Jason a lot, today, when we were loving on Isaac without him. I'm looking forward to being a family of four for the first time.

This afternoon we received a FedEx envelope. I wasn't sure what to expect. Either one of you called Max & Erma's on our behalf or I don't know what, because somehow, they heard that I'd mentioned their restaurant on our blog and sent us $200 in gift certificates!!!! Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies, here I come! How very nice. We do enjoy Max & Erma's and look forward to inviting some of our RMDH friends out to dinner. Thank you, Max & Erma's!! What a blessing.

Ok, so I can share with you our little secret because it's no longer going to happen. You might not believe what I'm going to tell you, but I promise, it's true. When we signed our temporary placement paperwork, we became aware of some adoption assistance (money) that we could potentially apply for. Our Ohio agency generally explained why we wouldn't want to apply for it and we moved on. Fast forward to this week when I began making phone calls regarding financial assistance for Isaac and the above-mentioned adoption assistance came up again. Basically, it's a federal/state subsidy available to special needs children who are adopted. This subsidy is EXTREMELY difficult to get. I think we could've gotten it because Isaac definitely meets the criteria, but we decided against it for many reasons. I know, I know, what's the big deal?! Here it is. If we would've gone ahead and applied for the subsidy, we would've had to post Isaac on the state of Ohio's adoption website for three days. If another adoptive family would've agreed to adopt him WITHOUT the subsidy, it would be up to the agency to decide whether to give us a choice to choose Issac and forget the subsidy, or just choose to give Isaac to the other family. Here's what it boils down to. If there is a family who will adopt a child without the subsidy, the federal/state government will not allow a family to adopt the child and get the subsidy. Messed up, huh? Even though Isaac is most likely very eligible for this subsidy, we're not applying for it. Crazy stuff. Crazy stuff.


I had a very disturbing phone conversation yesterday that left me feeling pretty bad...hurt, even. After the phone call, which was not resolved, I received an email in reference to the call. I had been very misunderstood. Jason and I were very angry. Later in the evening, we talked on the phone about what we should do. Each of us, on our own, had decided it would be best not to respond. It's difficult, sometimes, to just let things go. Especially when you've been grossly misunderstood and misrepresented. I swallowed my pride and let it go. We both agreed it was the right thing to do. Sometimes I wonder what I'm learning in all of this, and things like this happen. And I see that I am growing, I am learning. Not in every situation, but in this one, I learned. And it feels kinda good to do the right thing.


We've been waiting for Isaac's birth certificate since July. We cannot apply for a social security number until we have it. And we cannot apply for Medicaid or SSI until we have the social security number. No birth certificate=zero progress. Phone calls have been made by several people inquiring about his birth certificate and the answer is always, "call back in two weeks." July to November is way more than two weeks. This week, I decided I WAS NOT going to wait any longer. I started calling on Tuesday. I started with Vital Statistics, the people who produce the certificates and was told "call back in two weeks." Yeah, we've heard THAT before. I called several other places including the Ohio Department of Health, an Ohio state representative and several other organizations begging for help. "Please, help me get this birth certificate so we can move on." I called Vital Statistics again today in one last, ditch effort to get this stupid thing. It was a different lady than Tuesday so I shared my story and my frustrations and the lady said to hold for a moment. I pleaded with God to just give me this one little thing....please....please....PLEASE. 15 minutes later she returned and said she was mailing out his birth certificate today!!!! Ha! Praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus! I started crying and told the lady she was an answer to prayer. She said, "Well, God bless you, you just love on your little boy." I'm so glad I stuck to my guns and kept trying. Ha! Take that.

It has been a very turbulent week here in Cleveland. Lots of good things and some pretty frustrating ones too. Not unlike your week, I'm sure. God is present in every moment of every day for every person. Sometimes that's a reassuring thought and other times it scares me half to death. All I know, is that we're all equally loved by Him and His desire is that we seek Him in all we do. And all He requires from us is honest effort. Imperfectly, that's what I'm trying to do.



Anonymous said...

Hmmm, that is so troubling when someone hurts your feelings like that. I would rather be punched in the face. Its a lot easier to get over. We had gotten ripped off by a crooked lawyer 4 years ago and I held onto that for 2 years. It ate me up until I prayed about it and (I know this is corney) I pictured a balloon with all my troubles about it tied to the string and I watched it float away in my head. It has not bothered me since!! Just give it to God. You know you are awesome, WE know your awesome and best of all GOD knows your awesome :)
That first pic of Isaac cracks me up. -Sherry

Anonymous said...

Could Hannah be any more proud in the picture where she's holding Issac? Absoulutly precious!

Anonymous said...

This post makes me laugh and cry; in the first picture Isaac looks like he was just told he has to live in a world of bureaucrats - pure terror. Thank God he has his strong mama to run that gauntlet for him. I am so sorry to hear how difficult things are in dealing with some people; try to hang onto all the good you have seen in people through all of this. Hannah looks like she is ready to be mama's little helper. What joy!

Anonymous said...

I have been what is called a lurker in blog-land. . . but I have been reading your blog and praying for your precious son the last month or more.

These pictures made me tear up and feel like shouting at the same time. What a great day!

I know a young lady who was born at 25 weeks gestation and she is the healthiest 15 year old I have ever met! She runs circles around her younger brother and sister!In the same way, may Isaac play basketball for MSU someday;-)

On a side note, my hubby was born in Ann Arbor while his father was attending UofM. . . but his stepmother and brother LOVE the Spartans! Gotta love it!

Love and prayers,
Gina in AZ

(We may look into adoption in the future and I will email you!)

Anonymous said...

How could anyone be unknind to you by phone, e-mail, or in person? Anyone with half a heart would know what tremendous stress you have been under and would bend over backwards not to exacerbate it. I hope you are able to let the hurt and anger go so that it does not diminish you; it belongs on the plate of the server, as my Old World mother used to say.

Anonymous said...

That subsidy is so messed up! How could Isaac possibly not deserve the help, and the family that already loves him? You are asked to roll the dice and gamble with your child in order to get the assistance that should be available to a child with his needs - wacky.

Anonymous said...

Once again the pictures are priceless and bring tears to my eyes. I'm so happy that things are starting to look up for your family.

Anonymous said...

Tiffany...I have searched my house up and down to look for a CD that I have/had as I wanted to send it to you. I know that the adoption subsidy is available to Isaac but I can't remember what else the CD said and it's driving me nuts that I can't find it...anyway I remember it's by Dr. Bryan Post and it's something like "Subsidy and the Law". I want to say I purchased it off but this has been a while. If I do come across it I will send it on to you but in the mean time you may be able to look it up and get it quicker. I wouldn't give up! Good Luck.

Ohio_Momto3boys said...

Yeah for Max and Ermas! yeah for the nice lady with the birth certificate!
Boo for people who are mean and for systems that make adoption difficult. We had birth certificate difficulties with our #2 son's agency also and, in fact, the owner threatened to SUE US on Thursday if we wrote about our experiences in email (she didn't like that we told the truth of our experience: ie: infections left untreated in our son, no custody papers, etc.). Yikes. The whole world seems so difficult when dealing with unpleasant people.
We have not used the agency in Ohio that you have but we've worked with them when we had trouble with our Tennessee agency. Also, 90% of the people living in Dalton with adopted kiddos all used them. I know the system is FRUSTRATING but in the adoption world, your placing agency seems to be at least trying to do right.
The subsidy thing is a lousy deal. People with lots of money would take a look at Isaac and snatch him up! Not fair. We validate your decision there... he is YOUR son; he is NOT a marketing tool (and he's too stinkin' cute to share!)
You hang in there. Each time I check your blog, my kiddos and I say a prayer for all of you. Isaac looks like he's ready to take the world by storm and as soon as that tummy's healed, look out! He's ready to go!

You are the MOM of the Century! We stand behind you all the way!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said...

Hey you! I am so proud of you. What can i say? I sure wouldn't have been able to just let it go- good for you!!!! Isaac and Hannah together- geez they're cute! Well, I'll call you later today- we've got the Santa Claus parade in a few minutes! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Needless to say I do not agree with the system but your decision to tell them to jump in the lake is the best one. Do not give up yet as there might be other answers out there for you. Yes this Gram was in a tizzy about this and rightfully so. I'm the G.Grandma bear fighting for all of her cubs. We will storm the heavens about this.

So glad to know that Isaac is still getting formula that sure is a blessing. Keep it up "little bit"!!!

I know it is hard but we have to pray for those that hurt us because as you no doubt know holding the hurt in your heart hurts you more than it hurts them. Releasing them releases you!!

Christ's Love and Ours, Gram and Papa.

Anonymous said...

Friggin' people. They told you at first to wait and then you got the birth certificate almost immediately? Gosh, I hate when that happens. But I am so happy for you guys. I know there is still a lot of work to do. But one step closer to the goal is better than nothing, right?

I can truly understand that you didn't apply for that financial assisstance thing. I would have done the same probably.

Hey, guess what: In one of my classes we saw a documentary about a child's time from conception to birth. And somehow I had to think of little Isaac immediately. It's so weird. You guys come up in my mind every day. And to times where I cannot even figure out WHY I thought of you.

I know, I know. Too much talking. Well, I've gotta go anyways. I am invited to a friend's birthday party tonight.

P.S. Did you finally get the little socks for Isaac?

Love, Maxi

Unknown said...

Hi Evan Family, Your little boy is so sweet. I can't believe how he is changing and how cute he is. Also, Hannah -- Wow -- how she is growing! She is adorable and your kids look so precious together. It broke my heart to hear that with all you are going through, someone hurt you and caused you and Jason unnecessary stress during this critical time of your life. You need encouragement and love more than ever. Tiff, I know I don't have to tell you that our enemy loves to get to us through any way he can and sometimes he even uses people we never would expect to do his wicked work. Don't let him win -- you made the right decision not to respond. You are Jason are wise beyond your years and I love how you rely on God more and more every day. You are closer to Him now than ever and it really shows. He is ever faithful and He only wants our faithfulness and obedience in return. I send my love and prayers for you all. I think you are amazing and your family is so beautiful! Terri

Anonymous said...

I seriously do not believe that Isaac's eyes could not get any wider than that!!!! The pictures are wonderful and Hannah seems to be taking her role as big sister to that her giving the tickle test to her little baby brother?? I seem to remember a big "Sis" that could not keep her hands to herself either!

So glad that Isaac seems to be tolerating his feedings. Just remind him that every ML gets him a little closer to Michigan and then home.I am encouraged that I may be able to meet my Grandson soon.

My love to the Evans 4, hugs and kisses for all. It seems that I may have gotten some special mail since it was addressed to Nana and Grandpa. It is time to see who it is from!!!!!!!Love

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. If is possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.

Anonymous said...

That last blog looks interesting! Tiff I would imagine you will ask your friends from South America if it is spanish. One word looks like Brazil to me.

I worked on my Christmas letter and Christmas cards today. I usually do that while Papa is hunting but he did not go this year. So I did it anyway. At least they are almost done. I have to buy a few more cards.

Good night for now. Love ya, Gram and Papa.